Updated with Wikileaks/Tucker and Putin: Israel Threatening the Nuclear Samson Option
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He also said that the clintons are good people. He has to stay clean
There's a theory - not popular in the MAGA crowd - that they're all actually in it together. That's the easiest way to pull off the movie - everyone is in on the script. If that sounds silly, research how fake the Nuremberg trials were (read Miles Mathis). Or research Prescott Bush funding the Nazis. They play both sides, control both sides, easiest way to control the outcome.
I actually started to think that's the most likely explanation for a lot of things. Solves the problem of evil, for example. I wouldn't be surprised if superhuman AI starts telling us that it's obvious.
Right, Trump has to distance himself. Between Assange is correct that Pompeo is black hat and Trump is correct that Pompeo is white hat, I favor the former, for a variety of reasons. They all end the same way, with Trump's enemies hanging at Gitmo.