4 short video clips that explain everything that needs to be understood --
Ken O'Keefe on the lies of history:
David Irving on the fact that the "Holocaust" and "gas chambers" story was invented by British intelligence as a psyop cover story to deflect from Soviet war crimes:
Irving again on the fact that there are NO documents in the archives to support the "official" fake narrative of the Holocaust (such documents do not exist because it did not happen -- it always was, and still is, a psyop):
Ryan Messano about what (and why) things are happening today:
Bullshit disinfo.
Hitler printed his own money and arrested one of the Rothschilds because he was stealing from the Austrian bank.
More bullshit disinfo.
Jews, under communism, already took over Russia and CREATED the USSR in 1917. They tried in 1905, but failed. Took another shot in 1917.
In BOTH cases, they got Russia into a war to distract and weaken. 1904 was war with Japan. 1914 was war with Germany and Austro-Hungaria. In both cases, they wanted to get Russian troops out of Moscow so they could attempt to take over.
It worked in 1917.
The jewish bankers gained a stranglehold over Germany, post-WW1.
By 1939, the jewish communists already had control of USSR for more than a decade, and they were trying to do it to Germany, too, and then the rest of Europe, and then the rest of the world.
Hitler understood that, and it was what he was fighting against.
More bullshit.
Hitler built up the German military over the objections of the West. He did not "annex most of Western Europe." That is just nonsense.
The Treaty of Versaille stole land from Germany, and he took it back. He did not advance into other European countries, until ...
The jews running Poland were raping, torturing, and murdering the ethnic Germans who had been under German authority, but suddenly found themselves in "Poland" as a result of the border shifting, post-WW1. He tried diplomatic means with other nations to step in and put a stop to the atrocities, but they all ignored him because they wanted a pretext for war. Eventually, he had to go in and put a stop to it himself, and sure enough, they used it as the pretext for war.
The Dutch and Belgians, who publicly claimed to be "neutral" in the war, were in fact discovered to be giving England a helping hand by allowing them to bring in military weapons and equipment for a surprise attack on Germany (through supposedly "neutral" countries). Hitler beat them to the punch by marching in to stop it, going all the way to Paris, to make the point.
Former German soldiers explaining to a young Dutch woman why Germany occupied her country, and what was really going on:
The Slavs were murdered by the Soviets (jews), and the Germans were liberators.
Interview of Ukrainian soldier, talking about the Red Terror of the USSR and the liberating Germans:
Roths are jews. They and their jewish allies already had control of USSR. There was nothing to "take back."
"How Hitler saved Europe" -- detailed explanation of Stalin's war plans to invade Germany, and continue all the way to England:
100% facts all of it. Very rare to come across another who is aware of Poland and Czechoslovakia's basic ethnic cleansing of Germans before the war - for years and years it was going on Hitler asked England and France twice for assistance.
I always ask folks why did the Nazi's just level Poland and Czechoslovakia, and then basically march unopposed to Paris?
All pure facts about the Jews and the banks. Another question to ask for repilling is what was going on, world wide, before WW2? The Great Depression. What brought the end to it? It wasn't the war ;)
Funny how all of these countries miraculasly stop genociding the Germans as soon as WW2 ends.(in before "but but but they were genocided post ww2" and yet somehow their population doubled since 1945)
But you know what never stopped post WW2? The cabals war on slavs. Their ethnic cleansing is ongoing to this day. Also funny how out of all the deaths during WW2, 40 million are slavs.
Funny how all of that works.
I hate to see the Slavs getting genocided, now or back then.
I also hate to see the truth about how the Germans were also genocided.
Both are terrible.
Both have been murdered at the hands of jews. It's just that the jews gaslight you about what really happened in history -- and what is happening today.
Oh boy, where do I even start with this one? First of you sound like a redditor who got trigerred, bulshit disinfo reee.
Second of all, Q called out Nazis on multiple occasions even going as far as calling the NWO a Nazi World Order. Any notion that Hitler was a white hat is smooth brain take.
Third of all, I actually lived in the USSR. I have first hand experience of everything I'm saying. And I can tell you for a fact: people would spit in your face if you attempted to tell them that Hitler tried saving them considering the shit they had to go through.
With that being said, let me address the reeeing and bulshit disinfo claims.
So did Stalin. As a matter of fact, during Stalin's reign he attached the ruble to the golden standard and banned usury all together.
He also executed a lot of zionist jews. You remember the 96% of jews that were part of the Soviet apparatus when Lenin took over? You know how many were left after Stalin died? I'll help you out here: 2%.(more on that below)
The purges were aimed at the zionist jews who wanted to stage a coup and overthrow Stalin and have Trotskii come back.
Remember the cold war? Here is a fun fact you can verify yourself. The reason the cold war started is because Stalin refused to sign the Breton Woods treaty. In case you didn't know, Breton Woods made the US dollar reserve currency of the world.
Stalin refused to sign it because he would be handing the control of the national currency to an external power.
You argument doesn't make sense considering that the USSR came out stronger post WW2. If anything Hitler basically handed Stalin all of eastern Europe on a platter. Not sure how he saved the white race while handing most of it over to the bolsheviks.
As for the jews controling Russia,I can tell you right now that they didn't because they were killed. Trotskii, Tukhashevskii, Yagoda, Zinoviev all zionists all purged from the aparatus.
But let me tell you what else Stalin did:
Purged the LGBTQ movement- before Weimar and your precious uncle Adolf, the LGBTQ capital of the world was Moscow. Lenin era USSR was an infested with tranies and all sorts of degenerates. Stalin banned all of that and sent them to gulags for reeducation while reestablishing the nuclear family and traditional values. Something you like to say Hitler did and always give him props for it. Funny how when a different dictatorship does it, it's all crickets.
Decriminalized christianity- Stalin was an ex-priest himself who became disilussioned with the church hierarchy. Up until WW2 being a Christian would land you in jail. Post WW2, everyone was allowed to be a Christian. Not as freely as the west mind you, it was a dictatorship after all.
Banned usury and predatory loans - all USSR citizens were debt free. All services were free as well. They had no income tax as well. The only tax they paid was the property tax which constituted around 1 weeks worth of wages over the course of an year.
I can go on and on. However I can tell you this: there is a reason why all of the based European countries are ex-Soviet bloc ones: Russia, Belarus, Poland, Hungary. There is a reason why non of them have any national guilt. It's because the commies reinforced national pride as being part of the collective.
I grew up with no porn, no drugs, no fluoride in my water, no lgbtq propaganda, no violence or sex on tv. As you can imagine, it was a very nice period to live in, and 80% of Russian will agree with me on that.
In reality billions were being poured in by the British and American corporations. The Bush family was even investigated by Congress for funding his regime during WW2.
Even so, per Versaille treaty, the Allies(Britain and France) were supposed to make sure Germany never rearms itself. If it does, they were supposed to step in and stop it, BY FORCE.
But what do we have?
Germany starts rebuilding it's military - crickets
Germany takes back Studetland - crickets
Germany takes Austria - crickets
Germany annexes Czechoslovakia
Let me stop here.
Did you know that the Soviets and Czecoslovakia had a mutual defense pact? As a matter of fact, the Soviets asked both Poland and the Allies to attack Nazi Germany or at the very least, let them pass through Poland to aid Czecoslovakia.
So there it is, the perfect oportunity to attack Germany 4 vs 1: USSR, England, France and Poland.
And yet nothing happened. As a matter of fact, the Allies told the Soviets not go through Poland.
The result?
Germany and Poland both annex Czechoslovakia, enabled by the Brits and France while the Soviets got shafted.
Now riddle me this? If Germany was facing a monolithic conspiracy from these powers, why did this happen? Why did these powers allow Germany to get even stronger? The math ain't mathin here buddy.
Funny how you use a bit of critical thinking, and your argument falls apart.
It is an emotional argument, that's all it is.
But but but, the Germans said dei good boyz, they be aryans en shieet. That's all there is to it.
Your emotional argument belongs on plebbit and not here. Only liberals use emotions to argument their position.
Q told us as much. Use questions and think critically. Just because the western media hates Hitler, doesn't mean he was a good guy. As I mentioned, he was patsy who played his part.
You can also thank him for having anti-semitic laws. Funny how that works: he builds camps that target jews, and yet everyone is ok in them. And yet the ones that target slavs have a death rate of 60% compared to 10% for the rest of the allies. According to your logic, those 60% were shot by commies as well while being in captivity. All of them were comissars too probably.
Your are right about this. Initially a lot of the Slavs viewed the Germans as liberators. Soon that would change dramatically once the local populaces got a taste of what this liberation was like.
Here is a quick video of how the noble Germans treated the Soviet POWs. Fair warning, it gets very intense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeRR100incE
As a sidenote, did you know that out of all the prisoners that entered the German capitivity in 1941, 80% died. The overall Soviet pow death rate is 57% in 4 years. By comparison, the evil subhuman bolshevik scum only killed 33% of German pows from 1941 to 1955.
Imagine that, the Germans had a higher survivability rate in the gulags over the course of 10-14 years as opposed to Soviets(mostly Russians, Bielorussians and Ukranians) who were humanely treated by the liberating Germans.
If you want numbers, here there are:
Out of 5.7 Soviet Pows that entered german captivity, 3.1 million died over the course of 4 years or about 775k per year.
By comparison out of 3 million German Pows that entered soviet captivity, 1 miilion died over the course of 10 years or 100k per year.
By this metric alone, the death rate for soviet pows was 7x of their german counterparts.
I can go on and on. The problem is that I don't think you'll read most of this comment anyway.
The point is that you've been duped into believing the whole persecuted German lie.
Response (1 of 2):
And you sound both immature and ignorant.
Starting off with ad hominem only shows your inability to debate a subject.
Appeal to authority is also a fallacy and not substance.
Again, with immature ad hominem, and nothing of substance on the topic.
You did not live there during the Stalin and Hitler years.
You and the Russians have been gaslighted and lied to about this topic, just like has been done to the Germans, the Americans, the Brits, and everyone else.
I don't give a FUCK what emotions drive people to irrational thoughts.
I care about what EVIDENCE can be presented to support a claim.
You have presented NONE.
I have not looked into the Soviet laws on usury or gold standard.
A quick search turned up a Wiki page about the Soviet Ruble (Russian Ruble was outlawed), where they did have some that were backed by gold and others that were not.
But this is weird:
This implies that any gold standard there was didn't work out so well, which is weird.
I also found a statement by someone claiming to know about usury in the USSR, and he stated that there was interest paid on bank accounts and interest on loans was a complicated system. He also said it didn't matter much because nobody could own any property -- no car purchases, no real estate purchases.
Contrast that to Germany where Hitler created the Volkswagon (the "people's car") for everyone to own one, created the autobahn for everyone to get around the country, and a housing program where everyone could own their own home. For each child born, 1/4 of the mortgage was forgiven. Have 4 children, and you own your own home free and clear.
So, don't feed me anymore bullshit about how Stalin was the same as Uncle Adolph. Slavery in the USSR; freedom in "Nazi" Germany.
Here is an account of a "Hitler Youth" member and what life was like in Germany from 1935-1945:
"Living in Adolf Hitler's Germany" --
If you are trying to convince me that Stalin was a power-hungry monster, save your typing fingers. I agree. He and Mao were the two most evil monsters in the history of the Earth.
Where I will not agree is if you put Hitler into that same category. Because that would be a bald-faced jewish gaslighted lie.
None of your statements about Stalin have anything to do with the FACT that the Holocaust is a jewish lie.
You made the claim that Hitler was used as a pawn so Rothschild could "get control back of the USSR" and I pointed out that they already had control.
If your claim is that Stalin later got control of the USSR from the jews and they used Hitler to get it back, I would say that is not likely.
The jewish-controlled Britain and the jewish-controlled USA wanted the jewish-controlled USSR on the Eastern Front so that Germany would be surrounded. They wanted to take out Germany because it had become an economic threat by having such great success under Hitler's economic policy. Germany had become the #1 economy in the world in just 5 years.
In hindsight, yes. That is because Stalin double-crossed him.
Stalin's plan was to take over all of Europe, though, and Hitler did stop that.
The jews -- not only those in Russia, but also the jewish bankers who funded the operation in New York and London -- were the ones who overthrew the czar and formed the Soviet Union, instituting a system of slavery of the Russian people.
The Russians had no problem with the czar. It was outsiders -- jews and those they hired from other countries -- who did the dirty work of the takeover, and then slaughtered millions of Russians.
If Stalin then gained control though his evil secret police and murderous actions, I will agree.
That does not change the FACT that jews were the ones who overthrew Russia and it was jews who were behind the mass murder of Russians early on, and also during Stalin's years.
The Weimar Republic in Germany started in 1919 and lasted until Hitler took over in 1933. Stalin came to power in 1922.
If he got rid of the faggots in the 1920's, and if Moscow was the depravity capital of Europe at that time, it is only because the jews were the ones in control until Stalin walked in the door.
Then they must have moved their depravity to Berlin, which became the new European capital of degeneracy, until Hitler walked in the door.
NONE OF THIS has anything to do with YOUR CLAIM that Hitler was some sort of puppet of Roth. In fact, this only shows the similarities of Stalin and Hitler regarding cleaning up the degeneracy.
But their similarities are few. Hitler's Germany was a paradise compared to Stalin's USSR.
I have not looked into Stalin nearly as much as I have Hitler.
The lies about Stalin are to make him look good when in fact he was evil.
The lies about Hitler are to make him look evil when in fact he was good.
Big difference -- at least, to me.
All USSR citizens were FUCKING SLAVES.
So, who cares about interest?
The same could be said of the slaves in Mississippi in 1820.
That would be counter to communism, as communism demands conformity.
See: China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea.
You want me to believe that the USSR was a special brand of communism? I don't.
So did I. And my parents could own a house.
They could also leave their country and travel around the world.
The Soviets could not.
Which years are you talking about?
Pre- or Post-1991?
Germany was the #1 economy in the world under Hitler, so OF COURSE there would be A LOT of economic trade -- especially the usual deep state suspects.
Response (2 of 2):
The Bush family was/is a crime syndicate.
You will get no argument from me.
Samuel Bush was buddies with Rockefeller and accused of illegal weapons dealing with Germans in WW1.
He and Prescott both were investigated under the Trading with the Enemies Act circa WW2.
Yes, I know.
Reminder: The people who lived in those locations were ethnic Germans, who had lived in "Germany" prior to WW1, and suddenly the borders were moved post-WW1. They wanted to rejoin Germany, and Hitler made it happen.
You think the fact that nobody immediately went to war proves that Hitler was a puppet?
I don't.
There was a Great Depression going on at the time, and no will among the people of Europe or USA to go right back to war again. The was just 10-15 years later.
How strong was Germany -- REALLY?
As late as 1941, 75% of the German military supply lines were handled by horses.
The world looked a lot different then vs. now.
England, France, etc. had a tough time convincing anyone, including their own people, that they should go to war just because some Germans were reuniting with their brothers and sisters.
I don't see the hidden story that you do.
I am saying ONE PRIMARY thing:
You have provided NO EVIDENCE, NO ARGUMENT, NOTHING AT ALL to refute that, while I posted at least some info from people who have throuroghly researched the topic, and I studied the subject a lot.
We can each make up our own minds, but there is NO QUESTION that this is a fact: YOU HAVE PROVIDED NOTHING BUT RED HERRING AFTER RED HERRING.
You have not even bothered to respond to the subject, so that is the end of the "debate," as I see it.
I have provided information to back up my claim.
It is YOU who have provided nothing on this subject, and your various other statements (which are unrelated) have nothing to back them up other than your own statements.
I could no find anything on a quick search about Stalin and banning usury -- not that it is releveant at all to this debate, but at least I looked it up.
I doubt you have bothered to look into anything that I have provided.
You continue with stupid ad hominems that are not only objectively false, but also an attempt to gaslight and derail the discussion.
LOL. You don't even see your own self-contradiction.
You mean "anti-jew" laws. Jews are not semites.
And it is the jews who are responsible for those laws, not anyone who died 80 years ago.
Stalin was evil. I already agreed with you on that.
But ... AGAIN ...
That has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT ... that the Holocause was and is a ... LIE.
You have done nothing at all to refute that point.
The video you cited is very interesting.
First, it is a list of quotes from several books that the creator of the video decided to put into his video.
The time period is 1941, right after Operation Barbarossa.
I watched an interview of Benton Bradberry, who wrote a book about the Germans during the Hitler years. He stated that he was fascinated about this time period and had read dozens of books on the subject.
After awhile, he started to question some of these anti-Hitler books because he would see photos that were claimed to be different things in different books. He would read ridiculous accounts of stories claiming all sorts of things.
He eventually did his own research and wrote his own book.
Some of the quotes in this video are the types he mentioned were just made up. I don't know, and I don't have a lifetime to research it in detail.
I do note that the creator of your video has another video where he is "sounding the alarm" at the "problem" that AI is being used now to translate Adolf Hitler's speeches into other languages, so people can see for themselves what Hitler was acutally saying in those fiery speeches.
Haven't you ever noticed that [they] want you to see his body language when he spoke but [they] don't seem to want to show you what he actually SAID?
That has always puzzled me.
This guy is worried that AI is changing that and spreading Hitler's "harmful ideas to the world." He thinks this is a serious problem.
That tells me his bias, just like Bradberry talked about.
But regardless ...
So, these side stories are interesting, but there is only so much time.
I'm sure you can. But I can't.
LOL. I respond almost point-for-point.
Unlike you.
Good luck. I see nothing productive from this discussion, since you have spent a lot of time on interesting topics, but not THIS topic that I raised.
Nothing you said addressed the issues of (a) there are NO documents to support any aspect of the Holocaust story, (b) there are documents that DO support the hidden story of the British intel psyop which created the fake Holocaust story, and (c) the jews have been gaslighting you, me, and everyone else for nearly a century, and it is time we learn the truth.
Maybe AI will help in that.
So, thanks for leading me to that tip.
One final thought --
You obviously think Hitler was evil.
That is a conclusion you have reached, based on ideas you believe.
Like almost eveyone else, one of those things you believe, which lead you to the conclusion that Hitler was evil, is the Holocaust.
All I am really saying in this thread is that you have to remove the Holocaust as one of your reasons, because the Holocaust is a lie.
The evidence supports my position, not yours.
So, take that one out of your "bag or reasons why I hate Hitler," and then rethink it.
I plan to do some reasearch on the AI translations of Hitler's speeches.
Should be interesting.
Reply 1 of 2:
I will reply directly to this post to address a lot of your inaccuracies as well as lack of knowledge. The problem is that you are making a lot of assumptions and yet you think you are telling the truth.
Let's begin:
I didn't, but my parents and grandparents lived there. All of them are in agreement that times were tough, but fair. When asked who do they think is the best USSR ruller, Stalin sits at the front of the queue by a country mile.
I can also go on about how Nazis treated my grandparents during the occupation of their village. I can tell you how they executed my anti-communist great grandpa right in front of my grandma and her sister. I can tell you how the German allies(the Romanians) beat my grandma senseless for refusing to hand over her horse because they needed it for the war effort. I can also tell you how both the Germans and Romanians confiscated all her livestock and chickens almost causing them to die of starvation. I can also tell about how the Romanians forcefully drafted my grandma's 17 year old brother(even though he wasn't an adult) and sent him to die not from Stalingrad.
But I won't bore you with the details, since this is an emotional argument after all.
What? There is a reason I called your argument a smooth brain take, because clearly if you can't see any evidence despite me presenting tons of it, is a problem.
Umm, not sure how to tell you this, but in the USSR any married couple was entered in line to receive a free apartment/house(depending if they lived in the city/village)free of charge from day 1. The more kids you had, the bigger the arrangement. For example: my dad received a 3 bedroom apartment once he turned 24. My ex's dad got a free 5 bedroom 3 bathroom apartment because he had a large family.
So believe it or not, programs like the one you mentioned existed not in the Reich alone. As a matter of fact, the free apartment program was scrapped with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. And now the "free" Russians are debt slaves to their mortgage.
Again, they became an economic power house because of the billions poured by the cabal banking system and their oil companies. Once the investment dried up, Germans were almost starving, hence they had to invade the USSR to get Ukraine and the Caucaus range for food and oil. But don't worry, they did that because the Soviets were conveniently plotting to attack them first.
You need to study Russian history more. Pre bolshevik Russia was a backwater feudal agrarian society with a caste system. The peasants were treated like real slaves even though they were "free". The boiling point was WWI which was preceded by a couple of major famines(pretty common under the Russian empire btw). The point is that contrary to the dominating narrative here, Russia was in a far worse shape as an Empire rather than under the commies.
You do know that both USSR and Nazi Germany fought against each other during the Spanish civil war?
You also do know that USSR wanted to assist the Allies during the annexation of Czechoslovakia?
The notion that they were friends or allies is plain wrong. The Molotov Ribentrop pact was response from the USSR to buy themselves some time to arm up because they were falling way behind.
This theory is not supported by a simple litmus test, and that is that the USSR was in the middle of reorganizing it's army.
Why you might ask? Because Germany at the time had an army of 3 million men. USSR had an army of 1.5 million men despite being 3x as big. In 1938 they started reorganizing their army and increased the number to 5 million. When Germany attacked them they were in the middle of the said organization hence why they suffered such catastrophic losses. Suffice to say, when they got their shit together around 1943, they simply curbstomped the Nazi machine.
How do I know USSR wasn't planning to attack Germany?
Winter war. The top Soviet brass understood that if little Finland can give them such a bloody nose, imagine what the best army on the continent can do.
According to the Soviet archives that I read, they were estimating that their army would finish the reorganization process around 1943/1944. So the notion that they were ready to attach is false simply because their army wasn't ready.
What about Stalin invading the Baltics and Poland?
Those were historic Russian lands that were taken during the Soviet civil war. As such they were returning them to their original owners.
You should. You'd be surprised what you're going to find. As a disclaimer, the english internet only has smear campaigns against him which kind of contradict your points below.
You are thinking of Lenin. There is not a single article that portrays Stalin in a positive light on the english side of the internet. As a matter of fact try finding one positive article about Stalin. You won't. Not even the lefties will acknowldge him as one of their own. Now look up Lenin and Trotskii to see the difference.
And yet, plenty of articles and even youtube channels(zoomer historian) who speak positively of Hitler. There are entire forums dedicated to talking about what a great man he is.
By comparison, I can only find positive things about Stalin on the Russian side of the internet.
That's false. Soviet citizens owned apartments, cars, jewlery, vacation homes. The real estate was given to you by the state, free of charge from day 1. Everything else could be bought using money interest free. There were no loans as I mentioned.
I can tell you've never lived in a traditional society. Traditionalism is about conformity. The man is the head of the household while the wife raises the kids. The husband is the provider, while the wife takes care of the household.
If as a man or woman, you don't like any of this, sucks to be you, because everyone is like this and you should too, or your community will think that you are crazy. And no, I'm not making this up.
Look at the Amish for example and see how much conformity is expected of them. I guess they must be commies as well, right?
Don't know what to tell you, but there was only one country that rivaled the US in the last century technologically or military, and that country was USSR.
Your parents or you don't own your house. Don't believe me? Stop paying your property tax and see how long you are going to own your house. This was a thing even when your parents were in their 20's. As long as you have to pay tax on anything, you are just leasing it from the government.
In the USSR people owned their homes till they died without paying a dime. But somehow they were slaves. Meanwhile someone who has to work all their life to pay off their home and lose when they miss 1 tax payment is considered free.
As for the US not having fluoride, porn, drugs is just downright lie.
Fluoride has been in the water since the 1920's.
My wife who was born and raised in the US told me about the porn industry and how big it was back in 1970's and 1980's.
And are you seriously going to tell me the US had no drugs, when even the fucking hippies were popularizing that shit as far back as the 1960's?
As a mentioned, none of these factors were a thing in the USSR. So by default a country that has no porn, no LGBTQ, no drugs, no fluoride and no usury by default can't be jewish controlled.
But again, this has nothing to do with Nazi Germany.
Pre 1991.
Germany wasn't the No.1 economy in the world since the early 1900. There was not a point in the war were they held that position.
The only time they became a powerhouse is when they annexed the industry rich lands of Czechslovakia and Austrria. Only then were they able to trully challenge the rest of Europe.
Mind you this still happened with the full cooperation of the Allied powers who according to you were looking to take them down.
The country that was the #1 economic powerhouse in the world was the US. During the WW2, the US outproduced the entire world combined. You can check all the industry metrics and compare them to Nazi Germany and the USSR.
I would think as someone who claims to be a patriot, you would know and be proud of your ancestors, but for whatever reason you spend more time glorifying a regime that has nothing to do with your country. A regime that is at odds with the US Constitution and that has a Socialism element(in before: it wasn't real socialism even though the government literally decided how citizens live their daily lives).
As a sidenote: notice how the US economy stayed strong all the way till the USSR collapsed. And only then did the cabal start the controlled demolition of this country.
Some food for thought.
P.S. I'm off to work, I will include part 2 once I get back.