My understanding is that they are nuke sniffers that detect radioactive decay, likely looking for suitcase and/or dirty bombs. Besides the death from the immediate blast and radioactive affects, the WH can't have a nuke detonate in this country because there would be a big loss in narrative control.
Trump TS:
Q decode post:
TOTO, we're not in Kansas anymore.
Funny... I was just watching one of those Oz episodes yesterday!
BINGO, nice catch
I think you got it. The drones are only being used for "tracking."
But - tracking what?
Dirty bombs?
My understanding is that they are nuke sniffers that detect radioactive decay, likely looking for suitcase and/or dirty bombs. Besides the death from the immediate blast and radioactive affects, the WH can't have a nuke detonate in this country because there would be a big loss in narrative control.
Sum of All Fears