The largest single 501(c)(3) recipient of taxpayer money is an entity I've never heard of, Battelle Memorial Institute, EIN 314379427. It accepted almost to 10 billion dollars in government grants last year—but, from his website, elite researchers can't figure out what this company does. Can GAW?
🧐 Elite Researchers! 🤔

They’re located in Columbus, Ohio and conduct research in environmental, national security/defense and healthcare. Wait. No entity belongs in these three sectors under one umbrella. None.
They have a Vice President of DEI, connections to the gates foundation and connections to several defense contractors, just from reading the bios of their leadership and others.
Grok has a ton of info. They do a lot of biomed engineering and deal with level 3 biolabs. Yes they have some connections to Ukraine. Grok said yes to vaccine development and I specifically asked about rabies and they do research that.
Looking at the board, we see CIA, Federal Reserve, and ESG NGOs. It says they manage natl. laboratories but typically those are supposed to be sourced to prime contractors and not the type that are given grants to do so.
Interview with the CEO
The board of directors is a who's who of the deep state:
As you guys know, I'm always on about how GAW Is an "elite research board", and It's even in our sidebar that our mission is to be ready to red pill the normies. That means being ready with the facts when things start to break. I'm going to drop the glove here in front of our elite researchers. Anyone want to rise to the challenge?
SKIM THE TWITTER COMMENTS BEFORE POSTING! Some really good dig information in here!
You could've stopped at the CIA members, and that would've been enough. If they're involved, it's a Clown front.
Yep, a money laundering scheme.
It took me 30
Yeah, I'm pretty slow compared to some.
But I'm Buzz Lightyear compared to others
Well to be honest I was being facetious it took me 30 seconds to scratch the surface
CIA aside, if the gov is giving them $10 B., it's a clown front. Shit, 99% of anything the gov gives money to is likely a clown front.
Stinks like a slushfund.
Do you think the Department of energy runs its laboratories without spending money?
Cuz that's where this company makes their money. They run labs for the doe and others
As non profits? Thats the catch here. Sure there are for profit contractors needed to run labs. But non profits? Really? I thought 501c3s were for charities not government contractors.
That's not a catch. You are just misunderstanding what 503c's could be.
A 503c can be a charity. But it can also be other things.
The IRS code says it must be operated for exempt purposes.
Exempt purposes are
charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, preventing cruelty to children or animals.
They seem to clearly qualify as a scientific organization.
Their 990 also says they do make contributions of 20% of net income
...remember a creep named Wexner - Columbus OH is one of the DS's lairs using OSU as a front ...so the ND / OSU title game is essentially Good vs. evil
ND is run by Jesuits.
the players are evil on one team and choir boys on the other.
I went to Columbus to take a friend to OSU hospitals last year. I dropped him off and was parked on a cross street, nearby, walking my dog after the long trip. I was still on the sidewalk, dog was 'inside' the area between the sidewalk and parking area but still on the grass. Within probably 7 minutes I had 3 security vehicles from Battelle coming (rushing) up to me telling me I had to leave and get my dog off their 'campus'. Very polite but left no room for interpretation. Whenever I got back home I started looking up Battelle and came up with pretty much the same info provided in the first comment.
You had me at your first sentence. None of those industries sound like 501c3. Kek.
Have you ever looked at the 503c rules?
Batelle absolutely 100% meets the purposes specified in the IRS publications.
I enjoy your honesty. good posts in this thread.
How in the heck has this never been discussed here??😁
Catsfive,,, what else you holding back!?!??
Let it out bro, LET IT ALLLL OUT.!.!.
Why should this have been discussed here. Why is it automatically suspicious in your mind?
You joined 4 days ago, 0 posts, 14 comments, nothing but shilling. Fuck off glowie faggot.
They were on this thread like ants.
It's hilarious they think we can't tell what they are 🤣
Welllll everything has an air of suspicion these days, but my suspicion here isn’t tied to anything nefarious. To the contrary, it’s just another move on the board brought to us by the greatest altruistic show to ever exist!
JudgeJuan - no need to protect this post from me, I’m just a smooth brained Ape who’s gotten lucky and figured some stuff out. The last thing I want to do is slow down the progress 😎
It's being talked about because now it's the right time to talk about it.
In good faith, of course.
Isn’t there something sketchy about institutions in Ohio getting anti gravity craft? I seem to remember something about it in a Joe Rogan UFO episode within the past year or so… Dayton? Some institute? I’ll have to go look.
I did a Yandex search for Battelle Memorial Institute. Among the results, there are 363 pages of declassified pages on the FBI records website, dating from 1955. From page 3:
Whatever they're doing they've been doing it a very long time.
Interesting. In Chris Wray’s resignation report on GWP yesterday or the day before, he reported the Chinese (Communists) have for sure infiltrated high-up divisions in the government and Contracted entities on our infrastructure, defense, and intelligence. Well this “entity” certainly fits that bill.
Reading between the lines on their wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battelle_Memorial_Institute
I would have to say: Skunkworks
I bet it's a secret bio weapon testing lab. How does the deep state know to build a weapon that destroys the heart with myocarditis? How do they test to ensure that SV40 causes cancer all the time? Secretly in labs like this. That's what I think.
Ohio is where they off'd the train with hazard chemicals to sicken the population.
environmental (poisoning nature and people)
national security/defense (DoMeStIc TeRrorISm)
healthcare ("cure" the population of the chemical bioweapon, likely via "vaxxxine")
I concur, that bit really stuck out to me, as well as the Los Alamos research.
Every single person reading this thread has used scientific processes developed by Battelle.
Including one massively famous company.
Well we all buy items with UPC codes so yeah
Did they have anything to do with that?
I was thinking of xerography.
It's one of the ones listed in their wiki bio for notable projects
So is Elon in his role in DOGE, talking about ending the Dept of Energy? If so, that would eliminate most of their employees. This is from the Wikipedia site on Battelle... "It has 3,200 employees,[citation needed][when?] and manages another 29,500[citation needed] in ten United States Department of Energy National Laboratories."
Inclined to agree with this one. They went from armor plating to nuclear fuel rods to dry copying to optical disc development to to medical development over their lifespan. The last builds were covid tests and n95 mask decontamination. I suspect this org is more around skunk works than anything, and it's leaning biological (both health and environmental basis of late)
Problem solving, out of the box solutions.
The CEO has a history with DynCorp. Last time I heard that name was during a congressional hearing where Cynthia McKinney brought them up regarding something nefarious (I don't remember) but I think it involved Rumsfeld.
Child Trafficking...
They are deeply embedded at JB Andrews...
Ohio is somewhat famous for missing children iirc...and Freemasonry
This entity has fingers in so many different pies, it's alarming. They started a Biotech company in May 2021 to manufacture advanced genetic therapies named AmplifyBio. Did they know about how the Covid Vaccines were going to cause certain medical problems that they could cash in on.
Press release about new company.
AmplifyBio Advanced Therapy CDMO
Can GAW?
Can GAW accept almost $10 billion in government grants? Well, probably, but then we would have to give up our hard-won, grubby amphibian street cred.
signed, shitcomsRus.
"Shitcoms. Taking shit posts to a whole other level."
I will be treasurer. Kek
Huh. Ambitious.
Oh, I bet I know exactly what it does- funnels tax money to the swamp.
Time to call DOGE BUSTERS !!!
The big things that catch my eye is ...
Environmental development.
Los Alamos
What I think is A.I. development.
Lots of fingers, in lots of pies. After 12 years of Big Mikes fuck pillow and ChinaJoe, I don't think it is in our interest. It seems the perfect entity the libs takeover and corrupt.
Every fence becomes a cage.
Every shield becomes a trap.
The liberal way.
If you didn't catch the part where this Company "MANAGES laboratories for customers. It has 3,200 employees, and manages another 29,500 in ten United States Department of Energy National Laboratories. So a lot of money is managing the United States Department of Energy National Laboratories. End of Paragraph at top of page here Search the wiki page for "Federal government project management" You will see all they do. For Homeland Security they manage the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center.
Good find catsfive
Such entities are required to file "public" returns (Form 990). Search IRS website.
Please give the Twitter comments a skim, first. This information originally came from the 990 in the first place.
Battelle Memorial Institute, Inc. History:
All things considered....given the age of company, and considering every little item of interest they seem to be engaged in and scope of interest and considering the nature of the funding...The organization starts in 1929 but by 1969 to 1975 they are sued for 80million...from Wiki:
From 1969 to 1975, the institute was involved in a lawsuit over whether it was "neglecting its philanthropic promises" as a nonprofit organization. It reached an $80 million settlement in 1975.
So they have known history of never achieving anything philanthropic and willing to pay 80million in 1975 dollars to make it go away....seems 50years ago they were pretty keen to be left alone.
Most everything they do has a finger in todays problems.
From Gordon's Wiki: The only son of John and Annie Battelle, Gordon was trained to inherit and manage his father's holdings in the steel industry. He attended military school in Chester, Pennsylvania, and later studied metallurgy at the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University.
Gonna go out on a limb for a moment....Gordon was Skull&Bones member. But will try to confirm in the coming days...
However...Gordon passes young and the bulk of his and his mother's fund the organization...what gets murky is who is actually pulling the strings of the organization after their passing.
Considering what Battel comes by WW2 they are early player in our now known Military Industrial Complex and most likely a willing tool of the OSS that became the C.I.A. and they have all been playing ball together since.
If I am close then presume the worst...Battel actually started with what seems a humble approach but their actions speak volumes and they aren't out to better the common man anymore. Not at that price tag anyway.
Holy shit this is bullshit
You do understand the example you gave does not translate to that right??
They currently do a lot of STEM funding. Their 990 says they donate 20% of net income to charitable work.
20% of 9.8 billion alone is 50 million dollars and they gross more then that...i would think any organization dropping this amount of money...would have more to be proud of...I believe the only reason they participate at all could be their own reaction for having to pay 80million in 1975 for not doing the same up to 1969 when the suit started.
So it is pittance for what they bring in and from our government gives them 9.8 Billion on top of it...and hardly excuses the rest of Battel's direction and behavior....it's kind of like the business worlds version of the Mafia Widow's and Orphans fund.....so look over here at what we do and not over there and one action washes the other.
Sometimes bad people do good deeds but it's not because they need to feel like good people...but they want you to believe they are...and that's more important to them then anything.
So a CIA front want's to help educate children outside of the classroom but that is supposed to make it OK?
I'll pass.
You're off on the math and the facts.
20% of 10 billion is $2 billion dollars.
I said net income. The 10 billion is gross income. They net $100 million.
And why do you think they are not? Because you never heard of them before? Like what is your basis for a claim like this. Because I could equally make the opposite claim because it only took me a few minutes to find out them promoting their STEM charity work.
1975 was 50 years ago. You understand that, right?
and hardly excuses the rest of Battel's direction and behavior.
You literally just learned about them today. I mean come on.
And then you made up a bunch of stuff about them in your head.
Well...that being said....
The sum of what they are now appearing to emerge as is okay with you, I expect...in America your entitled to think as freely as you do.
I expect if Battel get's DOGE'd you will be sad and I will be happy and life will go on.
Still...Thanks, but no thanks...for a currently being exposed MiI Industrial Complex/CIA front Battel as an organization wants to hang it's hat on what it can do for education outside of the classroom.
This point alone seems tiny by comparison to what Battel as a 501 actually has become and despite of how "nice" they have seemed are not in everyone's best interest.
So didn't make up how I feel about anything....as I haven't seen enough benefit from our 9.8billion endowment to value what Battel does with our money.
And within the last couple hours...a failed chance to prove Battel's humanity....BioLabs for DOD and DHS....vaccine involvement.
Maybe I was wrong about the money but I am not wrong in how I feel about it...nothings made up, math aside everything I stated was from historical record.
And this spade is a spade. And I have no problem saying so.
You are free to think otherwise.
Anecdotal report: I'm struggling to find a job here in Tucson, and interviewed with this company over the phone last week for a seasonal environmental monitoring position.
The guy who interviewed me was definitely gay, and had his pronouns listed in his email. They never did end up calling me back
They have a fulltime DEI executive. Though a lot of companies do these days. Impossible for a company to have any mission beyond DEI.
They seem to have a lot of roles that should be interesting but like, you'd be a data scientist helping to organize the carbon capture scams that are just coming online.
Or you could work on a new TSA contract:
In short, if you don't mind working to destroy the country, they might have some interesting work for you.
So today I learned about this company.
I learned they developed a technology. I've used thousands of times and also they do gay environmental monitoring in Arizona.
It's been an interesting hour.
Is Hunter the CEO?
Guess what's right outside of Columbus,
..... and by how many miles?
I wouldn't be surprised if Les, et.al., is in the mix somewhere.
Their HR director is on the board at Wexner Medical Center.
HAHAHAHA they blocked archive.org from being archiveable!
Forgot archive.is though…
Other fun board positions include … Eskenazi Health Foundation, Loyola University of NO, CIA Memorial Foundation, Bath and Motherfuckin Bodyworks, Bank Policy Institute.
That is definitely not all of their locations.
Nice find!
Didn't I tell you!
Looks like Columbus is one big spider web...
BMI .. the fat.. paycheck.
Project Clear Vision
I looked up the name in SCRIBD and it came up with an interesting Court Case:
So why does this smell like a money pipeline for the DS
Confirmation bias.
They test bio weapons on animals 20 minutes west of Columbus.
Similar to Raytheon, Monsanto, IBM. Contractor for defense industry.
Big Khazarian nosed motherfucker.
Battelle Named Prime Contractor on $10 Billion Contract to Deliver Medical Solutions to the Department of Defense
If you were to set up a "business" like this, you'd be arrested.
It's a ponzi scheme. It's money laundering.
It's complete and utter bullshit.
This is super useful.
It shows, yes there's a ton of science being done at Batelle run labs.
Check out the results
This is rather interesting regarding H.C. Cross and the Pentacle Memo.
"Yet this document, if it were published, would cause an even bigger uproar among foreign scientists than among Americans: it would prove the devious nature of the statements made by the Pentagon all these years about the non-existence of UFOs."
I have never gone down this rabbit hole before, and have never been to this YT channel. But he has some interesting info on their link to the UFO coverup going back decades.
Tax form: https://www.scribd.com/document/67252469/Battelle-Form-990-Fy10
5 Doe Labs
They also hold the management contract to the Department of Homeland Security.
Be sure DOGE hears about this one! They ought to have fun with it. Shine a light and watch the rats scurry.
It would be interesting to see what the covid "vaccination" rate was among the employees of this group, and the labs they are involved with. Of course, they could always fake any vaccinations, even to the point where their own people wouldn't know they were getting blanks.
They manage multiple National labs. I believe as a not for profit.
A friend of mine was contracted by them in the 1980s to test burn rates of children's clothes, that's all I know about them.
So a real lab doing real scientific testing.
Bio Weapons
Battelle has operated a Top Secret Bio laboratory (National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center – NBACC) at Fort Detrick, Maryland under a US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract for the last decade. The company has been awarded a $344.4 million federal contract (2006 – 2016) and another $17.3 million contract (2015 -2026) by DHS.
elite researchers
DARPA Battelle Connections
(From Grok)
Erik Mettala: A former DARPA executive, Erik Mettala joined Battelle Memorial Institute as the cyber chief scientist in its National Security Global Business Unit in 2011. He was responsible for cyber technology research and development, bringing his extensive experience from DARPA where he managed R&D programs including Internetworking Protocols and Robotics.
Dr. Justin Sanchez: Formerly a neurotechnology expert and the director of the Biological Technologies Office at DARPA, Dr. Sanchez joined Battelle as a technical fellow. His expertise in neurotechnology aligns with Battelle's work in brain-computer interfaces, notably with projects like NeuroLife.
David Friedenberg: A senior data scientist at Battelle, Friedenberg has been involved in projects that intersect with DARPA initiatives, particularly in the realm of brain-computer interfaces under DARPA's AI Exploration program called Intelligent Neural Interfaces. His work on decoding algorithms for neural interfaces directly aligns with some of DARPA's goals in this area.
Notable name is Friedenberg who is involved in Neural Chip research in AI. He had a company called "The Climate Company" and was the first Unicorn company in Agro-tech when he sold his company to Monsanto for 1.1 billion. "Cabal" written all over this fellow.
Side Note
Since a lot of people here believe Elon is working for the Cabal due to his NeuraLink, it would be quite expected that Friedenberg and Elon were connected, right?
Actually nope. Gives credence to the idea that Elon is a WH working on Cabal technologies, but in parallel as a way to wrestle mmonopoly away from the Cabal.