More like, people who refuse to think for themselves. People don't want to believe they are slaves, yet....look how easily they believe things that can very, very easily be disproven.
Slavery isn't just physical - these people are 100% slaves to the hive mind
You are so right! People have lost the ability for critical thinking. I've gotten to the point when they are spouting ridiculous nonsense, I just suggest they research Operation Mockingbird and Turn Off the TV, and the conversation is over. They are really too brainwashed for a conversation. They have to discover the truth for themselves.
Slavery isn't just physical - these people are 100% slaves to the hive mind
I posted a link to Jonathan Cahn’s Return of the Gods video the other day. Several of us have spoken about how they are in a very real sense sacrificing babies to Molech. Some of us have also noted how the trans/sodomy agenda is related to Ishtar and Baphomet.
Few, if any, have really pointed out, and even with myself it only occurred very recently, that the NPC syndrome were are seeing might be related to Ba’al, who was known as “the possessor”. There was another god called Beelzebub, or Ba’al Zebub, which means “Lord of the Flies”. Flies start as worms. These possessions may be related to parasitic infections.
They’ve been spiking the water with Flouride to make us sick and calcify pineal glands, should we demand that ivermectin start being added to the water to get rid of parasites and cancers?
It so totally blows my mind that these people could believe this. The worse thing is people I know personally 100% believe this and I find it astounding that they don’t have one glimpse of what the truth actually is. These are intelligent people who btw think my family is stupid. I’m so frustrated and frankly confused by their total oblivion to what is going on around them. I wonder how this can be. It’s not enough to say they are unintelligent or ignoring facts. It has to be something more.
It truly is. I've been watching the Liberal meltdowns on youtube with all the B4 idiots. These women are truly insane; cutting off all their hair, screaming, threatening to harm or kill Trump supporters. One of them was actually barking! All in all some of the most hateful and deranged people I've ever seen, and nearly all female. At least they've vowed to not have children, so that's a good thing for children.
I have a friend with a TED talk about vaccines and how great they are. He used to make fun of me before he quit talking to me.
He thinks just because he has a PhD he is smarter than almost everyone. He doesn't go around acting like it but you can tell.
He is going to be in for a ride awakening. I'm going to do a super cut on his Ted talk and post it to the net and here. After it gets a bunch of views I'll send him a link and be like "Did you see what someone did to your Ted Talk?"
Haha! I love it! I was lectured by the same crowd (my older sister) that I should get vaxxed and at the very least my son, which I didn’t. So which one of us got Covid—for a month. Not me!
These people are inoculated from the truth, handing over their discernment to media that validate their confirmation bias. Deep down I believe they know the truth but just can't come to terms with it. Kind of like how they are treating RFK right now - these leftys are talking about how measles will make a comeback. All what RFK is saying to have better testing and they devolve into vaccines being completely abolished. How interesting they connected the dots.
Vaccines need to be completely abolished because they are completely worthless. That have had zero effect on disease. Well maybe not zero, they are responsible for the epidemic of cancer and chronic diseases like Alzheimers, autism, Parkinsons and diabetes.
It is unbelievable how many are programed by the MSM, and actually believe the DOJ is fair.and elections are honest.
Where is their critical thinking???
I don't get it either my fren!
Yeah. As they type, headlines cross my screen announcing Biden's missile attack on Russia, the Laken Riley illegal alien murder, rampant inflation, etc . ..
These Schiffferbrains don't even hear themselves speak!
I'm related to people like this. Some of them are very intelligent, but unfortunately are completely indoctrinated into the leftist mindset.
They only access their information from the MSM, Google, Facebook and other establishment information sources.
When offered what they consider alternate information, they refuse to accept it unless the information can be completely confirmed by the the establishment information sources.
It becomes an example of "Catch 22"
Until some major, uncomfortable changes occur to cause them to open their minds to what is actually happening they will continue to resist any change.
It's become a waiting game, where patience and tolerance will eventually succeed to slowly awaken these people to the new world that at present they are oblivious to.
Psychological warfare. Winning hearts and minds can be a slow, careful process.
Yes, the Catch 22. The commies block decent people from going under cover in the communist system by requiring gross, blackmailable initiations. So all the people who make it at least a step or two up in the commie hierarchy are converged and guilty, but they’re the only ones with credibility in the eyes of the delusiotards. The delusiotards don’t accept criticism of the communist system from people who have avoided moving up in the communist system.
Imagine thinking trading in the roof over your head for a pile of federal reserve debt notes is a good idea. These retards are going to have to learn to survive without being mollycoddled by the American taxpayer. I still have hope.
These people will know they’re slaves when the IRS shows up for all of their $600+ venmo and paypal transactions. Used to be $20k and 200 transactions. I guess that’s what the 87k new agents were for.
Ignore the medical professionals, administrators, and other whistleblowers who revealed the malpractice of misusing ventilators and of blocking Ivermectin and HCQ in favor of veklury/ remdisivir, and who revealed the malfeasance of the mercenary hospital bonuses paid for murder and for the miscategorization of the murders and many other types of death as “Covid” deaths, and the malfeasance of intentionally and unnecessarily exposing nursing home residents to infection, all for the purpose of making “Covid” seem scarier.
ignore George Floyd’s autopsy that showed a lethal amount of fentanyl in his bloodstream, mixed with amphetemines, and ignore the second released video of the scene where Floyd was already saying “I can’t breave” while sitting upright with no one touching him.
ignore the dozens of people killed and the $2billion in damage caused by the fentanyl floyd riots
ignore the video of blatant ballot fraud at 3am in Atlanta and other evidence of the obvious 2020 election steal
ignore the videos of security waving tourists into the Capitol on Jan 6
ignore the deaths and other adverse effects of the mRNA injections
ignore the Biden administration giving zelensky missiles and the green light to shoot them into Russia, while listening to mockingbird media frets about Trump starting World War 3.
If the delusiotards would swallow their pride and admit that they’ve been bamboozled by all these hoaxes by being willfully ignorant of countervailing evidence, they could take the next step and realize that all of these hoaxes have been pushed by the same jackasses who are now pushing the climate hoax. People have to ask themselves how many times they’re going to allow themselves to be duped so badly.
They are right in that they did fail the Greatest Generation. What they don't realize is that the Greatest Generation is looking down on them and thinking.."How could so many of our citizens be So Stupid and So Pathetic!"
These ww2 soldiers would not be risking their lives if they were told it will further transgenderism and lgbt causes. The delusion of this post is something to behold
The thing is with these leftists, there is always a performative element to their communications. It is very reminiscent of people that I know who have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and other psychopathic disorders. The Marxist ideologies espoused by the left and cultivated by the cabal gradually condition people to become highly manipulative and to construct their own little safe spaces where their conditioned beliefs aren't questioned.
So is the commenter really contemplating selling xim/xers house to prepare for an American collapse? Hardly. It displays to the think bubble that you're on the team and adhere to the orthodoxy. What makes it so corrosive is that they all know on some level that their belief systems are flawed, but every time they avoid using critical thinking or common sense it gets easier to avoid. At the logical conclusion you're left with an NPC. 4-6% lost forever.
I have posted this comment before here. But it is a great explanation about the left~wing part of the democrats. The Democrat's aLeft~Wing is a cult~ Cults can prey on people who are vulnerable, such as those who are looking to escape an unhappy situation or who are suffering from mental health issues. Cult members are often isolated from society and family and are taught to feel incapable of living independently outside of the group. They are often expected to hold extreme beliefs and cannot question them without fear of punishment.
Of all the shit libtards believe, the climate alarmism is one of the craziest. Like, they have been saying this shit for decades, always been wrong, yet more retards believe now than when Gore released that shitty film.
I don't want to live long enough to see all the beautyful animals go extinct...
... because my soul was taken from the earth, just like the animals, so I can play the role of NPC/useful idiot, and this is why I both "run with the herd" AND act like an animal, sans the innocence that animals still possess...
Also I think our age of consent laws need major overhaul and France and Europe are light years ahead of us. I am currently in a poly thruple with my big old polar bear and Mr. Mongoose. My big bear found me in his social studies 7th grade class. Back then I didn't know I was a Frisky Fox deep down yearning to break free! Mr. Mongoose joined us during my junior year of high school. Our big bear introduced both of us to dozens of other forest creatures and we have lots of fun playdates.
We are all very happy and this is completely normal. We love our forest family. HIV+ and on PrEP.
(yes its twisted, but aren't they always, honestly? 😑 )
It just makes me sigh that the propaganda has been so successful. Therefore, the propaganda needs to stop. That, for one, means that the MSM needs to be exposed for everything they've done. There's got to be an Epstein-type clown behind every news organization. That's where they need to start looking.
That’s sad. This dang media. Sick of their lies and agendas. They are literally killing people and don’t care. I feel for the victims of the deepstate. The ones who lost all ability to think for themselves. I was there myself along time ago. They had to commit an atrocity to America to get me there, 9/11. But they had me back then. Was ready to kill whoever Bush told me to.
The brainwashing is real and most likely permanent. It’s been happening for decades, especially since the 1960’s and the widespread use of TV for news. The constant use of talking heads that seemed believable and honest to re-enforce daily doses of propaganda to a gullible public has led to this.
These people are taught to believe the propaganda and nothing else. It is sad that there are millions of them. Q said the awakening would be the crimes against children. They will either wake up or freak totally out. It remains to be seen what will happen to them!
Mockingbird victims.
More like, people who refuse to think for themselves. People don't want to believe they are slaves, yet....look how easily they believe things that can very, very easily be disproven.
Slavery isn't just physical - these people are 100% slaves to the hive mind
You are so right! People have lost the ability for critical thinking. I've gotten to the point when they are spouting ridiculous nonsense, I just suggest they research Operation Mockingbird and Turn Off the TV, and the conversation is over. They are really too brainwashed for a conversation. They have to discover the truth for themselves.
I posted a link to Jonathan Cahn’s Return of the Gods video the other day. Several of us have spoken about how they are in a very real sense sacrificing babies to Molech. Some of us have also noted how the trans/sodomy agenda is related to Ishtar and Baphomet.
Few, if any, have really pointed out, and even with myself it only occurred very recently, that the NPC syndrome were are seeing might be related to Ba’al, who was known as “the possessor”. There was another god called Beelzebub, or Ba’al Zebub, which means “Lord of the Flies”. Flies start as worms. These possessions may be related to parasitic infections.
They’ve been spiking the water with Flouride to make us sick and calcify pineal glands, should we demand that ivermectin start being added to the water to get rid of parasites and cancers?
"...demand that ivermectin start being added to the water to get rid of parasites and cancers?"
Adding Ivermectin to the water would kill 90% of DC since it eliminates parasites.
i am in favor of requiring ivermectin passports to attend public events
These people need to help fight in the Ukraine war effort and post their virtue signal escapades on social media lol.
That will certainly lift their spirits to heaven. If they believe in that.
It so totally blows my mind that these people could believe this. The worse thing is people I know personally 100% believe this and I find it astounding that they don’t have one glimpse of what the truth actually is. These are intelligent people who btw think my family is stupid. I’m so frustrated and frankly confused by their total oblivion to what is going on around them. I wonder how this can be. It’s not enough to say they are unintelligent or ignoring facts. It has to be something more.
Liberalism is a disease.
It truly is. I've been watching the Liberal meltdowns on youtube with all the B4 idiots. These women are truly insane; cutting off all their hair, screaming, threatening to harm or kill Trump supporters. One of them was actually barking! All in all some of the most hateful and deranged people I've ever seen, and nearly all female. At least they've vowed to not have children, so that's a good thing for children.
It’s truly surprising as to how crazy they are.
Demon possession
Fuck'em. You are smarter than they could ever be.
I have a friend with a TED talk about vaccines and how great they are. He used to make fun of me before he quit talking to me.
He thinks just because he has a PhD he is smarter than almost everyone. He doesn't go around acting like it but you can tell.
He is going to be in for a ride awakening. I'm going to do a super cut on his Ted talk and post it to the net and here. After it gets a bunch of views I'll send him a link and be like "Did you see what someone did to your Ted Talk?"
Please post it here too!
Will do. Going to wait until the vaccine is proven bad.
That's probably true of 99%+ of all TEDTalk-ers. :) Many, if not most, are smugly insufferable.
i had a ted talker as a lyft passenger, most insufferable pax ever & he was in some kind of pharmaceutical sales.
Haha! I love it! I was lectured by the same crowd (my older sister) that I should get vaxxed and at the very least my son, which I didn’t. So which one of us got Covid—for a month. Not me!
These people are inoculated from the truth, handing over their discernment to media that validate their confirmation bias. Deep down I believe they know the truth but just can't come to terms with it. Kind of like how they are treating RFK right now - these leftys are talking about how measles will make a comeback. All what RFK is saying to have better testing and they devolve into vaccines being completely abolished. How interesting they connected the dots.
Vaccines need to be completely abolished because they are completely worthless. That have had zero effect on disease. Well maybe not zero, they are responsible for the epidemic of cancer and chronic diseases like Alzheimers, autism, Parkinsons and diabetes.
Oh i know that, it's just interesting they know where this is going the fact they are investigating vaccines.
It is unbelievable how many are programed by the MSM, and actually believe the DOJ is fair.and elections are honest. Where is their critical thinking??? I don't get it either my fren!
Left stopped believing elections are honest after Nov 5th this year
Yeah. As they type, headlines cross my screen announcing Biden's missile attack on Russia, the Laken Riley illegal alien murder, rampant inflation, etc . ..
These Schiffferbrains don't even hear themselves speak!
Useful idiots stopped being useful. So, there’s just idiocy left.💩
Well said.
Fear is a very powerful control mechanism.
"Now, my dear friends, hop on this boxcar so we can take you to a safe place!"
let them live in China for a year or two. then they will see what pollution really is and who is really the villain here.
I'm related to people like this. Some of them are very intelligent, but unfortunately are completely indoctrinated into the leftist mindset.
They only access their information from the MSM, Google, Facebook and other establishment information sources.
When offered what they consider alternate information, they refuse to accept it unless the information can be completely confirmed by the the establishment information sources.
It becomes an example of "Catch 22"
Until some major, uncomfortable changes occur to cause them to open their minds to what is actually happening they will continue to resist any change.
It's become a waiting game, where patience and tolerance will eventually succeed to slowly awaken these people to the new world that at present they are oblivious to.
Psychological warfare. Winning hearts and minds can be a slow, careful process.
We are all waiting for "the event".
Yeah, you can feel it building up with all that is happening.
Yes, the Catch 22. The commies block decent people from going under cover in the communist system by requiring gross, blackmailable initiations. So all the people who make it at least a step or two up in the commie hierarchy are converged and guilty, but they’re the only ones with credibility in the eyes of the delusiotards. The delusiotards don’t accept criticism of the communist system from people who have avoided moving up in the communist system.
It's an ongoing struggle to break through the wall of deception, but we are making progress.
Now Whether a "Precipice" event happens and that allows a more rapid process of Awakening to occur, we'll have to wait and see!
Imagine thinking trading in the roof over your head for a pile of federal reserve debt notes is a good idea. These retards are going to have to learn to survive without being mollycoddled by the American taxpayer. I still have hope.
These people will know they’re slaves when the IRS shows up for all of their $600+ venmo and paypal transactions. Used to be $20k and 200 transactions. I guess that’s what the 87k new agents were for.
LOL the climate scam.
How many failed predictions will it take before these people figure it out?
Guys look!! The weather is weathering!! If we spend money, the weather will be fixed!!!
Checkmate drmpftards!!
Ignore the medical professionals, administrators, and other whistleblowers who revealed the malpractice of misusing ventilators and of blocking Ivermectin and HCQ in favor of veklury/ remdisivir, and who revealed the malfeasance of the mercenary hospital bonuses paid for murder and for the miscategorization of the murders and many other types of death as “Covid” deaths, and the malfeasance of intentionally and unnecessarily exposing nursing home residents to infection, all for the purpose of making “Covid” seem scarier.
ignore George Floyd’s autopsy that showed a lethal amount of fentanyl in his bloodstream, mixed with amphetemines, and ignore the second released video of the scene where Floyd was already saying “I can’t breave” while sitting upright with no one touching him.
ignore the dozens of people killed and the $2billion in damage caused by the fentanyl floyd riots
ignore the video of blatant ballot fraud at 3am in Atlanta and other evidence of the obvious 2020 election steal
ignore the videos of security waving tourists into the Capitol on Jan 6
ignore the deaths and other adverse effects of the mRNA injections
ignore the Biden administration giving zelensky missiles and the green light to shoot them into Russia, while listening to mockingbird media frets about Trump starting World War 3.
If the delusiotards would swallow their pride and admit that they’ve been bamboozled by all these hoaxes by being willfully ignorant of countervailing evidence, they could take the next step and realize that all of these hoaxes have been pushed by the same jackasses who are now pushing the climate hoax. People have to ask themselves how many times they’re going to allow themselves to be duped so badly.
What was that number? 4-6% lost forever?
I honestly think those numbers are a bit too optimistic.
They are right in that they did fail the Greatest Generation. What they don't realize is that the Greatest Generation is looking down on them and thinking.."How could so many of our citizens be So Stupid and So Pathetic!"
These ww2 soldiers would not be risking their lives if they were told it will further transgenderism and lgbt causes. The delusion of this post is something to behold
The thing is with these leftists, there is always a performative element to their communications. It is very reminiscent of people that I know who have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and other psychopathic disorders. The Marxist ideologies espoused by the left and cultivated by the cabal gradually condition people to become highly manipulative and to construct their own little safe spaces where their conditioned beliefs aren't questioned. So is the commenter really contemplating selling xim/xers house to prepare for an American collapse? Hardly. It displays to the think bubble that you're on the team and adhere to the orthodoxy. What makes it so corrosive is that they all know on some level that their belief systems are flawed, but every time they avoid using critical thinking or common sense it gets easier to avoid. At the logical conclusion you're left with an NPC. 4-6% lost forever.
The reddit stereotype of rife mental health issues is sad and scary
Description of a cult.
What an awesome, spot-on description here...and equally awesome profile name. ;)
Fucking lunatics. Libs are honestly like big toddlers.
This just reinforces what a treasure conservative women are.
I have posted this comment before here. But it is a great explanation about the left~wing part of the democrats. The Democrat's aLeft~Wing is a cult~ Cults can prey on people who are vulnerable, such as those who are looking to escape an unhappy situation or who are suffering from mental health issues. Cult members are often isolated from society and family and are taught to feel incapable of living independently outside of the group. They are often expected to hold extreme beliefs and cannot question them without fear of punishment.
Of all the shit libtards believe, the climate alarmism is one of the craziest. Like, they have been saying this shit for decades, always been wrong, yet more retards believe now than when Gore released that shitty film.
TaQo Theory:
... because my soul was taken from the earth, just like the animals, so I can play the role of NPC/useful idiot, and this is why I both "run with the herd" AND act like an animal, sans the innocence that animals still possess...
I support the TaQo theory, and further add on:
Also I think our age of consent laws need major overhaul and France and Europe are light years ahead of us. I am currently in a poly thruple with my big old polar bear and Mr. Mongoose. My big bear found me in his social studies 7th grade class. Back then I didn't know I was a Frisky Fox deep down yearning to break free! Mr. Mongoose joined us during my junior year of high school. Our big bear introduced both of us to dozens of other forest creatures and we have lots of fun playdates. We are all very happy and this is completely normal. We love our forest family. HIV+ and on PrEP.
(yes its twisted, but aren't they always, honestly? 😑 )
MSM's done a damned good job. Now comes the pain. I wonder if this upcoming year will be a banner year for truth.
This site may need quite a bit of updating.
Hey blueheads, many of us felt that America was lost when you white guilt bitches installed Obomber.
It just makes me sigh that the propaganda has been so successful. Therefore, the propaganda needs to stop. That, for one, means that the MSM needs to be exposed for everything they've done. There's got to be an Epstein-type clown behind every news organization. That's where they need to start looking.
Decency? These people have the utter gall to preach about decency??
According to libtards, "decency" is apparently:
The list goes on, but I suppose that's what you get from Satan worshipers and demons.
They should go get some of the healthcare canada provides to depressed people
It’s called MAID
That’s sad. This dang media. Sick of their lies and agendas. They are literally killing people and don’t care. I feel for the victims of the deepstate. The ones who lost all ability to think for themselves. I was there myself along time ago. They had to commit an atrocity to America to get me there, 9/11. But they had me back then. Was ready to kill whoever Bush told me to.
The brainwashing is real and most likely permanent. It’s been happening for decades, especially since the 1960’s and the widespread use of TV for news. The constant use of talking heads that seemed believable and honest to re-enforce daily doses of propaganda to a gullible public has led to this.
These people are taught to believe the propaganda and nothing else. It is sad that there are millions of them. Q said the awakening would be the crimes against children. They will either wake up or freak totally out. It remains to be seen what will happen to them!
This is what the government PSYWAR has done.
Dumb asses.
I feel much less intelligent from reading that crap!
I'll buy the libtard's FL house for cash.
60% off 'market' value, that's my best offer. You want cash on hand, here's a dollar.
Good news! There is no climate crisis!!
How do you become this stupid?
Must not be too hopeless, they’re still typing.
Stupidity and blind obedience to the cesspool media knows NO bounds.
DJT should make room in the busses to send these idiot crybabies packing.
General patton himself said we fucked up in ww3 didnt he
Ww2 u mean?
yes sir :D
These are the ones forever lost.