Abandon the National Cathedral
While President Trump is enacting big, bold, audacious plans for America, it might be time to scrap all services at the activist-oriented National Cathedral and start a different tradition in a more welcoming, inclusive place.It’s no secret...
Yep. Find another church.
...how about, find a "real church"...
That can be tough to do. How about just one that doesn’t have LGBTQ pastors. That would at least be a good start.
I can hear the "scratching on the doors" per se of these "woke" religious figures wanting to get back in!!!!!! OHHH MY!!!!! Suffer the consequences of their actions!!!!
The only church is Christ Church. Not made with men's hands. The body of Christ of which Christ is the head.
How about we rechristen the national cathedral to an Anglican church! Reform it back to the sound religion of our founding fathers!
...anything to get rid of Satan's henchmen(women)...
Do you want the king of England as the head of the church?
I went once to tour our national cathedral around Christmas time and the architecture was beautiful.
But even a beautiful facade cannot hide if there's corruption within.
Eventually the restoration has to be completed.
Fortunately, God doesn't leave His work unfinished.
Matt. 23.27
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I'd argue to clean house.
Satan’s bitch was brought in from Minnesota. Klobuchar was the one in charge of the “entertainment”.
...stands to reason...
Sound like the united nations of religious dogma. Today at the national (read everybody gets to pretend kwanza is real) church. The gay and lesbiean contingent gets to lecture us on. Love is love to underage children. Ugly, and useless propiganda infiltrating as a religion. Next up, sharea law and why we need it. GTFO.
That's a good idea.