Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
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Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
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John 20:30&31
30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Sufficient evidence for TRUTH.
So very true Hallelujah!
Were there meetings today or what is the holdup on voting rfk Jr, tulsi and Kash?
Tulsi vote Tuesday.
Here's my Idea of using AI for good and becoming an instant Millionaire. Have a program that I can instantly convert You Tube commercials to something I want to watch. Please no more Ghetto, no more annoying women's overly confident voice overs, just middle class, middle of the road commercials.please. These Woke Commercials are torture. If they continue, there should be a class action lawsuit on behalf of the Common Sense Consumers. There's my Rant. I feel better already..
You need to install the "ublock origin" ad blocker. 😂
OK, I don't live in America. What is going on with this "Margaret" talk? I must have missed something.
I’m already seeing stickers with Vance face I don’t really care Margaret.. She’s going down in history like the let’s go Brandon reporter.
Some margaret was interviewing JD Vance (I think) and he put her in her place when she tried to attack him. It became a meme.
Here you go fren.
I live in America and missed that so don’t feel bad.
Monday Poem...Jim Culleny - Everything Cries
Feeling political distress? Here are coping strategies a psychologist shares with his clients
Worst Of Babylon Bee
Historic: Man Wins Argument With Woman
Trump Announces He Will Lift Tariffs On Canada Just As Soon As They Win A Stanley Cup
Punxsutawney Phil Deported After Birth Certificate Reveals He's From Canada
illegal Immigrants Helpfully Wave Flags So ICE Knows Where To Send Them
Zelenskyy Asks U.S. For $20 Billion To Find Out Where That Missing $100 Billion Went
I just saw this Bee article today. Scholars determine that the blast of trumpets upon Christ's return indicates that he will come to earth with a ska band. KEK! ONE STEP BEYOND!
...that would be an appropriate motto for the BB...
...1979 was madness indeed...
Just a reminder... Today is the five year anniversary of when POTUS awarded Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Rest in peace, Mr Limbaugh and thank you for all the time and effort you spent opening people's eyes over the years. 🙏✝️🇺🇲
I miss Rush so much. What a great human being ❤️
Serious question: Is the “bird flu” only affecting the price of eggs and not the price of chicken meat? I’m in TX and I haven’t seen a difference or any msm talking about this.
Man, the news has has been flowing like a raging river and I am getting drowned and inundated trying to keep up.
Does GAW have a summary of what happened so far between today and last Tuesday?
I agree. And I have wondered if somebody could set up something like our general chat where Wins for the day could be posted, and it could be linked to yesterday's Wins of the day.
I have given up trying to keep up fren. Not tired of winning!
Hi friends, hope you are doing well. It’s summer in NC, 76 degrees & AC came on briefly. Some call it false spring. I hope it doesn’t force early budding of trees and flowers. It always robs us on the dogwood blooms. Oh well, we get what we get & make the best of it. Praying everyone has a good week. I know it’s Tuesday not Monday 😉
Hot in upstate SC today. I know I was complaining about the bitter cold but not ready for 78 yet. My body can’t keep up with the ups and downs. Everywhere I go people are sick too.
Looks like you got a break from the heat for a few days. It’s that time of year, people getting sick. Praying I don’t get sick this February like last year. Unfortunately today was the high until Friday and Sunday. I swear I was meant to live on a tropical island, with bugs, gators & snakes. I was sitting in the swing this afternoon and the sun felt so good on my skin. I didn’t stay long because I’ll get sun poisoning on my face. I rarely complain about the heat. But, I do love AC also.
I’m definitely not a gator, snake or bug person. The closest thing to a gator I will get close to is an iguana. My daughter and I had one for a while. He was a rescue and was big and mean as crap. I found him a home real fast.
I love to look at sea turtles from a far, that’s the only reptile I can deal with. Sounds like you were really motivated😊 I was thinking of you today. Bet, you weren’t hot today. Man what a drastic change in temperature. Wish I had gbaby yesterday instead of today. She loves the outside. We walked to my dad’s today and when we got back didn’t want to come in.
It was a beautiful day today. I got a little time outside but spent most of it inside working. Glad you and little one had time together outside. 🥰
Glad you got to spend some time outside. I’m waiting on the warm temperatures to return this weekend. God’s beauty is everywhere. I’m in awe when I travel to different areas of the country. My piney woods are beautiful, you get complacent seeing the same things. We had a great family walk on the beach last Friday. My first winter beach walk, first time not sticking feet in the water😆 Thanks, she’s so sweet, trying patience and funny. I’m afraid I’m getting payback. I laugh so much with her.
Aww! So happy you got a winter walk on the beach. I’m also glad you are feeling better and enjoying your little Angel girl.
Have there been any changes to the tax code for 2024?
What's the best anti-virus computer program that y'all use? I need to either renew McAfee or install something else soon.
Hi, I was at my dad’s yesterday and noticed webroot on the pc. I don’t know anything about it. My brother installed it last year on both of their computers. My dad bought a new laptop and couldn’t get on websites. Nobody could figure out why. I figured out webroot was blocking him from getting on sites. I turned that feature off. They haven’t had a virus.
Years ago I used trend micro. Last time I used it I wasn’t impressed, sorry I don’t remember the details. CCcleaner has a free version and it’s a good addition to anti virus software. It has multiple setting levels. I used to use malwarebytes as an additional tool. I don’t think they have a free version anymore. I really like it! Once I got the blue screen of death and was able to get on malwarebytes after doing ctrl alt delete several times and bypassing the blue screen. I got our friend that had worked pc tech at local businesses. He said the virus was gone. I’m still shocked I did that. Good luck finding something.
Your welcome
Can any fren tell me anything about the group Musk has working with him at Doge? I read about the one guy whose team created an algorithm to scan the ancient scrolls from the old Mt. Vesuvius eruption (amazing!). Does anybody know anything else? How many there are? What their backgrounds are? etc. Thanks.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon February 3rd — Evening Reading
"Tell me . . . where Thou feedest, where Thou makest Thy flock to rest at noon." — Song of Songs 1:7
These words express the desire of the believer after Christ, and his longing for present communion with Him. Where doest Thou feed Thy flock? In Thy house? I will go, if I may find Thee there. In private prayer? Then I will pray without ceasing. In the Word? Then I will read it diligently. In Thine ordinances? Then I will walk in them with all my heart. Tell me where Thou feedest, for wherever Thou standest as the Shepherd, there will I lie down as a sheep; for none but Thyself can supply my need. I cannot be satisfied to be apart from Thee. My soul hungers and thirsts for the refreshment of Thy presence. "Where dost Thou make Thy flock to rest at noon?" for whether at dawn or at noon, my only rest must be where Thou art and Thy beloved flock. My soul's rest must be a grace-given rest, and can only be found in Thee. Where is the shadow of that rock? Why should I not repose beneath it? "Why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions?" Thou hast companions-why should I not be one? Satan tells me I am unworthy; but I always was unworthy, and yet Thou hast long loved me; and therefore my unworthiness cannot be a bar to my having fellowship with Thee now. It is true I am weak in faith, and prone to fall, but my very feebleness is the reason why I should always be where Thou feedest Thy flock, that I may be strengthened, and preserved in safety beside the still waters. Why should I turn aside? There is no reason why I should, but there are a thousand reasons why I should not, for Jesus beckons me to come. If He withdrew Himself a little, it is but to make me prize His presence more. Now that I am grieved and distressed at being away from Him, He will lead me yet again to that sheltered nook where the lambs of His fold are sheltered from the burning sun.
Beautiful! What a privilege to be a part of the Shepherds flock 🙏🏻❤️
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