Pierre Kory, MD, MPA brought this “Disinformation Playbook” to my attention. If you want to witness all 5 plays being conducted at once, follow the DNA contamination story.
- The FAKE
- The FIX
-- All employed to keep the TRUTH hidden.
This substack is fairly technical, so the details won't be for everyone, but this at the end could be useful to anyone planning (or already involved in) a lawsuit:
These sequences were never disclosed to the regulators and they are being found in blood studies and now tumor biopsies.
At the very least the DNA represents a forensic marker for Pharma malfeasance that is decentralized and easy to read with the very qPCR infrastructure used to track the pandemic. They cant get the DNA out of vials or the patients and if you want to prove harm, you’ll be best suited with DNA evidence in court.
Literature to consider on the harms [links in the original].
- Duncan et al- Hematologic Cancer after Gene Therapy for Cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy
- Sheng-Fowler on the 10ng limit- Issues associated with residual cell-substrate DNA in viral vaccines
- Kwon et al- The Cytosolic DNA-Sensing cGAS-STING Pathway in Cancer
- Drayman et al- p53 elevation in human cells halt SV40 infection by inhibiting T-ag expression
- Dean et al- Sequence requirements for plasmid nuclear import
- Lim et al- High spontaneous integration rates of end-modified linear DNAs upon mammalian cell transfection
- Senigl et al- The SV40 virus enhancer functions as a somatic hypermutation-targeting element with potential tumorigenic activity
- Chakraborty et al- The bloodstream of mRNA vaccinated individuals (both Pfizer and Moderna) shows DNA expression vector contamination, including SV40 and kanamycin-resistant gene sequences
I put my vote in for 'KILL'. Regulation hasn't done shit to stop any of this malfeasance.