I wouldn't be surprised if the deep state activated their terror cells just in time, given we have people who illegally entered our country by the millions.
It reminds me of when those riots took place years ago and they defunded certain police departments in major cities, I believe it was all done deliberately for attacks like this to have a higher chance of success.
20 days and Trump can call up the Guard! These people gonna fuck around and find out. So sorry about my language but I’m fed up. We elected Trump and now all this chaos. I just cannot see how this can be part of a scripted movie. I’ve seen the video of the guy plowing into the crowd in Nola. They gonna fuck around till we the people take matters into our own hands and with the amount of training and expertise the American people actually have, I cannot see this ending well. The left has to be done with this shit. Eo shut down the lying media. Blackout incoming! Shit finna go dark.
Trying to do a 9/11 like attack to prevent Trump from getting into office?
We the people will govern! Peep holes are fed up with the Tom fuckery
I wouldn't be surprised if the deep state activated their terror cells just in time, given we have people who illegally entered our country by the millions.
It reminds me of when those riots took place years ago and they defunded certain police departments in major cities, I believe it was all done deliberately for attacks like this to have a higher chance of success.
20 days and Trump can call up the Guard! These people gonna fuck around and find out. So sorry about my language but I’m fed up. We elected Trump and now all this chaos. I just cannot see how this can be part of a scripted movie. I’ve seen the video of the guy plowing into the crowd in Nola. They gonna fuck around till we the people take matters into our own hands and with the amount of training and expertise the American people actually have, I cannot see this ending well. The left has to be done with this shit. Eo shut down the lying media. Blackout incoming! Shit finna go dark.
We are at war. Not everything will be clean.