It’s the calm before the storm. And also when your in the fight, for years, all you really know is the fight. In the calm, you’ll feel uneasy. Only in the fight you feel normal. That’s battle hardened my friend. Means you need some peace brother. Always take that moment to connect with our savior Jesus Christ. Bring all burdens and worries to Him. The Holy Spirit will let you know what’s up. When I settle down for a minute, and ask these questions of this stillness, this calm. I just hear this….”do you trust me?” Yes I do Lord. Yes I do. God has got this. Always did. And it doesn’t matter what happens in the future. I’m not a changed person after this election. Jesus hasn’t changed. My faith in humanity isn’t changed. My faith in God hasn’t changed. No no, not at all. But prayers have been answered. I hope they continue to be answered. By the Grace of God. I pray for those who are in fear right now. Let them find Christ at this time. A perfect time. I hope I can help. Let us not forgot who got us here. Let us help those in understanding that only through Jesus Christ will you have comfort and peace. So take this time brothers and sisters. Talk to God. Give Him the glory. And let’s stay at it. Continue your studies of our Lord and His Word. Let us continue to stand up for what’s right. The battle doesn’t have to be over, it never ends. But find that peace and trust in it. Once your in the hand of the Father, you cannot be removed. ❤️
Only thing I can think of it they are pumping the stocks and crypto to get the last $$$ they can from the FED, and they crash it right as Trump gets in. Way too quiet.
Well stated fren. An experienced officer with spidey sense going off. Been feeling the same thing.
Moves and counter moves. They planned on stealing this election and it didn't happen. We sense the temporary lull in the fighting knowing that contingency plans are being formalized and will be put into action between now and inauguration day, as well as in the days to follow. But, we are not as one that blindly enters the fray unaware or mistakenly thinks the war is over because of winning this battle. We use the quiet on the front to shore up our defenses and prepare for the next assault that we know is coming.
You are correct. We are battle hardened and our eyes are open. Our armor has been tested and though we have taken some casualties, we still stand strong against our enemies. Be encouraged and be strong my fellow soldiers, though the war is still not yet over, we know who ultimately wins in the end. Praise be to our God and Savior who goes before us and to Him belongs the victory.
It’s the calm before the storm. And also when your in the fight, for years, all you really know is the fight. In the calm, you’ll feel uneasy. Only in the fight you feel normal. That’s battle hardened my friend. Means you need some peace brother. Always take that moment to connect with our savior Jesus Christ. Bring all burdens and worries to Him. The Holy Spirit will let you know what’s up. When I settle down for a minute, and ask these questions of this stillness, this calm. I just hear this….”do you trust me?” Yes I do Lord. Yes I do. God has got this. Always did. And it doesn’t matter what happens in the future. I’m not a changed person after this election. Jesus hasn’t changed. My faith in humanity isn’t changed. My faith in God hasn’t changed. No no, not at all. But prayers have been answered. I hope they continue to be answered. By the Grace of God. I pray for those who are in fear right now. Let them find Christ at this time. A perfect time. I hope I can help. Let us not forgot who got us here. Let us help those in understanding that only through Jesus Christ will you have comfort and peace. So take this time brothers and sisters. Talk to God. Give Him the glory. And let’s stay at it. Continue your studies of our Lord and His Word. Let us continue to stand up for what’s right. The battle doesn’t have to be over, it never ends. But find that peace and trust in it. Once your in the hand of the Father, you cannot be removed. ❤️
Its the eye of the storm
Only thing I can think of it they are pumping the stocks and crypto to get the last $$$ they can from the FED, and they crash it right as Trump gets in. Way too quiet.
Logical conclusion
Really well said. I am just sitting here thinking “that’s it?”. Seemed way too easy.
Well stated fren. An experienced officer with spidey sense going off. Been feeling the same thing.
Moves and counter moves. They planned on stealing this election and it didn't happen. We sense the temporary lull in the fighting knowing that contingency plans are being formalized and will be put into action between now and inauguration day, as well as in the days to follow. But, we are not as one that blindly enters the fray unaware or mistakenly thinks the war is over because of winning this battle. We use the quiet on the front to shore up our defenses and prepare for the next assault that we know is coming.
You are correct. We are battle hardened and our eyes are open. Our armor has been tested and though we have taken some casualties, we still stand strong against our enemies. Be encouraged and be strong my fellow soldiers, though the war is still not yet over, we know who ultimately wins in the end. Praise be to our God and Savior who goes before us and to Him belongs the victory.
Amen! 🙏🏼