Nah. See my comment above. Apples and oranges, and a shell game (no pun intended) used to distract people from their rights and responsibilities.
The legal existence is not the same as the actual existence. To use an analogy, the legal entities that are created via statutes and incorporation are like avatars in a virtual world, used to battle and fight for dominance. The satanic forces (i.e. cabal and DS powers) want people to think that the virtual world is the real world. It isn't.
In the real world, the nation of the United States is NOT simply its incorporated entity, but the nation made up of all the living people of the US, whose rights transcend both statutes and govt. BUT, if the Cabal can get you, fred and joe to all believe and accept that the legal entity is the real one, then presto, you have to (and unconsciously choose to) operate by THEIR rules.
There is a whole ecology and realm of people operating in that realm, in that mental space, BUT it doesn't make it real. Unless you accept it as such. And then, in that realm, the government can tell you (as the authority to tell you) to wear masks, to shut down your business, to not be able to travel, and yes, to take a vax or lose your job.
So, Regardless of legal structures and arrangements, I think you will find that the nation of Canada (i.e. the People, land and their sovereignty) is NOT owned by the US. For that to happen, they would need to agree to unite in the real world (i.e. constitutional change) not simply have legal shenanigans about who owns who.
AUTISTS CONFIRMED IT: Canada is ALREADY owned by the United States . some good info here.
Nah. See my comment above. Apples and oranges, and a shell game (no pun intended) used to distract people from their rights and responsibilities.
The legal existence is not the same as the actual existence. To use an analogy, the legal entities that are created via statutes and incorporation are like avatars in a virtual world, used to battle and fight for dominance. The satanic forces (i.e. cabal and DS powers) want people to think that the virtual world is the real world. It isn't.
In the real world, the nation of the United States is NOT simply its incorporated entity, but the nation made up of all the living people of the US, whose rights transcend both statutes and govt. BUT, if the Cabal can get you, fred and joe to all believe and accept that the legal entity is the real one, then presto, you have to (and unconsciously choose to) operate by THEIR rules.
There is a whole ecology and realm of people operating in that realm, in that mental space, BUT it doesn't make it real. Unless you accept it as such. And then, in that realm, the government can tell you (as the authority to tell you) to wear masks, to shut down your business, to not be able to travel, and yes, to take a vax or lose your job.
So, Regardless of legal structures and arrangements, I think you will find that the nation of Canada (i.e. the People, land and their sovereignty) is NOT owned by the US. For that to happen, they would need to agree to unite in the real world (i.e. constitutional change) not simply have legal shenanigans about who owns who.
I am glad you have the patience to write all of that. Thank you...
It's all contracts and maritime law. Literally a make believe jurisdiction that they trick everyone into. The whole thing is so fucked...