I feel it too fren. I have a lot of real life living that is not conducive to online research... i jump on here sporadically on a slow day and read as much as I can and try to be a helpful fren and that's about all I can contribute. Maybe an age limits should factor in??? Perhaps every anniversary gives 5k or 10k if you stay active? Or maybe just double the updoots gained in the last year at you anniversary idk?
Takes a lot of updoots! A great post response is getting 200 upvotes. Do one of those a week and you’ll have a Pepe in a little less than four years! Haha
So along time ago we had a mod that started adding them one night, and basically asked us what we wanted. Other than that, I am not sure what it takes to get one now.
I wish I’ve been on that night. It’s a little demoralizing when you’ve been on here for four years and reasonably involved (I do also have a day job) and still have nothing to show for it. And I understand the point of rewarding involvement but it’s such a high bar it just encourages dumb responses and dumb posts just to try to milk the up votes.
IF you think you're close enough, just ask on here and hopefully a Mod will see it and see if it is time for you to receive one. Other than that, I don't know. Mine came to me out of the blue. AND... don't forget to thank the Mods when you receive it.
I think you are probably right. So. That means if I want to downvote, I have to turn Community stylings off, but then can't see gifs or avatars? Shoot. Is there a way to do both?
Yep pretty much. Also mod mail is a way you can get in touch with them. The next best thing would be general chat. Though I suppose a post like this is only normal ever so often :). I'm excited for you fren. U will get it
Ok fren I will keep you in my prayers. Big life changes sound exciting. U seem to have a good heart posture towards it. Discernment is always something I pray I grow in. It's so SO important. God bless fren feel free to reach out if you ever need prayer or a fren to vent to. We family now 🫂🙏❤️
I came here right when Reddit was giving the Donald a hard time. And I’m glad I did because eventually Reddit shut it down. Then I happen to see the GAW and moved over here because everybody was so negative on the Donald. Been here since then!
40,000 updoots.
Ho-lee mo-lee.
When you get a pepe it's like an intervention that you've spent too much time online.
I wish you could choose your pepe. I like mine but I wish there was an option for it.
It's like the sensei choosing your new name.
You can. I know a couple (or should I say remember but can't recall names) who changed theirs from a 'cross' back to a 'pepe.'
LOL that's about rite.
It took me four years.
What??? It used to be 20k. Man, I'm never gonna get a badge, it's taken me this long to get to 10k. <sadface>
I feel it too fren. I have a lot of real life living that is not conducive to online research... i jump on here sporadically on a slow day and read as much as I can and try to be a helpful fren and that's about all I can contribute. Maybe an age limits should factor in??? Perhaps every anniversary gives 5k or 10k if you stay active? Or maybe just double the updoots gained in the last year at you anniversary idk?
Takes a lot of updoots! A great post response is getting 200 upvotes. Do one of those a week and you’ll have a Pepe in a little less than four years! Haha
48,000 upvotes here. No pepe.
Ask a mod. In General chat or Mod mail.
So along time ago we had a mod that started adding them one night, and basically asked us what we wanted. Other than that, I am not sure what it takes to get one now.
I wish I’ve been on that night. It’s a little demoralizing when you’ve been on here for four years and reasonably involved (I do also have a day job) and still have nothing to show for it. And I understand the point of rewarding involvement but it’s such a high bar it just encourages dumb responses and dumb posts just to try to milk the up votes.
IF you think you're close enough, just ask on here and hopefully a Mod will see it and see if it is time for you to receive one. Other than that, I don't know. Mine came to me out of the blue. AND... don't forget to thank the Mods when you receive it.
Excellent question
'Tis an excellent question indeed!
+1 for the long road to pepe
Oh just lost the handshake, I can see the Pepe on the horizon now.. kek
Thanks for all the updoots!
I was graced with a Combat Pepe without request and I appreciate it. Max Kek!
Mod request: Pinochet Pepe Please!
Pretty bad-ass, IMO.
I didn't even realize it was a badge of honor until your post, LOL. Never thought much about it. Maybe there was still some Voat influence back then.
We're almost there.
At 40k i think, i didn't get mine till 85.
You have to ask or remind a mod. Probably in the daily thread,
I used to see avatars all the time and now I see none. Why is that?
Also, for the record, I'm over 130k combined updoots and have never gotten one, nor asked for one.
You have one. A pepe with an army helmet.
I'm wondering if I can get that avatar switched, since I'm not an army man, not that it really matters.
I like the army one. Switch with me.
I like the army one too . I don’t like mine as long as we’re complaining lol
Geez! I wonder what I need to adjust in my setting to see this?
Anyone know?
Community setting. "On"
Yep, I can see your pepe - he's wearing a colander
😂😂😂 I can see your Pepe! Zip up your pants!😂🤣😂
She touched my peppie, Steve!
OMG - Mods this deserves a pepe 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I got the tinfoil hat too.
Hi fren!
You can see it when community styling is on.
That was the issue! Thanks. I had no idea I've had this. I wonder when I got it?
Haha. Glad you found your little guy.
U have one fren. I think your settings need to be changed. I'm hoping someone will jump in cause I forget the exact settings to see them.
Community styling has to be on.
There we go. I could not think of it for the life of me haha. Appreciate it
I'm seeing an avatar next to your comment right now. You probably have something set wrong in your community settings.
Thanks. It was the community styling that apparently got turned off. I have no idea how long ago that happened!
I just thought the mods stopped displaying them. Huh!
Community styling off lets you downvote posts which is probably why you changed it in the first place.
But now you can see gifs again!
I think you are probably right. So. That means if I want to downvote, I have to turn Community stylings off, but then can't see gifs or avatars? Shoot. Is there a way to do both?
Just turn off Community Styling, do the downvotes, and then turn it back on.
Only way.
(If you wanted to get fancy, you could figure out some way to automate the settings changes needed.)
Thanks. I am not tech savvy enough to know how to automate it. But, that is helpful to know.
85? Who did you piss off? thanks for the info.
I just never asked. Someone made a comment in the daily and i said I had 85k and didn't know.
Who do I have to blow to get a pepe around here?
You probably don't want the answer to that question....
Yeah let's not blow a cat.
Not that there's anything wrong with that....
True. Better than blowing a tranny I guess...
You assume cat is NOT a tranny.../sarc
Alright that's it. That cat is going in a Haitian stew!
You have to kiss a princess.
It takes a lot. I’d love to have one as well but I’m no where near what it takes. Hats off to all that achieve that status.
Once you go Pepe you don’t go back
You’re my Pepe twin! 👍💚
Unless you forget your password. Then all bets are off.
Dear Saint Pepe, Please bless this poor fren with Pepe'hood. <3 Lordsoth
I think you might be close to it fren. I forget the exact number. Keep at it. It will come :)
Plug along until it happens, thanks.
Yep pretty much. Also mod mail is a way you can get in touch with them. The next best thing would be general chat. Though I suppose a post like this is only normal ever so often :). I'm excited for you fren. U will get it
Is there any way I can pray for you today
No specific needs - all gong good at the moment. Big life changes (nothing bad) in the not too distant future so just discernment, I guess.
Ok fren I will keep you in my prayers. Big life changes sound exciting. U seem to have a good heart posture towards it. Discernment is always something I pray I grow in. It's so SO important. God bless fren feel free to reach out if you ever need prayer or a fren to vent to. We family now 🫂🙏❤️
Well, thanks. The offer is mutual, Fren.
You have to be banned at lease 5 times for a for total of 30 days. 🤔😮🤣 Good luck!
Dangit, I got 6 bans to go then.
You'll get there, just post about the interdimensional portals that that the UAPs use to come back and forth to scare us.
🤣 My wife still rolls her eyes whenever I mention that fateful day when I was given my pepe. I use the same pepe for my truth social avatar.
I came here right when Reddit was giving the Donald a hard time. And I’m glad I did because eventually Reddit shut it down. Then I happen to see the GAW and moved over here because everybody was so negative on the Donald. Been here since then!
Ask one of the mods.
First rule of GAW. Never ask for a Pepe🐸🍀 that is what I was told
Is there a foot-in-mouth pepe? I could probably be awarded that at times :)
Quite honestly…who cares? It’s not really necessary is it? It reminds me of shittit. And screw shitit
Used to have one, till I lost password and had to make new acct.
I only see one person now who had the same one that I had.
It takes a combined Karma score of 40,000 to get a Pepe. Drop the mods a note and let them know you qualify for one.
Some of those icons are actually “apu apustaja” not pepe
theyre 2 different frogs with 2 different creators
apu was made around 2016 whereas pepe came from matt furie
ASK.. and you shall receive, saith the Lord.