Lavrov speaks many languages including English.
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I am an American who has moved to Russia and received Russian citizenship, and given that I have always been against the deep state, I see zero conflict between my two citizenships. Only the deep state and the people who have been pulled in by their propaganda are in support of war.
So why are Russians fighting? Lavrov explained it very well, but I will cover the question from my own perspective on the ground from my kitchen table here in Russia. For Russians it’s a question of whether we remain sovereign, or lose and remove the last obstacle to The World, Brought to You By BlackRock (TM). From the perspective here it could not be more obvious that this would mean the destruction of all meaningful culture beginning with the Orthodox Christian Church, continuing to all Bible-believing organizations who stand for anything at all, the nuclear family, fatherhood and motherhood, and on and on.
Lavrov is very calm and de-escalatory in his responses. As a student of Q, current events, and comms, I’ve come to the opinion that somehow this conflict has been arranged to destroy the huge force potential that has been built up worldwide to impose the bankers’ will on us all.
This will be painful for us all, but I look forward to what we can do together in obedience to God after we rout out the satanists. Q said to pray, let’s pray every day. Lord, have mercy!
Maybe Russia learned their lesson during the Bolshevik Revolution. In the words of Ice Cube, “ They let a Jew break up their crew.” Russians fell before us to the Marxist infiltrators. To be a world power Putin understands there’s no playing around like the US’ political class is by playing money laundering schemes and toting a hypocritical moral superiority. [[[They]]] will never stop because the New World Order belongs to a world domination mindset mandated *by their god,” who was a murderer from the beginning. That is why, in my opinion, this is all Biblical. The family is the root and we are viewed as cattle. We need to fight the forces that gift only rot and decay for our futures. This is a paradigm shift because I was the biggest supporter of Israel- until I noticed something. Everyone here has mostly likely had to forget what they thought they knew on any given subject. That’s a remarkable gift, people.