Why? Why does The Brunson SCOTUS Case get downvoted here? The case is HISTORIC. (First case brought by an individual that made it to the Supreme Court)
Trump is all about the Rule of Law. Loy has used the legal system and made it to the Supreme Court. Now he's asking Americans to send letters to SCOTUS in support of this case. Isn't that exactly what is meant by
All the heavy lifting was done by Loy. Are we really going to pass up this opportunity to get our voices heard? Think of it as a "Class Action" lawsuit.
I'll post this again.
Public perception influences SCOTUS and Loy's campaign for letters could be the key to hearing this case. What if SCOTUS received a million letters? The evidence is so clear; 388 defendant's violated their Oath of Office by certifying the 2020 election.
I think it's a big mistake not taking this seriously.
Second point on RvW. This is both true and untrue. Regardless of public popular opinion, it has been argued since it's original ruling that RvW should've always been a state legislative issue and not federal. Even that wretch Ginsberg said this.
No, not all PAYtriots are behind pay walls. Most use engagement, product sales, optional subscription fees, and event sales for revenue. They are parasitic vampires leeching off of the Q drops and great awakening/truth/research movement pheomena to bilk an easy and lucrative living... and that's at best. Among their ranks are COINTELPRO operators no doubt. It's been exposed before.
Durham has been in the news recently. Huber either played his role, was misdirection or never fully intended for anon audience, or is a sleeping giant. Who can say yet, future proves past and what not. But, Q highlighted both Durham & Huber specifically. Never the Brunsons.
No offense but you must not be tuning in fren? There's a plethora of habbenings going on, especially after election day. In my eyes, the Brunsons are the noise you speak of.
Thank you for debating this subject and no offense taken. Yes. There are major happenings going on. The appointments from Trump, the deep state BS, all sorts of habbenings.
As an individual person I can't affect those happenings; they are out of my personal influence or control.
That's what I mean by noise. This is something we all can do and I don't understand why Anons here aren't supporting that.
Of course and the feeling is reciprocal. Frogs gotta help each other hop along and catch crumbs where we can.
Some stuff though has just been beaten to death figuratively. The JFK Jr nonsense for example. Now I'll be the first to eat crow if zombie JFK Jr is on the winning bingo card. But for God's sake it is beyond insulting to the man's legacy, his family, and the good work being done to keep dragging that stale bread back out over and over again.
A simple parallel example. That being said, I pray all of us anons who think the Brunson case is a dead end on the game board are wrong! But, it's looking more and more like the movie doesn't involve their case unfortunately.
LOL. Well, in comparison to Jr., the Brunson case is at least tangible.
Back to the merits. It's not an issue of who was voted for, but Cruz and the rest contested the certification and followed the Senate rules for a 10 day pause. The Senate and Pence had a DUTY to send back to the electors and they violated that duty. It's not about who won; they had a duty and they failed.
Because th VP did have that power, the Dems changed the rules. I think that was planned in case they wanted to use it against Trump's win; Dems trapped themselves.
Sure are lots of twists and turns in this saga, but Brunson asking for signed letters from We The People is something we all can do. I hope your wrong too. ❤️
Thanks Anon!