No longer shop at Target or Walmart due to their insane woke ass policies. Have saved tons of money making do or doing without. Sundries and first aid stuff I buy online. Clothing comes from Thrift shops where I find really good, serviceable items that I wear or refashion. I learned to sew and tailor clothes so I buy fabric online now and then. I teach these skills to homeschooled young ladies and some males, the latter of whom just want to learn how to mend or sew a button on properly.
Sure..Cookin' and Bakin'...
Girls were really pretty in the 70s..
Dudes were on point back in the day. Competition was high. You needed every edge..
Willie Sutton rule in effect.
Yeah, while I was taking auto shop with a bunch of other hillbillies, and making fun of the guys that took typing, I started to realize that they were in a room full of girls, and I was in a room full of greasy guys.
I also would have learned where to put a period in that first sentence.
No longer shop at Target or Walmart due to their insane woke ass policies. Have saved tons of money making do or doing without. Sundries and first aid stuff I buy online. Clothing comes from Thrift shops where I find really good, serviceable items that I wear or refashion. I learned to sew and tailor clothes so I buy fabric online now and then. I teach these skills to homeschooled young ladies and some males, the latter of whom just want to learn how to mend or sew a button on properly.
I took home ec in HS to be around the pretty girls and actually learned some life skills. Next year more guys enrolled.
Life skills, from the pretty girls?
Sure..Cookin' and Bakin'... Girls were really pretty in the 70s.. Dudes were on point back in the day. Competition was high. You needed every edge.. Willie Sutton rule in effect.
Yeah, while I was taking auto shop with a bunch of other hillbillies, and making fun of the guys that took typing, I started to realize that they were in a room full of girls, and I was in a room full of greasy guys. I also would have learned where to put a period in that first sentence.