Um, I see one problem with the Mar. vs. Mad. case and your comment on tens of thousands of regulations.......most folks born today and are under the age of 20 cannot comprehend that idea. They have been brainwashed to just rely upon the government to teach them what the government wants them to know. They have no concept of doing individual research. Thus, when threads like this comes along it makes me smile at the opportunity we have to teach these walking idiots what it means to be an American. We need to go back to our founding and live like our Founders intended for us to live.......FREE. We don't need a zillion regulations foisted upon us by beaurocrats, but we need to rely upon our own wits to live within the limits of our Constitution. Thanks ArmyLady for your comment. We need to just have a smaller government, less regulation, and better education of our youth.
Yeah and they'll need un brain washing and an example of accountability for those who don't get it right. Its not a problem if they get properly educated. A bigger problem is people who understand and then don't live it. It's time for us intake a stand and live it. The older generations abandoned living it and fighting for for it to live. In other words it's our fault if they don't know it not theirs. So recognizing Marburg is Madison is essential and immediately seeing a problem as you see it os the problem. You speak hopelessness.
I love telling people that the government passed an unlawful piece of legislation, breaking the law in doing so, and that it is our duty, by the words of the founders, to deny them the authority they are trying to claim, lest we fall into the hands of tyrants.
Then the good idiots will cite out of context scripture at me (“render unto Caesar”, Matthew 17:24-27) and the bad idiots will start insisting I just want to reinstate slavery.
It’s amazing to see the programming running its antiviral application.
I read an interesting article from a Lutheran Pastor about this passage. Seems the real translation is closer to “render unto Caesar what Caesar deserves” and “To God what he deserves”
That is correct. Sold out false denominations pushed that false doctrine same as the israel is the chosen b.s.. the chosen of Israel became Christian, the rest Rejected Christ.
Even without that, if the earth is God’s, and all that is in it, what is Caesar’s?
Everything is on loan from God.
Now we could argue by law that if Caesar owns the silver, puts his likeness on it, and says that the cost of using it is a tax, that’s potentially sensible.
It doesn’t describe what we have with the dollar bill, though. The dollar bill / FRN is a legal tender for all debts public and private, and is a bill for a dollar. We are trading notes that claim, by name, that they’ll pay us a dollar, but the note issuer already defaulted decades ago.
Ok so here's the tricky thing. A citizen can say this law violates the Constitution. He or she then ends getting arrested under said law. Assume your job is gone, family and house potentially in jeopardy because you need to borrow against your assets to pay bail and the lawyer. You go to trial and win because a judge says yes the law violates the Constitution. Yay you win but your life is wrecked and you aren't getting your job back, nit getting all that money back you spent to win your trial. Your left with all the consequences meanwhile the government proceeds to the next persecution. Laws need to be reviewed by the judicial system for legality before its allowed to be enacted. Otherwise we the people will alway lose these cases even if we win in court. Just my wild opinion.
Or your fired from your job because the bastards unconstitutionally made a taking a drug dependent on your job... or they shut your business down unconstitutionally because they deemed your business unnecessary or not critical or whatever TF words they used.
It took three years for my Mom to fight in State court, she won. She had her property wrongfully seized in Calif. and could not get a lawer for many reasons. She was lucky that my stepdad was making a decent income and their house they were living in was paid for. She learned the laws and defended herself. She helped other innocent people with their drug forfeiture lawsuits. Her winning changed the way the law could be applied as it was unconstitutional.
They didn't leave her alone afterwards. Long story but God let my deaf Stepdad hear her cry for weak cry for help, and he saved her.
I have said this so many times right here on this board. Our country has a plethora of illegal laws. If you're ever in court over one of these travesties, fight on Constitutional grounds.
municipal laws for the territories where they have exclusive jurisdiction
laws for the States of the Union in conformity with 1:8:17 of the Constitution,
but Congress has no obligation to tell you which hat they are wearing. One clue is that there are laws that define United States/State with a reference to the States of the Union, but most laws do not. Try searching 8 USC (immigration and nationality) or 26 USC (Internal Revenue) for the name of your state, "states of the union", and so on.
Then you are stating that Congress can write general law for the States of the Union just the same as they do for their wards, the US territories under exclusive federal jurisdiction, that cannot stand on their own, and that Congress has has full authority to ignore the limitations in 1:8:17 of the Constitution.
Lets live by the Constitution. First know it, then live it. exercise all your rights. For the supreme court to be right their decision must line up with the constitution NOT CASE LAW NOT PRECEDENCE. We can all read the Constitution same as the Supreme court. If they can't get it right they need impeachment. Their job is not to reinterpret for us what it says but to affirm it at that level to keep the congress and senate and rest of government at heel. Itbprotects the people not from the state not the other way around.
Not to mention tens of thousands of pages of regulations by bureaucrats!
Um, I see one problem with the Mar. vs. Mad. case and your comment on tens of thousands of regulations.......most folks born today and are under the age of 20 cannot comprehend that idea. They have been brainwashed to just rely upon the government to teach them what the government wants them to know. They have no concept of doing individual research. Thus, when threads like this comes along it makes me smile at the opportunity we have to teach these walking idiots what it means to be an American. We need to go back to our founding and live like our Founders intended for us to live.......FREE. We don't need a zillion regulations foisted upon us by beaurocrats, but we need to rely upon our own wits to live within the limits of our Constitution. Thanks ArmyLady for your comment. We need to just have a smaller government, less regulation, and better education of our youth.
Yeah and they'll need un brain washing and an example of accountability for those who don't get it right. Its not a problem if they get properly educated. A bigger problem is people who understand and then don't live it. It's time for us intake a stand and live it. The older generations abandoned living it and fighting for for it to live. In other words it's our fault if they don't know it not theirs. So recognizing Marburg is Madison is essential and immediately seeing a problem as you see it os the problem. You speak hopelessness.
I love telling people that the government passed an unlawful piece of legislation, breaking the law in doing so, and that it is our duty, by the words of the founders, to deny them the authority they are trying to claim, lest we fall into the hands of tyrants.
Then the good idiots will cite out of context scripture at me (“render unto Caesar”, Matthew 17:24-27) and the bad idiots will start insisting I just want to reinstate slavery.
It’s amazing to see the programming running its antiviral application.
I read an interesting article from a Lutheran Pastor about this passage. Seems the real translation is closer to “render unto Caesar what Caesar deserves” and “To God what he deserves”
That is correct. Sold out false denominations pushed that false doctrine same as the israel is the chosen b.s.. the chosen of Israel became Christian, the rest Rejected Christ.
Even without that, if the earth is God’s, and all that is in it, what is Caesar’s?
Everything is on loan from God.
Now we could argue by law that if Caesar owns the silver, puts his likeness on it, and says that the cost of using it is a tax, that’s potentially sensible.
It doesn’t describe what we have with the dollar bill, though. The dollar bill / FRN is a legal tender for all debts public and private, and is a bill for a dollar. We are trading notes that claim, by name, that they’ll pay us a dollar, but the note issuer already defaulted decades ago.
The more dollars there are, the more they owe us.
Ok so here's the tricky thing. A citizen can say this law violates the Constitution. He or she then ends getting arrested under said law. Assume your job is gone, family and house potentially in jeopardy because you need to borrow against your assets to pay bail and the lawyer. You go to trial and win because a judge says yes the law violates the Constitution. Yay you win but your life is wrecked and you aren't getting your job back, nit getting all that money back you spent to win your trial. Your left with all the consequences meanwhile the government proceeds to the next persecution. Laws need to be reviewed by the judicial system for legality before its allowed to be enacted. Otherwise we the people will alway lose these cases even if we win in court. Just my wild opinion.
Or your fired from your job because the bastards unconstitutionally made a taking a drug dependent on your job... or they shut your business down unconstitutionally because they deemed your business unnecessary or not critical or whatever TF words they used.
It took three years for my Mom to fight in State court, she won. She had her property wrongfully seized in Calif. and could not get a lawer for many reasons. She was lucky that my stepdad was making a decent income and their house they were living in was paid for. She learned the laws and defended herself. She helped other innocent people with their drug forfeiture lawsuits. Her winning changed the way the law could be applied as it was unconstitutional.
They didn't leave her alone afterwards. Long story but God let my deaf Stepdad hear her cry for weak cry for help, and he saved her.
So remain a slave and keep your beloved job
Not at all. People post this shit like we don't know about it and act like we are the arbiters of what'segal and not. We aren't.
Can all politicians who are "repugnant " to our nation also become null and void?
Man I hope so.
Here is "Null":
Here is "Void":
The full opinion of 1803. Long read but well explained.
I have said this so many times right here on this board. Our country has a plethora of illegal laws. If you're ever in court over one of these travesties, fight on Constitutional grounds.
Six minutes long explains case Marbury vs Madison
Congress can pass
municipal laws for the territories where they have exclusive jurisdiction
laws for the States of the Union in conformity with 1:8:17 of the Constitution,
but Congress has no obligation to tell you which hat they are wearing. One clue is that there are laws that define United States/State with a reference to the States of the Union, but most laws do not. Try searching 8 USC (immigration and nationality) or 26 USC (Internal Revenue) for the name of your state, "states of the union", and so on.
That is lawyer babble and falling for it or giving into it is how we got here.
Then you are stating that Congress can write general law for the States of the Union just the same as they do for their wards, the US territories under exclusive federal jurisdiction, that cannot stand on their own, and that Congress has has full authority to ignore the limitations in 1:8:17 of the Constitution.
It's just an ideal...
They don't follow the constitution...
They do whatever the hell they want.
There's no justice... except for the real criminals - aka "criminal justice"
Go ahead and even mention the constitution in any courtroom and see what happens. I triple dog dare ya...
Been there done it. Phuckery personified. Fringed flags and everything. Maritime law and rivers of tar ...
You're on a tax farm in hell on a prison planet. Have a nice day.
Extra points if you exclaim that you're a "US Citizen"
The less scrupulous have repeatedly tried to overturn M -v- M but never have managed to do it.
Lets live by the Constitution. First know it, then live it. exercise all your rights. For the supreme court to be right their decision must line up with the constitution NOT CASE LAW NOT PRECEDENCE. We can all read the Constitution same as the Supreme court. If they can't get it right they need impeachment. Their job is not to reinterpret for us what it says but to affirm it at that level to keep the congress and senate and rest of government at heel. Itbprotects the people not from the state not the other way around.
I first heard of this case thanks to the late Pat Robertson, the 700 Club guy, in his book "The Ten Offenses."
He hated this decision.