The Monterey Plus Amendments are a set of changes made to the State Water Project (SWP) contracts in California in the 1990s. The amendments were the result of a secret agreement between five contractors and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). What did the amendments do? [Privatized water rights] The amendments transferred public ownership of the Kern Water Bank to a privately controlled entity. [Deregulated water] The amendments removed accountability measures for how much water was allocated to contractors. [Created a new water market] The amendments created a market for buying and selling water that could not be delivered. [Made water more expensive] The amendments made water more expensive and less accessible for customers, especially during droughts. What were the consequences? The amendments disrupted the Delta ecosystem. The amendments worsened water quality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The amendments made it possible to sell "paper water", which is water that only exists on paper. What is the current status? The amendments are not established law and are under court challenge.
It's time for Californians to learn about, and end the Monterey Plus Amendments.
Cabal “Fire Cause” History
Probably arranged so "that family" could own a monopoly on California water and dangerously lower the whole water table under the Shasta area so that the people have rationed water use while their beautiful pure water is hijacked and sent to FIJI water bottling company and put in plastic bottles that leach chemicals into the water.
It's time to shine light on that family
FIJI Water is actually bottled in Fiji. Water from the Kern Bank is used for the pistachio and almond farms. There are other parties in the pact.
Resnick family.
possible to sell "paper water", which is water that only exists on paper
They will assign a paper note to anything that can be "traded" and then exploit it. It's all a fiat scam.
MOASS going to be epic.
There was a scandal a few years ago with Nestle. Southern California was having a drought, and Lake Arrowhead cut off water to the residents. However, Nestle was allowed unlimited water for their Arrowhead bottled water.
An investigation by a local paper revealed that Arrowhead Water had gotten a permit decades ago to bottle water from Lake Arrowhead. When the permit expired, it was never renewed. Nestle sent in their renewal fee every year, and it was $624 per year. And the water people just collected the $ and continued to let Nestle take all the water they wanted without issuing a new permit.
When the scandal was exposed, instead of cutting Nestle off and giving the water to the residents, the water district formally renewed Nestle's permit -- though they did up the fee to $2,050 per year:
I wonder what the actual fees were and to whom they were paid.
Diane Feinstein was involved in CA water theft
Calif has been rife with corruption for well over a century.
See the first few Supreme Court Justices for an eye opener.
(Only part of California Government still in San Francisco to boot.)
I'm guessing on paper Newscum had plenty of water to fight the fire....
of course .
Look into Stewart Resnick
Here are the lawsuits...
"Watch the Water". Was Q trying to tell us to dig into this particular issue as it may have implications to other similar types of underhanded trading scams?
I simply asked Google what the Monterey plus amendments were and it gave me this answer verbatim. The closing sentence was what really got my attention.
Chinatown 3
Kind of along these lines & not to hijack (pardon if it’s totally off-topic) but does California seriously just dump fresh water into the ocean to protect the delta smelt?
What do the enviro-nazis claim would happen of the smelt went extinct?
I wonder how they feel about all the land roving wildlife that was burned alive in the fires.
This really sounds like a communist talking point. From my point of view allocating water to almond farmers is a better investment then giving it to the ungrateful communists in urban LA. California feeds the whole country.
The fact is, there is plenty of water in CA. It does not need to be rationed. What needs to be done is to have new reservoirs built, as required by their 2014 law, and to not drain existing reservoirs to preserve a fish that's not endangered. The shortages are fake.