Well I’m a child of the 50’s and early 60’s and I can heartily attest that those years were the best. I was raising my kid in the 80’s and she had it good, too, but not as good as I had it.
Mainly bc there were a lot less kids (then us Boomers). and moms were working in the 80’s.
We had lots of moms keeping eyes on us in the 50’s. They were a force to reckon with if you got out of hand!
My only lonely (adopted) kid had to be shuttled to multiple activities to keep her from sitting in front of the boob tube.
Well I’m a child of the 50’s and early 60’s and I can heartily attest that those years were the best. I was raising my kid in the 80’s and she had it good, too, but not as good as I had it.
Mainly bc there were a lot less kids (then us Boomers). and moms were working in the 80’s.
We had lots of moms keeping eyes on us in the 50’s. They were a force to reckon with if you got out of hand! My only lonely (adopted) kid had to be shuttled to multiple activities to keep her from sitting in front of the boob tube.