Trump announces $500 billion investment in AI called "Stargate".
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Live press conference going on right now:
Earth is about to become biforcated. An Amish type will grow to close to a billion. And the rest will adopt this new tech.
I just want my life back, now. Pushing this tech on top of a corrupt corporate oligarchy is unsustainable. On the other hand something tells me these tech bros are being forced to bring their secret programs to the forefront. I’ll stick with ivermectin.
It’s like we’re just sittin here getting cancer for no reason and we just need a cure. Why don’t they just stop fucking poisoning us a million ways so we don’t GET cancer?
I thought the exact same thing- these “ scientists” gave us the freaking cancer in the first place. How convenient they will now have a different “ cure” for everyone… gene editing and/or gene replacement.
I do not think it will be overshadowed because RFK Jr. is going to expose the vaxxes and show the proper cures from remedies that already exist.
I cannot fucking wait to hear from Bobby post inauguration
RFK Jr and Kash Patel are going to be a 1-2 combo to the globalist agenda.
Patel will handle the "enemy from within" while RFK Jr will deal with the enemy attacking our food and medicine at home and from abroad.
From your keyboard to God’s ears!
First saw this meme here, and don’t repost it jokingly.
We know that right now, stone is changing to bronze, and the horse is changing to the automobile.
It was always going to happen. We can Red October the torpedo, or it can arm first.
I miss it already, too, and it’s not coming back. Aim to Amish.
Bright side though, Trump does seem to say things to shape narrative that are very intentionally off-kilter or way too far, and we usually tend to like where he ends. So there’s that.
I know it’s not coming back. But when the horse buggy turned to the car. They didn’t lock 8 billion people in their homes and poison them. I can now count these deaths on two hands. Innovation via fraud extortion and genocide is no bueno.
My father died like an animal and I had to watch it on a zoom feed. On principle, if we don’t get justice I reject all this advancement. Even Trump himself. I’ve had enough of lying. I don’t care. This shit wasn’t worth it. I know it’s the 4th turning, but going from daily ice and milk delivery to refrigeration didn’t create mass mind trauma and a suicide epidemic amongst children. Context.
Extremely sorry to hear that, sir, and I echo the sentiment, with much less direct loss.
Trying to deal with all this crap is maddening.
I agree. Amanda Grace of Ark of Grace Ministries stated about a week ago that Trump was going to become friends with some people he shouldn't. She also said that it had to do with AI.
Here is an excerpt:
Thus says the Lord, within the first three months the administration shall be sifted and within the first 6 months it shall be shaken, for AI is being welcomed in more than my voice, says the Lord, and that must change for the enemy dwells in AI. He lurks in the shadows he comes looking like a gift, says the Lord, and it is a curse it is a curse, you are bringing a curse upon yourselves that does not need to enter for the enemy comes with chains of power and prestige and smooth words that come forth from the mouth of corporate giants in the land. That come forth from the mouths of giants in social media, however, it is an unstable bridge that has been built and for such to be delivered there would have to be complete surrender to MY WILL, MY WAY AND RIGHT NOW THERE ARE TOO MANY BULLS AND RAMS AND COMPETING IDOLS IN THE ROOMS, SAYS THE LORD, AND THAT MUST BE CLEARED OUT AND IT WILL, SAYS THE LORD, OH IT WILL.
In the biblical story of Joshua, the "Time of Ai" refers to a pivotal moment where the Israelites, led by Joshua, conquered the Canaanite city of Ai, a seemingly small and insignificant town that unexpectedly posed a major challenge to their military campaign due to a previous Israelite defeat at the hands of Ai's forces, ultimately leading to a crucial lesson about obedience to God's commands and the importance of seeking out the root cause of a problem before taking action.
Key points about the story:
The initial setback:
Before attacking Ai, Joshua sent spies to assess the city's strength, who reported that a small force would be sufficient to conquer it. However, when the Israelites attacked, they were unexpectedly defeated, suffering significant casualties. The reason for the defeat:
Following the loss, Joshua sought guidance from God, discovering that the Israelites had violated a sacred vow by taking plunder from Jericho, which was meant to be completely devoted to God.
Achan's sin:
Through a process of casting lots, the culprit was identified as a man named Achan, who had taken forbidden items from Jericho. Achan was stoned to death, and the Israelites were cleansed of their sin.
The strategic victory:
After addressing the issue of Achan's sin, Joshua devised a new plan to attack Ai, employing an ambush strategy where a large contingent of Israelites hid on the west side of the city while a smaller force lured the enemy out to pursue them.
God's intervention:
As the plan unfolded, God caused the men of Ai to panic and flee, allowing the Israelites to easily capture and destroy the city.
The importance of obedience:
The story of Ai highlights the consequences of disobeying God's commands, demonstrating that even a seemingly small transgression can lead to significant setbacks.
The power of repentance:
The Israelites' repentance and addressing Achan's sin allowed them to overcome the challenge posed by Ai.
Not a coincidence.
Curious, by what measure do you trust someone who declares themselves a prophet, speaking the Word of the Lord?
Seems like a lot of her direction is possible, but there’s still no obvious reason to trust such people.
I really do not believe that she is a true prophet. I have always believed that they are part of the plan. I have been reading what they have to say for the last 6 years, and it "comes to pass." They are part of the casting.
Sounds more accurate.
It’s possible there are ways in which she could be that without being a “false prophet”.
Still not comfortable with that.
It irritates me. At first, 6 years ago, I believed. That is what first got me red pilled. But when things started not coming to pass in 2022, I got frustrated. Or, I should say, they did not come to pass the way I thought.
But.... why is Trump dealing with these people?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Hard to recommend listening to psyops, but also hard to tell what isn’t one these days.
Let's just skip right to the end of Elysium (the movie).
Go on? What happened.
I read the synopsis of the wealthy elite living in a paradise in orbit.
The wealthy class elites left earth to orbit the planet in an Eden like paradise space port. Had all the tech, good health and "medbeds" that could basically cure anything. Only the elite class on this orbiting paradise were "citizens".
The rest of us scavenged the depleted planet earth. Some plot things happen, hero Matt Damon makes the AI system recognize everyone as a citizen, even us 3rd worlders left on the surface, which releases all the healing tech is to the planet. Giant medical ships with med beds head down to the surface to treat everyone.
It worth a watch. Sorry I spoiled the ending.
No, that makes sense as to what’s going on.
These tech bros face and structure starting to look different. It isn’t all steroids and trainers.
Catherine Austin Fits has said for years that there is a paralell economy that’s funneling money away from the main society. This is why you get 9/11 Rumsfeld announcements of missing trillions.
Maybe this is not for us, it might be for those who've already taken the vaccine and have bots in the their bodies already
I cringed when I heard him say MRNA vaccine
I have a feeling the cringe has just begun. We’re once again being steered in a direction we didn’t ask for. I reject all biotech until the poverty and food poison issues are addressed.
Yeah. Where's RFK Jr.?
Hasn't been confirmed yet AFAIK.
Not doing it. I understand things can’t get back to normal but I want zero nanotech in my body. I’m sure we all have some. My body belongs to me not to Elon musk. They are using economics to push us into that direction. Because people will submit to pay bills. It’s evil.
Not yet, maybe when you get Musks implant. Until then just used to deep pull posts off the internet then they can rank people for credit scores.
Implant? Smart “dust” has been confirmed in public domain for years now. Who’s to say we haven’t already been breathing and consuming the “chip” already?
Flynn tweeted this Anon video which was quickly taken down, I highlighted and quoted the very first few seconds of this video where they discuss this.
Oh yea it can totally read my mind already. We already know the algos can hear your conversations and send you targeted ads. But friends I am pretty sure it can read my mind and emotions or at the very least know when smth piques my interest by reading pupil dilation. Too many times to count I’ve been thinking about smth briefly and it sends me a targeted ad or relevant posts. Recently I had smth very minor that bothered me on an emotional level and the algos sent a post with some very specific and targeted content.
It def can read your mind. The question is it one way or can it implant ideas?
I agree with what you said. This happens to me quite frequently. Just thinking things and it’ll pop up. My username this is how it starts… Something in Instagram showed up today a real that was title is this how it starts? I was like yes yes it is. 🙌😂
This happened to my Mom or MIL the other day. I can’t remember which one. Lol. But it was definitely something specific that they were thinking about..not talking about..nothing surprises me anymore but “mind reading/emotion reading” stuff still creeps me out. 🤷🏼♀️ I don’t want to even say on here some of the fleeting thoughts and worries I’ve had about Trump..because again..nothing surprises me anymore. 😬 The only person I 100% trust in is Jesus Christ..everything else and everyone else are just imperfect parts of an imperfect world. 🤷🏼♀️
So weird you said this. I’ve seen ads here recently that I now for a fact I did not click on or say anything about..only thoughts. I mean complete random things like a weed eater or something. Out of season even. And bam, on YouTube or something a freaking yard clipper shows up. I haven’t clicked on anything like that in 8 months or so.
Scientists have been working on reading brainwaves for years. With the Wifi in our homes, and 5G towers, it is probably easy to do, and they have fine tuned it to imagery etc.
Oh interesting. I was thinking if it was from the AirPods or watch. Well I guess we’re sol if it’s from WiFi networks.
I get denture ads and I'm under 40 😆 🤣 wth does it know
I just said this!
I think they can already do this, spooky how YouTube recommends video's on subjects I was just thinking about earlier in the day.
Nobody knows how to read brainwaves, or even if thought content is part of them. Much less if anything can be done to modify brain waves in a way that "controls" the mind. The only known way to control the mind is through the mental abuse of brainwashing (to reduce you to Pavlovian conditioning) or the physical abuse of pain to prevent thinking altogether. So far, "control" basically means the destruction of the ability to think. That's like thinking you can "control" a horse by either breaking its legs or shooting it.
A.I. is nowhere as impressive as people like to imagine. At the moment, it appears to be a high-speed library equipped with a filter system, to generate various kinds of summaries according to search and presentation parameters set by human operators. Get rid of the humans and all you have is the mental equivalent of a toaster.
It's coming far faster than you think, friend.
10 years ago the best experts didn't thing AGI (artificial general intelligence) was possible.
3-5 years ago they said AGI was decades away.
Last year they said it was on the near horizon...
And now there is talk that we will see the beginning of ASI (artificial super intelligence) in 2025.
That's a massively huge step beyond AGI.
If even the brightest minds in the industry haven't been able to forecast the pace of the growth, I wouldn't put much trust in whatever talking heads you may come across on the issue.
I've been reading about this in science fiction for nearly 70 years, mostly in the speculation about autonomous systems (robots). (Try Karel Capek's 1920 play, "R.U.R.") I have been working on its front end (artificial perception) in my professional capacity. I have attempted to outline the necessary developmental evolution for an artificial mind. I was part of a team that developed a program to autonomously manage a global space-based strategic defense system. Real artificial intelligence goes well beyond what we are being dazzled by today. Today we are seeing very simple processes being coordinated by lightning-speed processing and branding it as "intelligence." We have mastered artificial sensation. We are making big strides in artificial perception (which I was part of). The next step is artificial conceptualization, and we are far from that. What is going on is artificial association and plagiarism, which depends totally on a vast database of HUMAN intellectual product. This is to intelligence as a player piano is to musical performance. So, if the Big Boys cannot point out the long way we have to go, and instead promise "Super-AI", I will remain dubious. It will no doubt be powerful and useful, but it will still be as intelligent as a toaster.
Thanks, I see your point.
The only known way to control the mind is through the mental abuse of brainwashing (to reduce you to Pavlovian conditioning) or the physical abuse of pain to prevent thinking altogether.
Have you heard of DREADDs?
Researchers Chemically Control A Mouse’s Mind For Science
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
I would recommend watching the whole Charles Morgan video, they can hijack motor control, erase memory, inject false memories, they can essentially upload information that causes someone to learn something they have never experienced, like how to solve a puzzle, or how to do anything else, really. A lot of this technology isn't even new anymore.
Too much extrapolation for my taste. A fruit fly is tantamount to an organic robot, with reflexes and automatic behavior. Not much thinking going on. No hint of what it means to a mouse. Does the mouse have a mind? I would like to think it has at least a primitive mind, as it seems they can associate good experiences with human interactors and express affection.
This was somewhat anticipated by Curt Siodmak in his 1968 book, "Hauser's Memory." You might enjoy it.
Thank you for your paragraphs.
I swear the hysteria over AI and a throwaway statement about MRNA vaccines is killing the brains of GAW.
You gave me a hearty laugh. But it is in the nature of people to be overawed by things they do not understand.
New 'Mind-Reading' AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants
You have to read the article to be aware of the limitations in this case. For one thing, there is an equivocation about the use of the word "thought." We normally use it to refer to concept formation. Here, they are using it as a synonym for "brain activity." And they have based this on a library of word-brain-activity pairs from training the AI against a dataset of subjects reading text and having their brain activity recorded. And they obtained only 40% accuracy.
They don't really have a reliable translation from visual nerve responses to visual field formation (artificial sensation). This is an interesting shortcut to artificial perception, based on the assumption of mimicry among subjects. And if the subject reads text outside the scope of the library, the system fails. They are already discovering that human conceptualization is more subtle than word differentiation (the man = author). Potentially very helpful as a prosthetic for those with verbal or neurological impairments.
Thanks for letting me know of this.
This was just a quick search as I have heard about research into this subject in the past.
I see this article as a form of public disclosure. It is possible that behind the scenes, there is much more research and headway that has been made.
The mRNA vaccines need to be stopped. They are at risk of changing the human genome. This is the image of God, the Days of Noah. If they are correlating diseases and solutions with machine learning that’s fine, but do not play God Almighty and change the genome.
Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and molecular biologist named Kevin McKernan discuss how the so-called messenger RNA COVID vaccines are actually DNA gene therapies.
NOPE -not gonna vax
We are being given the playbook of what transhumanism is going to look like. President Trump always allows people to open up and spill the beans of what they are up to.
Just like Fauci, President Trump is allowing them to open up what they are planning to do leading into 2029 and beyond.
We are blessed to be armed with this information and now we can plan accordingly.
Welcome to those that are able to see the world this way. I have been there since a child which is a blessing but also a curse because it can be lonely frens.
But in all seriousness we are being given information that shows a roadmap where things are going.
AI is a tool that can do scary, bad things but also a great many things to improve our lives positively and exponentially.
A Brave New World indeed.
It definitely is a race and there are many sub threads to where the future can go like a large river that can turn into a braided stream down the valley.
Many different potential futures.
That stuff is satanic. Remember, this is spiritual warfare and the enemy will never quit.....anything and everything will be the shiny objects to substitute for God.
I was referring to Remote Viewing but all of that stuff is shiny objects designed to keep our attention off our Creator. They are doorways for the evil ones. We're in this mess because we've pushed God out of everything and everywhere; we need to reverse that.
This was speculated a while ago that AI can be used for defensive purposes to create multiple scenarios utilizing Bayesian probability.
You're right. The loneliness is brutal knowing everyone's yelling and fighting and misdirected all around you, while you look right at the issue and see it's simple solution.. knowing without them understanding, it could all mean nothing. But that's the reason for GAW and why it still hasn't completed, and may take even longer. The human consciousness has to be on the same level, regardless of opinion, if we are to stop devolving and truly progress
Good new is that I am not alone when I say that the plandemic showed that there are many of us out there that can pierce the veil or look beyond the window dressing.
As Bannon says:
Took the words out of my thumbs. Very correct and I agree. This is how Q wanted us to think when approaching this type of info injection.
It is an interesting phenomenon that u/GA_Logic brings attention to. It would seem while the majority of frogs are all way beyond awake, some of us get taken off track by charlatans or still react with emotion or ego to certain news points initially. Yet, some frogs see right through the fog with ease.
I have noticed it too, for a long while now. It's just another metric I suppose. An interesting one for sure. It explains the tribal make up of the pond in some ways.
Did we just mind-meld?! I just had that exact thought while reading the rest of this post! Then I check your reply and blammo!
Yes. I completely agree. There's been an influx of PDW primary accts and also many a handshake. Not that it's a bad thing. However we should also notice an increase in troll, hatesub brigading, and other shill & bot activity included with the legit new arrivals.
Sounds like a ton of buzzwords that SOUNDS impressive on paper and is good to generate interest and hype, but is meaningless in the long run.
Typical marketing BS. I'd ignore this for more practical considerations.
Yeah... I gotta be honest...
Not interested in ANYTHING mentioned in this AI thing - AT ALL.
Zero interest in perpetuating the current medical paradigm that DOESN'T put ACTUAL HEALTH first...
AND after the C19 bullshit, they REALLY don't need any more power or levers to PRY into my life.
FURTHERMORE - EVERYBODY (by Larry's admission - anons already know) have free radicals/cancer floating around in them - EVERYBODY - and I don't need NOR CONDONE these aholes preying on the weak minded that don't know what health even is.
Gotta say - really disappointed in this one. MAHA not off to a good start with this absolute bullshit.
I'm keeping my medical sovereignty.
Really bothersome, especially if this isn’t a disclosure op. What’s next? “We’re gonna partner up with CERN to build another particle collider in Wyoming”? There are a few too many wolves being let in the door for me to feel as comfy as I expected to be at this point. We voted for medical freedom, not some AI super-grid to propagate more mRNA bullshit we’ve spent 4 years fighting against.
Yeah... I gotta let this brew a bit and see what shakes out.
The 3 stooges seemed VERY ill prepared, said VERY LITTLE about what they were really doing - and notice how the Asian dude just looked at Trump about 75% of his talk (after they pulled the midget drawer out for him - seriously THAT was the best part!!!) - and the last guy had to be coached by Trump to come up with more than 3 sentences....
I mean didn't anybody know what they just signed yesterday??? A supposed deal worth half a TRILLION dollars and you can't even explain what you just dropped all that coin on??? Medical records and some mRNA horseshit that Americans - still f'd up or reeling from burying their jabbed 20-something athletic kid from a heart attack.... aren't going to be keen on supporting at ANY point on the near future.
Plus... where's MAHA JFK Jr on this???
PLUS... Project "StarGate" ??? I mean not for nothing, but if this is anything other than COMs - you wasted a great name on a pile of cold dog shit that squeezed through your surprised toes at 3 am in the dark...but I digress...
There's digging to be done here... because this is so unbelievably stark in contrast to yesterday's brilliant, "This is such a good day please God don't let it end... tomorrow is going to be even better!!!" - energy - that It just defies logic...
I gotta unpack this and see what's really going on ...
we will know that Maha is on track when they start exposing that cancer comes from parasite, and that can be easily treated kept at with basic parasite cleanses, and taking ivermectin and fenbendazole.
I hated the whole thing on the surface. But I wonder if between the lines Trump is attacking the JPY currency crisis economic time bomb. Masa and softbank are in serious economic trouble sitting on huge amounts of unrealized loses. They have no liquidity and yet somehow are going to invest $100-500billion
Yea, um. NO!
I'm not excited about this
The point is not to be excited but to be cautious. AI is a tool that can do good and bad. But we are being warned about what the plans are now and we know what is coming soon.
Yeah and the genie is not going back into the bottle either.
OMG this is bad news.
I would prefer President Trump 45~47 send that $500 million to Western North Carolina.
It says "Billion"
I'd rather he invest 500 billion in getting Americans some decent cars in their driveways. Can't hardly afford food, much less a new car.
But we need more useless Ai Centers eating up resources.
You could buy every "homeless" person a house for about $80 billion.
This is a gift for the CIA.
In my opinion:
They're going to apply AI to the original 1991 consolidated Stargate Project.
Because predictive stochastic algorithms running on (Q)uantum AI and trained on data scraped from social media is quantafiably more accurate than a 'psychic'.
Or... So I'm told.
There's the problem.
AI computers will always be computers, which means they process 0's and 1's, and they can be programmed, to include hidden programming.
All the rest is just bells and whistles to distract.
Not true with quantum computers. Specifically referencing the "0's and 1's" part, don't disagree with you necessarily otherwise.
My understanding is that quantum computers can store data as a "0" or a "1" or both simultaneously.
This ability allows them to do simultaneous computations of different possibilities, which is what makes them more powerful.
But it still comes down to 0's and 1's, and it is still a computer that can be programmed, including being programmed for hidden and nefarious purposes.
The scraping data from social media is also a problem -- whether regular or quantum computer -- because these databases of information that are scraped can and will be isolated to acheive a particular purpose.
They might want to scrape CNN but not GAW.
The two sources of data would yield very different results -- although that is not specifically about quantum, and more about so-called AI.
I'm sure both quantum and AI will have some benefit, and possibly mass benefit.
But at the same time, they are the wet dream of tyrants.
And that is why they are dangerous.
It is the first full day of Trump's term, and we already have one of his guys telling us how they want to make customized vaccines, which those of us here (but not on CNN) know is a serious threat to our health, not a benefit.
Yerp. Garbo in garbo out.
No one can see what is coming.
But it's not a someone.
It's a something. 🤔🤣
Ew. Not my favorite thing I've heard today
I get the reason why he wants to be competitive in the AI space, but when it comes to the cancer vax bullshit, I would prefer that the AI is used to eliminate environmental toxins and pollution... Let my immune system take it from there.
Not liking where this is going… Stargate Atlantis, Season 1, Episode 3 (2004) injecting gene therapy
Right. I may be ready for the folk music and ascension playscript. 🫠
Not happy that my tax dollars will go to this garbage.
Is this the Massive Infrastructure announcement ? Was supposed to be at 4 o'clock? I was thinking like bridges and roads and Sewers and Dams and such, not AI centers.
Yup, this is it.
That is disappointing.
Brace yourself
Stargate? What an INTERESTING name....
Project Stargate has been a top secret CIA project for years.
James Spader for Sec. of Stargate Affairs.
In today's world gate means scandal, so yeah, same people, similar topic.
When we've heard about it.... it's already been around for decades.
I think we all know what was going on. An Ai driven extortion system.
Blackrock etc - gives AI the power to manipulate any stock at any time for any length of time.
Media - 4am talking points directed by AI
Search engines - steer narratives via AI
Social Media Censorship - Ai driven.
Someone infected the system to benefit pedophiles. It needs to be cleansed.
I believe this revelation about Stargate is just humanity being slowly led to where we ALREADY are as far as tech wise.
Sure, some may want to stay away from all the new tech but it was created years ago and probably in use by millions by now.
How do they keep humanity together when almost everything was a lie? We have our work to do friends.
Still waiting for the announcement of who killed JFK ,Martin Luther,and epstein list. Not to mention the drone s
I like a lot of what Trump says and does, but I do not like this. Never trust robots.
knows about this.
Same user as the one telling us to keep digging into Racine KNEW about Stargate AI.
Someone want to explain what is going on?
I always remember him talking about Racine it being "the root". Did he actually specifically mention "Stargate AI"?
Yes!! A lot.
Ty - reading all their old comments now.
Not sure why there is so much whining and crying in this thread. Burying our heads in the sand and pretending like AI will just go away is not a good strategy.
Its time to wake up and accept the reality. Either we try to harness the power of AI for the good of humanity or some other bad actor will use it to continue enslaving humanity
Ok. But these aren't the 3 guys we want doing that.
The primary risk that AI poses to the world is it's ability to mimic humans on social media. By doing so, bad actors can consensus-crack, i.e. make it seem like everyone in the world holds an opinion that is actually despised by the population.
Imagine a world where 99 out of 100 people want gun control, push for gun control, attack in comments anyone who isn't for gun control.
None of it's real but it gaslights the population into thinking its real. Then when they legislate insane restrictions on the 2nd amendment, people go along with it because they think everyone is against their stance, when in reality everyone agrees with them.
How would you battle such a thing? Other than having better AI to counter it or identify it.
We already had that, and have for a while.
That's why Trump winning again has made people finally start to backpedal all of their 'support' of the LGBTQ movement. It's why people are afraid to say retard and 'that's gay' now, because woke idiots and bots shamed everyone for now following the right script.
They were already doing that for the past decade.
Please no funding for tech. Just funding so we csn go back to jeffersonian farmer states. Thanks.
Is it my imagination or has Bobby Kennedy, Jr. been rather silent lately? Surely, he'd have something to say about mRNA vaccines custom made for each person. I know Trump loves big money coming into America but I would hope he would not make the mistake he made with Fauci believing all the hype about so called vaccines. We have learned alot from the disasterous Covid19 "vaccine". That gene edited poison contaminated with monkey genes and God knows what other crap. We know that some batches killed and injured many people. I hope this isn't another "Operation Warp Speed". Trump needs to sit down with RFK, Jr., Drs. Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Paul Marik, William Makis to hear their thoughts on mRNA technology.
My guess is if that AI technology was used to study all current drugs and find which would be the safest and most effective against each cancer type, it would cost far less and be much safer than mRNA gene therapy. I also think that if we reviewed each of the researchers who mysteriously died over the past 25 years that were looking into novel treatments for cancer and other diseases and study what these people were doing just prior to their deaths we'd find much of what we need. Big money, Big tech, Big pharma aligned with Big government is a BIG reason for concern.
Teleporting liberals to Mars?!
Beam me and my wifes boyfriend up, Scottie (xir/xem)
From Chatgpt
On January 21, 2025, President Donald Trump announced the launch of the Stargate AI project, a significant initiative aimed at bolstering the United States' artificial intelligence infrastructure. This venture is a collaboration between major technology companies, including OpenAI, SoftBank, and Oracle, with Microsoft serving as a technology partner.
Key Details of the Stargate AI Project:
Initial Investment: The project begins with a private sector investment of $100 billion, dedicated to constructing a state-of-the-art data center in Texas. This investment underscores the commitment to enhancing AI capabilities within the U.S. FINANCIAL TIMES
Future Expansion: There are plans to increase the total investment up to $500 billion over the next four years, facilitating the development of additional data centers and AI infrastructure across the nation. WSJ
Collaborating Entities: The initiative brings together industry leaders such as Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI), Masayoshi Son (CEO of SoftBank), and Larry Ellison (Chairman of Oracle), who joined President Trump at the White House to announce this ambitious project. AP NEWS
Objectives of the Stargate AI Project:
Enhancing AI Training and Development: The establishment of advanced data centers is intended to support the training and deployment of sophisticated AI models, ensuring that the U.S. remains at the forefront of AI technology. FINANCIAL TIMES
Economic Growth and Job Creation: The substantial investment is expected to stimulate economic growth, particularly in regions like Texas, by creating jobs and attracting further technological investments. WSJ
Maintaining Global Competitiveness: By significantly upgrading its AI infrastructure, the U.S. aims to maintain and enhance its competitive edge in the global technology sector, especially in light of advancements by other nations. FINANCIAL TIMES
This announcement marks a pivotal moment in the intersection of technology and policy, highlighting a concerted effort to invest in the future of artificial intelligence within the United States.
The whole thing is a who's who of economic fuckery. Read justdario for some good write ups on literally all parties involved. this is his most recent post. This group represents a nuclear level economic bomb and he just put them all in one room together under his watch
They have been developing nanoparticle-level manufacturing and delivery systems for 20+ years in the public sphere - nanotechnology. Quantum physics, mechanics, and computing were always meant to integrate, and that is apparently being branded today as mRna and AI. I hope this functions like Operation Warpspeed to accelerate and expose the fallacy, and evilness, of their plans.
What is coded in your DNA? Who put it there? Why? Mankind is repressed. We will be repressed no more. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is power. How do you protect your DNA? There is a war for your DNA. Protect your DNA. Ascension. Q
Wild ass thread. Frens, let's give this one a minute. On the surface I don't like this any more than anyone else, but this is one we need to watch and see what is actually happening. Emotion skews thought perception, lets give it a minute and focus on perspective. I trust what is happening. There is a reason for this.
And side note after 127 comments.... we have AI and it's not going anywhere. I'd rather the "good guys" have control over it. We need to be on the forefront of this rapidly developing tech.
No, I do not support mRNA, IVM and such would be a much better way IMO but I REALLY want to see what Trump is doing here and where it is going. I don't think this is a nefarious operation. After all we've been through.... I just don't think Trump is going to support something that is not beneficial to the world.
Project Stargate has been a top secret CIA project for years.