GAW woke up my wife and two of her friends!
My wife has been asking me how I know stuff before it shows up on the news. So, I gave her a tour of GAW and she didn't believe. For weeks, she tried to figure out the trick. Finally, she showed her friend the "too many coincidences". Suddenly they flipped on COVID, Election Fraud and industrial scale baby-rape.
Now, my wife stopped being all panicky about news and didn't get pissed off about the Hunter Biden pardon. She even laughed about the stupid alien invasion crap.
My boyfriend doesn't do much internet, but he watches MSM. And has always voted Dem. But he really is a conservative in his beliefs and views. He started changing the channel to Fox News on his own (I know, but baby steps). He's the type of person who digs in when you try to change his mind, so I just dropped little nuggets here and there and didn't force anything. He's a good man, even if he's been clueless all these years.
It took one commercial - the one about Kamala paying for prisoners to get sex re-assignment surgery - for his conservatism to kick in and go "Oh HELL no!!!"
He proudly told me that he voted a straight Republican ticket and where the incumbent was unchallenged and a Dem, he just didn't vote, because he didn't want to vote for any Dem.
Believe me - this is a BIG deal. Also helps our next door neighbors who we play cards with every weekend are MAGA, and our other next door neighbors who are Hispanic are also MAGA. And he likes and respects both sets of neighbors. The wife has been ranting to me about illegal Venezuelans for a few years now.