California Gov. Gavin Newsom declares state of emergency over bird flu, calling it a "proactive action"
California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an emergency proclamation on Wednesday in response to growing concerns over bird flu cases in the state and across the country.
They had been spraying chemtrails non-stop from past few weeks. That's what makes people sick and they blame it on so called virus to lock us down.
We recently visited Tennessee, and we saw so many chemtrails, it was crazy.
Way more than usual in North Carolina too.
I thought spraying was banned in TN as of April of this year.
That's what I thought to. I remember reading that.
Well, whoever is doing is obviously doing it without any respect to laws. So, question is who is going to catch these guys and punish?
God help us 🙏🙏🙏
I remember telling my buddy, who recently purchased property in TN that first told me about that law, I sarcastically replied, "how they going to enforce that, they do it it with impunity".
Maybe the drones will start shooting them Indigo Skyfold planes down?
Unless.. drones themselves are being used to spray! I heard yesterday that the drones in NJ are spraying something as observed by a car passenger.
the next plandemic...
Or, they aerosolize the virus and release it in the chemtrails. All I can say is, I have it, both of my kids have it, my mother has it, my aunt had it, a ton of my students have it. It's spreading like wildfire.
It's absolutely a problem, reaction, solution DS action. People notice the drones, lets dump a virus on them.
Well known playbook for decades, even more than a century possibly. People keep forgetting. The plot is even narrated clearly in 1930s Tom and Jerry cartoon - A 1930’s cartoon on how to take over the world
I'm in AZ and it's not stop chemtrails. It's crazy to watch.
👆🏼 Non-stop lately.
Leftist in Comifornia are jerking off at the thought of wearing masks and getting jabs over it.
Or having a pizza party with walnut sauce.
while wearing red shoes.
Everybody hide their pet birds. Including their chickens and ducks etc. No joke.
and pet squirrels and raccoons
So no more choking the chicken?
That's not how you get them to lay eggs faster.
you need to hide yo chickens hide yo ducks hide yo parrots 'cause they rapin' errrybody up in here
Anybody you see wearing a mask in California let them know they failed the IQ test and the spaceship will be picking them up shortly to transfer them to planet you’re an idiot
Heaven's Gate.....I guess they have been Buying the Stairway to Heaven
wow did we know this was we can proudly hold up that middle finger and say ...FU
What’s awesome is we have plenty of archival proof this was coming! I love all my Anons. 😁
OF COURSE Nancy's nephew does what he is told.
And a day after the Russian bioweapon expert was killed.
Exactly! At least they were a tad bit late on the “look here, not there” attempt. Both are clearly out in the spotlight.
Can’t upvote this enough!
MOAR sauce.
Beef and chicken prices about to go up just before Christmas and New Years.
As intended.
how many bird flus came and gone, never a real issue. I cant with this crap anymore. I'm just going to live my life with two fingers raised in the air at this point.
Nearly as good as the drones.
Image of the declaration
You keep your bird flu, and I'll raise you 20 B.S's.
They can't have Trump's good economy or we the people might demand more.
They’re trying to find an “epidemic” that will cause the same mass hysteria as (fake) COVID. There was a post here recently about the “first severe case of H5N1 bird flu”. Bollocks
Now Wisconsin and Louisiana are reporting’cases’.
The dnc is going to hand Trump a flaming bag of shit on 1/20/2025.
Don't tell them that TDS is an epidemic and almost to pandemic levels...
Watch CA?
Canada ?
California stopped issuing bonds when Reagan was governor, so every administration since Reagan's second term has been illegitimate, including this one that just started at the beginning of December:
Plus, a lot of legislators have been working unlawfully without oaths, and a lot of laws have to be voided as they were fraudulently implemented:
I wish the military would step in and seize control already.
Pat & Moonbeam were both Getty owned as is Newscum. So your "illegitiment" timeline may be a bit off.
Earl Warren, before them was Dewey's VP in the 1948 oopsie. This shit is old.
I am not saying that administrations previous to Reagan may have been illegitimate and/or corrupt.
I am saying that at the end of Reagan's first term, the State of CA said "F-You, we'll do whatever we want and laws don't apply to us" when it came to the issuance of bonds. Bonds are required by both federal and state law. By no longer having government employees procure bonds, the military has every right to step in because there is not one single legitimate state level employee.
Bonds aren't required for a state government to run. Bonds may be used to operate while in debt, but they are not required. I bet states like FL operate fine without bonds.
Bonds are required per California law:
Per both Federal and California law, surety bonds are required to be issued on every government employee. This is codified in California Government Code Section 1450 – 1463.
CA Gov't Code Section 1460 says: "Every officer with whom official bonds are filed shall carefully keep and preserve the bonds. He shall give certified copies thereof to any person demanding copies, upon being paid the same fees as are allowed by law for certified copies of papers in other cases.”
Per CGCS 1455, these surety bonds are supposed to be filed in the Secretary of State’s office (SOS).
Ok, thank you. I was thinking in terms of bonds issued to pay for projects, not bonds that I guess are essentially insurance on the employees.
Bonds ? of an illegitimate currency ? lol Party may be larger than just Commiefornia.
When congress failed from lack of a quorum , who stepped in ?
Put another way : When the American government failed who replaced it ?
Not sure if this has anything to do w the "bird flu" but as a resident I'm noticing: #1 we have had no rain in the inland empire since October. And in October we had very little rain. And no rain in sight for the next 10 days. #2 IMO we r being punished with a threat of a lockdown again bc Newsome is retaliatory and got his feelings hurt (again) bc CA is red. This same vibe happened after we recalled his ass and he cheated to stay in. He's gonna jerk up the gas prices and (try to) lock us down. Fuck Newsome.
Give it time. Before long seasonal pollen allergies will be declared a "state of emergency." Abolish all "emergency power" grabs.
Newscum will fail this just as his previous marriage.
Hilarious move
Are they going to be closing down restaurants again?
And schools. No more surgeries or doctors appointments. Churches. They definitely need to be shut down, but strip clubs will be running 24/7 with free vaccine and donut kiosks outside. Just like the good ole days.
No Christmas?
All about the $$$$$$
Govern me harder, daddy.
Figures. He's a bird brain.
Don't comply .... don't cull all of the chickens, turkeys, etc.
They're coming after your backyard chickens. Backyard Bugs will be OK though.
I want to know the health status, vaccination history, recovery information, job history, current location, and immigration status of the 34 bird flu victims. During Newsom’s tenure as governor, when weren’t we under a state of emergency?
Sorry. The best we can do is bird aids.
TA fear porn coming at ya.
This is sabotage! So many of these creeps have been hinting at future outbreaks to hamper Trumps second term! That Hotez guy even said it would start Jan 21st for crying out loud!
Don’t you know that viruses routinely give arrival announcements as to when they will start a pandemic? You’re not a conspiracy theorist are you?
I wonder what newscum looks like when he’s sad… or does he have a perpetual evil dickhead smile?
This is what the 2nd amendment was written for.
Commiefornia basically has no 2nd amendment. :-/
These shitbirds here ...
From his computer:
What is Wisconsin expected to do about the emergency?
Have the state police drive around and throw vaccine needles at everyone as if they were playing darts.