A pension AND NOW Social Security too???
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Sucking up to Teachers? The teachers in my school district do NOT pay in to social security. How about a simple law that says if you didn’t pay in you don’t get it. Exception for spouses of deceased who paid in.
I know people who worked in the private sector and paid into social security for years. They then decided to become a teacher and taught 20 plus years. They could not collect social security because they had a pension. They paid into both, they should be able to get both.
Thank you Bonnies, yes--this is true. I paid into both and should be able to collect both. I've worked for over 50 years and still work past retirement so I can make ends meet. This ruling will correct a bad deal made years ago and will bring justice to people like me.
My Dad was a teacher for 36 years, but he started later than most do so he paid into Social Security for years before he started teaching.
When he retired, he was told he was one quarter short to collect SS and he was too old to add more.
He ended up not being able to collect anything.
That really sucks!
if you do not pay into social security you do not collect--this is for a small group of people who paid into both.
I worked in retail before I started teaching. SS tax was withheld from my paycheck. As a teacher I paid into the state’s teacher retirement program. Should I not be entitled to draw both since I paid into both?
Are you not able to now? If you paid in to SS for the required number of quarters, then I think it’s fair that you get both. If you never paid in or don’t have the required quarters, then no.
The WEP and GPO prevented that. This bill is correcting it, finally!
Seems like a fair correction as long as only those who paid in get the benefits.
In blue states, they're losing good teachers left and right. They've had it with the social engineering and the never-ending dictates that come down from on high.