It finally hit me today - why I think the DS is trying to force WWIII. Everyone seems to think this is about Ukraine, and the DS saving their money-laundering, child and organ-trafficking, bio-labs paradise. I think that is the cover. Sure, the DS needs all of that (and more) and can make great use of the underground tunnels and the tens of thousands of prisoners and wounded (for their organs). But - have you thought about the fact that if Ukraine was taken away the DS will just move their operations to some other country within a year and go forward as if nothing happened?
That made me realize that Ukraine is just a means to an end. What I believe the DS is really doing is forcing WWIII as a distraction for the Trump administration to keep him busy defending the US, Europe, and the rest of our allies for the next 4 years. The US could defend one or two places and still conduct normal business, but would have to completely concentrate on a world war. Especially if a few missiles hit US territory.
I think the DS believes that if they can keep Trump tied up for 4 years protecting our homeland, and that of our allies, he won't be able to drain the swamp, deport the illegals, withdraw from the climate accords BS, withdraw from the WHO, or do most of the reforms he promised. You know - the ones that will demolish the DS. They don't care about collateral damage if it means they win.
Besides - creating WWIII with a CIC Trump gives them an opportunity to stage a bogus attack they can blame on Trump (nuclear launch, destruction of someplace like the Parthenon or the Louvre, or killing a bunch of civilians) so he will be charged with war crimes. That could make it possible for them to kill the MAGA movement once and for all.
I think that is exactly what is going on, but I think Trump will be able to stop their plans with the help of Putin, Xi, and several other people who will understand what is actually going on.
MAGA Dittos!