I don’t go there much at all anymore. Maybe they have realized we were right along? I know, we still have three more days but really…….GAW was right all along!!!!!
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And that is why I am here. This place gave me hope in a time of darkness. Interestingly, my husband always entertained my conspiracies before the election steal but since then when I bring them to him he has already heard them and agrees with them. Gotta love the GAW! My awakening goes back to Russia Russia Russia and I realized hunter was completely corrupt.
I heard about Q on T_D right when the drops started. Found it interesting but likely a larp. Would still read up on it when a Q-relevant post would come across my feed. There was lots of Q stuff on Voat in their V/pizzagate sub that piqued my curiosity. After the horror of 2020 I turned to GAW after the despair of PDW just became too much. This place is much more hospitable and interesting. I still visit PDW daily but man is it a shithole. Could NEVER recommend someone visit it as that relationship could be put in jeopardy by the enormous levels of toxic culture.