The Criminal Coverup of Michael Byrd, the man who assassinated Ashli Babbit. An Article by The Blaze with a Great Synopsis by Charlie Kirk. Why was this defective human employed by Nancy Pelosi? Was he there to do her dirty little business whenever she needed it? You decide.
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J6 was Mafia staged and controlled by Pelosi and her contractors. So Byrd history not surprising.
Pelosi lost her last grasp at becoming POTUS which is all she had ever wanted up to that point. The whole thing was hers. Insiders knew of course and didn't object, but it was hers through and through. Anyone who watched J6 live will remember an R Senator turning away from Pelosi saying 'Mrs Speaker', to address what he thought was the senators behind him being disruptive, to turn his head back and have to bewilderedly say 'Mr Speaker' because Nancy had fled the chamber in a literal blink of an eye and been replaced. I saw it live and I will never forget.
They keep him around for wet work. LBJ did the same for his hitman.
Mr. Speaker? Who was he talking to? And why was she replaced?
I am confused by your statement. Please elaborate.
He was addressing Pelosi about certifying the count, he turned around, then when he turned back, he had to say Mr Speaker as it was Pence or whoever would have been her substitute.