Meet Ashlee Walker, an elementary school teacher at
in Texas. Ashlee says “f*ck every single” Trump voter, claims she “hates this country,
🧠 These people are stupid!
Although I'm all for dismantling Feducation, I would like some mechanism for automatic disbarring of 'educators' who make profane public social media posts. You can't do that and be trusted with Safeguarding responsibility. For all our faults, we even have that here in the UK.
There is a massive infrastructure of union barons known as the NEA, with affiliates in every state. It's very difficult to fire a tenured teacher in America because of the NEA. The uniserv reps represent the teachers when they run into any difficulty. Many of the NEA affiliate jobs pay very very well.
Are you enjoying Chapter 47 so far fren? 😎
DEI hire would do that.
Once the Dept. of Education is dismantled and education returned to the states, each state can have its own standards. Red states like Texas (and my home state of Tennessee, and others) will be "unburdened by what has been" and can hire and fire at will. The blue states, however, will probably continue to turn out dunces who won't fare well into the 21st Century, and will under-perform compared to children educated in the red states.
I suspect it'll be even more confined than that, to blue cities within the so-called blue states.
Oh well
I hope you don't have kids in school.
My reply was more of a "Throw that one in the wood chipper" kind of meaning. At minimum, she should be fired and never allowed to teach kids again.
I would support fire and a mark in the record. She can wash dishes but not teach kids. I agree.
I heard McDonalds is hiring. Maybe her washing out a fry machine for six months would motivate her to change her tune. Too bad 80% of all teachers have this mentality. No wonder our country is filled with slackjawed dolts. We need a good reform of the school system and I hope Trump has the stones to clean house.
That or go to teach in Saudi Arabia.
As crazy as this sounds, apparently some teachers' certification is fraudulent...
Cheating. Oh yeah.
I hate,I hate, I hate, then, you are all for hate. Get this fucking loser away from kids now.
Saudi Arabia always need English teacher.
Probably a nutrient deficit. Leaves them easily brainwashed. MAHA. Mentally too. Just saying.
Out of work and on the street will soon learn, hopefully.
I hope every single one of them expose themselves like that idiot did.
The sheeple need to see where all the craziness is being created.
It starts in the elementary public school system. That tactic was taught to the commies a very long time ago. The problem should be addressed immediately so that we can stop turning out liberal lunatics.
How did she even get hire? Oh, I forgot, DEI
[email protected]...
Nuff said
Imagine thinking that in order to have a functioning society, it is necessary to fornicate with everything that moves, then rip the resultant children to shreds in your womb, and inject their remains into other peoples’ children. Wait, they don’t officially do that last one. I’m sure it doesn’t happen.
Want to bet? LOL
Green font!
Yeah but Trump won so hahahahahaha
That's right!
She fat for starters. Imagine being vindictive towards children and their parents; pretty low character. Hope she’s fired by Thursday.
Fat and stupid? Bad combo.
I don’t want to meet her.
LOL. True.
This twat should move somewhere her woke views are appreciated. I hear Iraq is nice this time of year.
Yes. Send her there to teach. Oh, Saudi Arabia hires a lot of English teacher also.
Wow. That’s a bummer.
The department of indoctrination ahem ...education was trying to indoctrinate a generation of students, but they got the teachers so badly that half of the gen z students realised it was happening and voted for trump 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Great name for them. Department of Indoctrination.
This lunatic needs to go bye-bye.
And name taken of the voter roll....
Jump bitch!
Out of a job soon I hope.
Need I go on?
Saudi Arabia is always looking for English teacher.
Oh no. If all school teachers have this same mentality and they spout off radical nonsense, AND THEY GET FIRED FOR THEIR WORDS, does this mean we won't have teachers pretty soon? The horror of having to close our schools because there are not any teachers left to teach. How will our children learn? Ugh, I just cannot go on with worrying about this......When will this madness end? (sarc)
How about all the good, retired teachers come out and help? I know quite a few.
But those good teachers retired for a reason, probably the most common two reasons were they had enough time in (20 years) or they just got tired of the low browed kids they had to teach...."Yo, teach! Wat's up?" Hey, I'm all for retired teachers coming back, just make sure they have the tools necessary to implant the knowledge into the minds of the youth. If they can have an iron fist in the classroom so there won't be any distractions from unredeemable kids, then, sure, bring them back. But if the school administration still insists we treat all our kids with "kid gloves" then why even care? Sometimes kids learn by the threat of a hammer, other learn by being touchy-feely. For me, I always did my best under the gun, and the rainbows and kittens style of teaching was left for the girls.
You and I both.
Wow...she needs a rubber room.
I think she needs to Saudia Arabia
Ah, an another anti God anti Christian gives her low brow opinion. Look, she's indoctrinated and untrained in critical.thought. you can expect no less from a product of the failed liberal brain warping machine.
She can go pick litter for a profession or go teach in Saudi Arabia. Her choice.
shes got a hatred problem
and stupid too...