posted ago by OregonAngel2 ago by OregonAngel2 +20 / -0

Drones have been seen all over the world.

They have been called out by both Trump and the White House but they persist....

What do we know about them and what are reasonable conclusions?

These drones are not military (says the Pentagon).

The military is not allowed to shoot them down (says General Flynn and observation.)

They are not illegal (says the White House).

They are often not the kind of drones the general public can buy.

Some are very large or act very strangely.

Trump says to shoot them down if they remain unidentified.

The only reasonable conclusion is that they are Intelligence Agency owned and operated.

Thus they are the Deep State/CIA et al. controlled.

They have some impressive tech they have latched onto over the years including things we have never seen.

The nuclear material missing is a trivial risk and just a flimsy cover story.

These are seen all over the world and the amount of radioactive material missing is tiny.

They are obvious with lights and noise putting on a show.

They are often seen near military facilities.

These drones cannot take out a military facility.

But they can take out individuals.

More here: https://www.dagnyintel.com/post/drones-ai-and-the-strange-fall-of-syria