Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
The Democrats made a BIG mistake in getting Crazy Liz Chaney, and her father, Dick, involved in their campaign for President. It made the Republicans angry, and the Democrats just plain scratching their heads in amazement. It is always a bad idea to bring ...
I can’t remember how to post/quote Q drops, but 1559 looks promising. Viv[A] vs Viv[e] could be interpreted as Chaney vs Cheney, in which case DECLAS is on the menu
That and this. Filtered on A in the kill box [A]. Nov 9, 2017 two interesting posts: 128 & 129. Closing Act?
The killboxes read:
That is the only time in the Q drops where there is an [a], rather than [A] it appears in:
4th line from top. "Attached gr[A]phic is correct
128 [C]los[I]ng [A]ct: Dismantled. Impossible to clean. Operations --> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency Q