I'm guilty too. Suspect we all are to a degree. Knowing what the likes of Epstein and Diddy have done, how could we NOT want justice now? Or the voter fraud / election steals? But I think we've all been very good about exercising patience for the most part. Look no further than patriots dot to see the glaring difference.
Note: I completely stole this meme. And I wouldn't doubt that whoever I stole it from also stole it. Because memes were obviously meant to be stolt. But anyways, here's where I stole it from🤷♂️: https://x.com/BrandoIncognito/status/1873871652418965853
I can't imagine how those who've been a part of this for 20-60 years feel, some of those fought/spoke out maybe too soon and are no longer with us 🙏 JFK, Breitbart, etc...
Yes but Tolle's entire point is to accept what is and live in the current moment, rather than living in resistance to current objective reality. Nowfagging, which is desiring for things to be different right now than they actually are, is a form of denying reality, resisting what is. In other words, delusion and its Siamese twin, mental pain.
I choose to accept that the Plan is unfolding as it should, and the people on the Q team conducting the Special Operation are doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, the best it can be done, as soon as it can be done.
That's just it. The H1B stuff had me on a downer, but enough noise was made about it, we know to keep an eye on it, and hold figureheads to task if they go against what the research has shown to be abusive practices. We're already moving past it, but we don't forget. It's a long game, and we've got to understand, sometimes, it's best to step back from the battlefield. To do things that are more enjoyable to 'R&R', as it were. The biggest casualty on a digital battle field is mental health. Everyone needs a break once in a while, and it becomes easier over time. Personal experience is underrated. At least those amongst us who has to learn the hard way.
Owing allegiance to a distant capital in DC is little different than owing it to our distant capital in Ottawa. And I’m not sure it would be wise for us to leave confederation, only to sign up for a federation from which we cannot ever leave. My favoured solution is Western Exit from Canada (Wexit).
Usually most of us went through this stage when we first came upon the Q movement. Some of us are luckier than others, and have been around since near the beginning. Once we understood this is a longform Op, we understood "2 weeks" was a trope of the opposition used to demoralize the movement. They failed back then, they fail now. It's a valid meme, and it exposes a weakness we've all been guilty of, at one time or another. Either Q is the greatest trick ever played on humanity, or its greatest gift. The truth is the only real way back to where common sense is common again.
I feel absolutely no moral obligation to be patient or trust the plan, whatever that might mean. To the contrary. We should be holding Qs' feet to the fire, and Q++, too.
The guilty are running wild, and have been for decades. And the innocent are being thrown under the bus, and have been for decades. The good guys have been too nice and we've been too patient, if anything. We should all find this to be absolutely reprehensible.
Maybe a trip to Real Raw News do tcom is in order for you if you think nothing's being done. It's a satire site, but if we're not moving fast enough for you here...
The site where everyone—EVERYONE—is in Gitmo awaiting trial or has already been convicted and executed. Every famous person you see on TV is a clone or body double. All the worst people no longer exist, including Foebama, Pelosi, Podesta, both Clintons, Comey, etc. The people and things you see around you every day aren't really there. Deny your senses.
As super-ass as that clown-town rag is, I still and forever need to give them props for giving me the suggestion of jalapeño & eggs, a simple and delicious combination that was reportedly Hilllary’s last meal request. I wonder if they let her use her favorite brand of hot sauce. 🤷♂️🔥
After JFK Jr's plane didn't make sense, and 9/11, I was "Am I the only one who sees this???" Then Q came along and I didn't feel alone, and felt very hopeful. I guess I was a "nowfag" then. Now, looooooong after Q made me feel hopeful, I am a "well, I'd love it now but as long as it comes out eventually" fag. Just make it some time in my kids' lives.
I mean if this was posted 5 years ago…I think we’re about due this fucking Storm anons. That being said. Qs 8 years timetable post ends July 2025. 17 is 1+7 and the “number” has always been 8. August 2025 you’re all allowed to freely bitch and moan.
I'll stick to date fagging. I will admit to behaving...nowfaggoty? from time to time, but that subsides rather quickly. The datefag thing keeps me going for daysssssss kek
Q/Military/Trump team cut the strings on cabal controlled COUNTRIES without causing wars. North Korea and Saudi come to mind.
That is quite impressive when you compare to a simple arrest of HRC.
They could arrest them at any point, but they have bigger plans at the moment. Or perhaps some have been arrested and put on a leash to assist in the awakening process.
To be fair...isn't this advocating for borderline group think? We had 4 years of hope, but no follow through on this front. And I'm not saying they didn't try. Do I think it should happen today? No. But saying 'Trust the Plan' is indoctrination. I trust actions.
Guilty of this…..for sure….. but don’t call me that…… I prefer to be called a schnozzberry.😀
I'm guilty too. Suspect we all are to a degree. Knowing what the likes of Epstein and Diddy have done, how could we NOT want justice now? Or the voter fraud / election steals? But I think we've all been very good about exercising patience for the most part. Look no further than patriots dot to see the glaring difference.
Nicely said.
I’ve always been torn between being a “2 more weeks” or a “72 hour rule” type of guy.
72-Hour Rule FTW!
I am somewhere between nowfag and soonfag
Been there. ✅
To be clear, I am not a Nowfag, I am a YesterdayFag. Now is not soon enough for me.
Note: I completely stole this meme. And I wouldn't doubt that whoever I stole it from also stole it. Because memes were obviously meant to be stolt. But anyways, here's where I stole it from🤷♂️: https://x.com/BrandoIncognito/status/1873871652418965853
Upvoted for masterful use of “stolt.”
I was thinking the same thing.
“I learned from watching you, Dad!”
We need justice for this thievery.
Borrowed without a return due date? Checked out of the quartermasters memetillary supply list? Cloned for carpet memeing munition use?
That is society.
Instant gratification.
Isn't that just a little unfair, considering we're talking almost 10 years?
Some are newer to the movement than others. Most of us have gone through it, newfag and oldfag.
Correct…. NewFag…NowFag…. OldFag…i am sure there are many more evolved forms in between
I can't imagine how those who've been a part of this for 20-60 years feel, some of those fought/spoke out maybe too soon and are no longer with us 🙏 JFK, Breitbart, etc...
I've been a NowFAG since 2020, still surviving though!
But... as per Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now)... "Everything happens in the NOW", past and future are illusions of the mind.
Better hop on the NowFAG train if you don't want to be lost in the time loop!
Yes but Tolle's entire point is to accept what is and live in the current moment, rather than living in resistance to current objective reality. Nowfagging, which is desiring for things to be different right now than they actually are, is a form of denying reality, resisting what is. In other words, delusion and its Siamese twin, mental pain.
I choose to accept that the Plan is unfolding as it should, and the people on the Q team conducting the Special Operation are doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, the best it can be done, as soon as it can be done.
The little "me" resisting what is, is the mental entity. Time and mind are inseparable. Being aware of thoughts go by is the key to be peaceful.
"What's the problem right NOW?" - there is no problem, only stream of thoughts.
We can go on and on "forever" on this subject.. kek. its all good.
“Its my money and i want it NOW!”
Call J.G. Wentworth
Haha! Yep we're all tire!! Take a breath or a day off then wake up and keep going!
That's just it. The H1B stuff had me on a downer, but enough noise was made about it, we know to keep an eye on it, and hold figureheads to task if they go against what the research has shown to be abusive practices. We're already moving past it, but we don't forget. It's a long game, and we've got to understand, sometimes, it's best to step back from the battlefield. To do things that are more enjoyable to 'R&R', as it were. The biggest casualty on a digital battle field is mental health. Everyone needs a break once in a while, and it becomes easier over time. Personal experience is underrated. At least those amongst us who has to learn the hard way.
All these years later, this one is losing its power. Within our lifetime would be nice.
Hang in there. I understand the phrase "Eh-merica" might be in the near future my north of the border friend.
Owing allegiance to a distant capital in DC is little different than owing it to our distant capital in Ottawa. And I’m not sure it would be wise for us to leave confederation, only to sign up for a federation from which we cannot ever leave. My favoured solution is Western Exit from Canada (Wexit).
"Can it, you nit!"
Love that movie. Remakes can all get bent.
100% agree🐸 I was her for Halloween many years ago & it was a blast!
Usually most of us went through this stage when we first came upon the Q movement. Some of us are luckier than others, and have been around since near the beginning. Once we understood this is a longform Op, we understood "2 weeks" was a trope of the opposition used to demoralize the movement. They failed back then, they fail now. It's a valid meme, and it exposes a weakness we've all been guilty of, at one time or another. Either Q is the greatest trick ever played on humanity, or its greatest gift. The truth is the only real way back to where common sense is common again.
Yesterday is preferable, but we'll just have to settle for soon.
updooted for my nowfag friend.
I feel absolutely no moral obligation to be patient or trust the plan, whatever that might mean. To the contrary. We should be holding Qs' feet to the fire, and Q++, too.
The guilty are running wild, and have been for decades. And the innocent are being thrown under the bus, and have been for decades. The good guys have been too nice and we've been too patient, if anything. We should all find this to be absolutely reprehensible.
I know exactly what you’re saying. I know exactly what you’re feeling. Just consider that, perhaps, it simply had to be this way. 🫤
I know exactly what you’re saying. I know exactly what you’re feeling. Just consider that, perhaps, it simply had to be this way. 🫤
Maybe a trip to Real Raw News do tcom is in order for you if you think nothing's being done. It's a satire site, but if we're not moving fast enough for you here...
LOL Real Raw News is none of the three.
The site where everyone—EVERYONE—is in Gitmo awaiting trial or has already been convicted and executed. Every famous person you see on TV is a clone or body double. All the worst people no longer exist, including Foebama, Pelosi, Podesta, both Clintons, Comey, etc. The people and things you see around you every day aren't really there. Deny your senses.
As super-ass as that clown-town rag is, I still and forever need to give them props for giving me the suggestion of jalapeño & eggs, a simple and delicious combination that was reportedly Hilllary’s last meal request. I wonder if they let her use her favorite brand of hot sauce. 🤷♂️🔥
“I ain’t no ways hungry!”
I'll allow it.
(I don't know why, I just find that expression funny for when you accept something that you weren't originally in favor of :)
Soon as we stop trusting the plan we have nothing
None of us are completely innocent of this, to be sure. 🤷♂️
I became a “nowfag” two weeks ago.
After JFK Jr's plane didn't make sense, and 9/11, I was "Am I the only one who sees this???" Then Q came along and I didn't feel alone, and felt very hopeful. I guess I was a "nowfag" then. Now, looooooong after Q made me feel hopeful, I am a "well, I'd love it now but as long as it comes out eventually" fag. Just make it some time in my kids' lives.
Patience is a virtue, one that is hard to cultivate in this modern world.
I mean if this was posted 5 years ago…I think we’re about due this fucking Storm anons. That being said. Qs 8 years timetable post ends July 2025. 17 is 1+7 and the “number” has always been 8. August 2025 you’re all allowed to freely bitch and moan.
I'll stick to date fagging. I will admit to behaving...nowfaggoty? from time to time, but that subsides rather quickly. The datefag thing keeps me going for daysssssss kek
This should be a sticky post to remind people stop being a fag and get back to trusting the plan.
Head down shaking back and forth as they roll me to the Juicer.
Slow clap. Subtle yet refined.
First cousin of WHENFAG, a name I gave years ago to people constantly demanding WHEN the arrests will start
when when when
Cmon be honest....who envisioned Agents rapelling from helicopters on Innauguration day in 2021.....
That's funny. I've seen a number of these over the years.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
I may have written that exact same phrase myself once, or twice, or twenty times. 👍
Not when you want long lasting peace.
It's definitely a step in the awakening process.
Kinda like a 12 step process in getting clean :). It comes shortly after admitting there's a problem. :)
How old was Abraham before he got what God promised Him?
I like the 40k foot view.
Q/Military/Trump team cut the strings on cabal controlled COUNTRIES without causing wars. North Korea and Saudi come to mind.
That is quite impressive when you compare to a simple arrest of HRC.
They could arrest them at any point, but they have bigger plans at the moment. Or perhaps some have been arrested and put on a leash to assist in the awakening process.
To be fair...isn't this advocating for borderline group think? We had 4 years of hope, but no follow through on this front. And I'm not saying they didn't try. Do I think it should happen today? No. But saying 'Trust the Plan' is indoctrination. I trust actions.