31 Former F-18 Pilot Tells Joe Rogan Drones Aren't WMD 'Sniffers' As Dronegate Intensifies (www.zerohedge.com) posted 53 days ago by DarQ2light 53 days ago by DarQ2light +31 / -0 Former F-18 Pilot Tells Joe Rogan Drones Aren't WMD 'Sniffers' As Dronegate Intensifies ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
TLDR: The pilots interview was basically “My insider sources said these aren’t Sniffers.”
Which means absolutely dick all. As everyone doing fucking podcast circuits these days seems to have “insider sources”.
Zero hedge does a better job of laying out a potential theory. That doesn’t amount to “Trust me and my totally legit insiders bro”.
If they were sniffing for wmd would these ex mil types panic the public? Nope.
I don't need to be an Insider to know exactly what these drones are. A diddy distraction.
My inside source just told me that “dick all” is exactly right ! Underrated phrase !
But wait, there's more! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14199773/mystery-drone-sightings-new-jersey-government-contract-revealed.html
Dronegate! HA! I guess it was inevitable.
Remember Cattlegate?
I have met a lot of stupid pilots. They live in their own world. They are rude 95 percent f the time.
Mushrooms 🍄🍄🍄
Fed shit & kept in the dark...
I think American Gladiator might be on right now...
Does he say what they are, then?
Interesting conversation. Decays into evolution unfortunately.
guessing sensors would hang well below the rotor wash?