The link I provided is the my 3rd post on this subject. The prior two posts can be found in the above link.
In my 2nd post, I made this statement.
I'm more speechless. Either the Patriots are that damn good with planning or we live in a matrix. You religious folks can even say it was divine intervention. Or I could just be wrong.
Edit: Ha! I just noticed that you commented in my 3rd post.
It's almost like.....
The movie you are watching follows "the hero's journey" monomyth. Think about what Trump is going through. Think about what we are all going through.
Must be by design; either by a God, Q, aliens or the fella running the Simulation. xD
I have had this feeling before with my Q proof.
The link I provided is the my 3rd post on this subject. The prior two posts can be found in the above link.
In my 2nd post, I made this statement.
Edit: Ha! I just noticed that you commented in my 3rd post.
There is also this well known drop.
Yh pick your framework but either way it seems undeniable things are being intentionally designed and guided by some unseen conscious force!