I will believe it, when I see it. They must be held accountable: law licenses revoked, pay a huge fine, never hold another government job, nd time in prison. After all not only did it put stress on Trump and his family, but these frivolous indictments and trials cost him money, as well as the taxpayers. So no, they don’t get to meekly slink away.
Chase those roaches into the depths and gas them. If they are allowed to live through this they will come back even more villanous.
Conquerors need to conquer. Give no quarter. POTUS Trump promised last time he would "lock her up" and then got into office and gave her a free pass. Free passes are over. Revenge exists for a reason. Exterminate the opposition.
But in an emergency, vacuum them up into one of those disposable bags and toss the bag in a fire in the back yard.
REEEEeeeeeEEEEe. pop.
None of the ways of getting rid of roaches include feeding them and keeping them warm in a special roach-house, or letting them run away and overtake the neighbor's house. Even Kenyans and Chinese don't like roaches very much.
He and all of them need to be perp walked for what they did to that wonderful man and his family! KNOWINGLY.
Put all of those mother fuckers in prison now
I will believe it, when I see it. They must be held accountable: law licenses revoked, pay a huge fine, never hold another government job, nd time in prison. After all not only did it put stress on Trump and his family, but these frivolous indictments and trials cost him money, as well as the taxpayers. So no, they don’t get to meekly slink away.
Chase those roaches into the depths and gas them. If they are allowed to live through this they will come back even more villanous.
Conquerors need to conquer. Give no quarter. POTUS Trump promised last time he would "lock her up" and then got into office and gave her a free pass. Free passes are over. Revenge exists for a reason. Exterminate the opposition.
Roaches are easily killed with some poison bait.
But in an emergency, vacuum them up into one of those disposable bags and toss the bag in a fire in the back yard.
REEEEeeeeeEEEEe. pop.
None of the ways of getting rid of roaches include feeding them and keeping them warm in a special roach-house, or letting them run away and overtake the neighbor's house. Even Kenyans and Chinese don't like roaches very much.
I, as a United States Citizen, I demand the amount of the cost of the Trumps witch hunt NOW
That’s proof that everything was political.
Angry goose: why did you drop the case if there was a crime? Why did you drop the case Jack? WHY?