First, regulate VFDs out of existence, then Insurance Premiums in rural areas become prohibitive, then nobody can afford to live outside of cities. Hopefully either DOGE kills this or some court rules this violates Chevron.
You know it’s funny how times change- my first husband was a volunteer firefighter and EMT — we lived in very rural Texas but he and others from our tiny firefighting unit went to firefighting school in college station (Texas A&M) for two weeks - they learned a lot about building fires but all we had were spring thunderstorm lightening wildfires— they were good at those too but so was every cowboy who was born and raised there with zero training 😑
First, regulate VFDs out of existence, then Insurance Premiums in rural areas become prohibitive, then nobody can afford to live outside of cities. Hopefully either DOGE kills this or some court rules this violates Chevron.
edit: Sorry about the apostrophe.
You know it’s funny how times change- my first husband was a volunteer firefighter and EMT — we lived in very rural Texas but he and others from our tiny firefighting unit went to firefighting school in college station (Texas A&M) for two weeks - they learned a lot about building fires but all we had were spring thunderstorm lightening wildfires— they were good at those too but so was every cowboy who was born and raised there with zero training 😑