@MikeBenzCyber suggests that they may refuse to certify Trump as President by using the 14th Amendment and the House of Representatives to give the electors to Kamala claiming Trump is not fit to serve given January 6th after a crisis event occurs. This is a dangerous cornered animal. It's going to be very interesting to see what happens in the next couple of months.
"They "may" make the argument that Donald Trump is disqualified under the 14th amendment because of January 6th... There is too much on the line for them. The fog of war is too thick. I think that this is the most important election in US history... I think if it was a fair fight he would win in a landslide but the fight is not fair but just how unfair it is, is still unclear."
Extremely on point. This is it exactly. Add to this that most of those gutter trash mouth breathers live inside the DC bubble and think they are shielded from retribution. They are everything you just described AND they live under the delusion of safety. They are not.
Is there a website where people can connect with local patriots? There's gotta be more organized approach for freedom loving people.
It's gunna be a complete shitshow.
Well, there was all that hullabaloo about Gab and Parler being used for J6 attendees using.
I don't think it turned out too well for people using it, though. So all I can say is be careful because anything you put on the internet is out there forever, for anyone to see. Don't assume the companies will respect your privacy if shit goes sideways.
I would recommend getting involved with local Trump Get Out The Vote operations. Not only can you help us ensure a Too Big To Rig Election, but many of these people could be your future best friends. You would already know you have a major shared interest, and knowing people locally is absolutely essential in any kind of SHTF event in the future.
Any gun shows scheduled for your area in the near future?
Problem is how to avoid connecting with Fed Bois. I had a Proud Boy try to recruit me once and I was getting a bit of a glowy feeling from him.
The solution is to get involved in the common law assemblies of your local town. This is how our republic works. If you can't figure how to find your local assembly then go to the most conservative church in your town and start asking people about it.