Dr. David Martin has shown that the virus originated in NC Chapel Hill with funding in excess of $ 500 million from USAID under Obama. He goes way deeper into every specific detail. The interview I Posted with him goes over it. The origin is called Darwinian Chemical Evolution. The first paper was written in 2014, the precurser to Moderna start. Gene Therapy to evolve humans, separate from God, Cull enough of the population to offset the planned Medicare/Medicaide/ Social Security Planned Collapse. All known in 2007 with the planned trigger collapse under 47. They changed the definition of vaccine in addition.
So watch closely, this is a very orchestrated plan to execute Q's sprung trap. Identify the waste, tack it to the funding sources, including the FED which is being driven by China and T Bonds. Then the names are all attached and neatly tied to the amounts of $Funding/Fraud and the INTENT. So This is going to happen Fast.
Do watch closely as RFK JR will be involved to a great degree here playing his part in the Covid takedown/Fauci. The Fed will be sunk and check mated, this includes China an the T Bonds. Then the severity tanks three presidents, their wives, all heads of Alphabet agencies and the Pentagon.
He is front loading a Clamp down on the southern border including the Cartels, just like Canada/China/Newsome as a Group. Think shipping ports as well.
This clamp down is prior to meetings with Putin/Xi whom are already a BRICS team, where Trump will defend the Dollar.
NOW, back to the $ because we are technically bankrupt. Every takedown will include the $, restitution and asset confiscation. These funds will be directly loaded into the Investiment Fund for the USA that was just set up.
Panama Canal lockdown is first military action and stops China again and raises leverage to negotiate a Global Economic Solution, remember we owe them money they loaned us, HOWEVER they stole from us THROUGH the Carter years Onward with THEIR Deep State sweet deal set up. So Trump will USE that as RESTITUTION,
So two options here, shut down USA INC. , flush the debt and reboot, OR recover enough of the stolen $Trillions from the Black Budget, Fed and Congressional Leaders of the Past. Again Confiscating Assets along the way.
So either way you look at it $ We are Hedging to stop the Deep State from FLUSHING the Global Stock Market, or Letting them do it to have everybody bottom out and then, THEN Trump Re Boots With Trillions of additional assets, properties, Greenland, Canada, etc. along with the assets of Soros, Congress, Past Presidents, entire family lineages etc. Very Radical and wild ride ahead.
Somebody is going to have to come up with a sample of the "virus" before anyone can make such a claim.
Since over 100 laboratories, universities and governments around the world say that they know of no sample of the "virus" anywhere on the planet, then the lab creation story is just a mass belief with zero evidence.
Official narrative: There is a dangerous virus on the loose that jumped from a bat to a human.
Backup story (in case the first one is not believed by some): There is a dangerous virus, and it was created by an evil government and accidently leaked out into the world.
Backup story to the Backup story: There is a dangerous virus, created by an evil government, and leaked out on purpose to harm everyone.
Backup story to the Backup story Backup story: There is a dangerous, man-made virus, made in a lab by an evil government, and they even inserted HIV in there, too!
NONE of these stories are real, because NOBODY has a sample of the "virus" that anyone could actually study and test. No one has EVER studied this "virus," because it does not exist to study.
ALL information that is claimed to be a study of the virus is NOT of an actual virus. It is ALL computer modelling, with ZERO evidence that it has anything to do with anything that exists in the real world.
The real story: A psyop was unleashed on the world, complete with false propaganda by governments, health care officials, doctors who never researched a damn thing, media who never investigated a damn thing, and Big Pharma who created fake vaccines. These fake vaccine makers did not reveal what the ingredients were or who got what ingredients in their shots, and the result was a lot of harm from the fake vaccines. "Covid" was just the annual cold and flu season with a dressed-up fake name, along with fake propaganda to scare everyone into compliance.
The purpose of this psyop was to test the compliance level of the people, to see how many would accept a completely unknown but fake vaccine with unknown ingredients due to fear, so they could have a baseline to study for the next fake "pandemic," where they planned to use designer vaccines to kill the "undesirables." In addition, a side benefit was stealing the 2020 election.
Now THAT is an evil group of people who pulled this off (sort of), and you can bet they do NOT want the real truth to ever come out. The masses, if they ever figure this out, will be calling for executions.
I had COVID and it was way different than any illness that I've had before or since. And that's all the evidence I need. Case closed on whether it exists or not as far as I'm concerned.
And you are absolutely sure that of all the times you were afflicted with the flu throughout your entire life, it was always 100% different in comparison to this one time?
You know, my mother could have swore on her life that there was nothing strange about the crazy vaccination push, and the campaign to shame anyone refusing to take it
That it has always been the case that unless everyone takes it, no one is safe
No mater how much I tried reminding her of past cases of disease outbreaks, where getting a vaccine meant you were now immune, regardless of what anyone else did.
It's amazing what perceived reality can do to the mind, or rather, what the mind can do based on perceived reality.
I’ve been dubious about it being separate from the flu as well. However, friends that have gotten “it”, as well as the stories I’ve heard from others all talk about losing their sense of smell. I’ve never heard of this condition with the flu before. A few of my friends have never completely gotten their sense of smell back.
Do you recall the video where a Blackhawk helicopter landed in the middle of LA at night and they claimed it was a training mission? It remained about 20 minutes in the middle of the street and at that time several soldiers came out of a building carrying a cooler between them. They loaded it in the helicopter and took off. THIS was supposedly the actual virus they intended to release on the public which was much more deadly. They had to go with a weaker strain because their timeline was up and they were screwed.
If true, I believe the “virus” and vaccine together were meant to kill millions more than we’ve seen die so far. Although the numbers have been censored to a degree and I believe over 40-50 million have die globally so far.
I know for a fact the flu practically disappeared during Covid and most of what people were calling Covid was just the flu. However, I can’t deny there was something very odd with people losing their sense of smell. I myself, never got the flu during this time as I hadn’t been sick for 15 years up to that time. What I did get though was a dry cough for two weeks straight in November of 2019, before the announcements of Covid in the U.S. I had no other symptoms and had never had anything like it before, so I found it very odd at the time.
I agree that no physical sample of a virus has ever been produced because there were rewards of over a million dollars out there for anyone able to produce it. I briefly worked with a woman whose husband was a virologist and she claimed he worked with the virus every day. I called BS and told her to have him collect the reward if that were true. They never did of course.
Chicken soup for a cold/ flu is because of loss of taste or smell. The first thing you can taste is salt, when it returns after being sick. Loss of taste and smell has always been a part of getting sick.
However, friends that have gotten “it”, as well as the stories I’ve heard from others all talk about losing their sense of smell. I’ve never heard of this condition with the flu before. A few of my friends have never completely gotten their sense of smell back.
Losing sense of smell and taste has been around for a long time. Check this article from the Los Angeles Times in 1988:
I myself remember at least a handful of times when I got a bad case of flu and couldn't taste stuff very well, way before cOViD.... I guess in my case is easier since I seldom get sick, so I remember the times I did get REALLY sick better
A few of my friends have never completely gotten their sense of smell back.
But didn't they really? like I said, the mind does amazing things on its own, if it's forced to believe some things.. Are they absolutely sure their sense of smell is in fact any different than it was before?
It wasn't long ago, when there were reports of some evil fog going around, and whoever was exposed to it would start getting sick and whatnot... Then someone in here created a thread about it, swearing that they weren't feeling well because of the evil fog
Then I asked them if they started feeling ill before or after reading all of the reports, and their only reply was something on the tune of "But a lot of people are reporting the same thing!! so it has to be true!!"
All I'm saying is that people's perceptions are very fickle, and can be easily shaped, as the last 4 years have shown us clearly.
Chemical warfare has literally been done by the military on US towns before and documented, they were even sued. So don’t discredit those about the fog. It wasn’t normal and it wasn’t wet. Odd dust flakes appeared all over people’s cars and other items. I absolutely believe it was an attack of some sort.
I don’t discount those saying they can’t smell anymore either. Absolutely something was different during Covid.
I would prefer that no, there really was no "covid". But I sure as hell feel I was poisoned by a bio weapon. No vaxx. Rarely get flu, no flu shots, and yet I did get sick, and I am still "off" years later. I feel like part of a mass attempt to be "taken out".
yes, understood what you are saying in this long read. BUT, you cannot deny money was given to do this research. they left the receipts for us to see...
And that's not suspicious at all to you? It was a psyop, people get sick all the time and they even get sicker when you tell them they have to be sick because there's a harmful virus around them.
People were like "But I had COVID and it was different and I was sick like never before!" No. They weren't. They felt that way. If it was life threatening, they got poisoned, but that's a whole different story.
I never was even sick really, but did lose sense of smell for over 2 yrs, (it's still not normal), had headache and Insomnia for the 2 weeks plus the loss of small zero other symptoms. I'd go a long with the chemical poisoning or radiation or something along those lines causing symptoms for which the global response was getting jabbEd over and over.
The poisoning was real. Plenty of people have direct experience, and objective verification of distinct symptoms. It's insulting to simply label them all as hypochondriacs.
The comment I responded to basically said all the covid sickness was psychosomatic. You didn't say that, just the other commenter. That's wrong, even if that was a big contributor to the propaganda.
I'm open to it being 5G. Or possibly 5G in conjunction with environmental spraying. I agree that virology is a fake science, and as a society we have to move past it, and the sooner the better. I'm partial to the weaponized snake (+ other stuff) venom theory over 5G, but it certainly could've been either one or both.
Yes, as long as everyone goes along with a false narrative, and as long as Big Pharma can make a profit, nobody will really do any serious research to find out alternative explanations.
Also, I spoke to A LOT of people who said they "have Covid."
I would then ask if they FELT sick, or if they showed positive for Covid due to a test.
MOST of them said they had a test that was positive, but they felt fine.
So, that is just the fake test making them THINK they "had Covid."
And if they "caught a cold" the following week, they would assume it was Covid.
That is not to say that some people really WERE feeling sick. They were.
But it COULD have been from a number of things, not necessarily a virus.
Remember, 5G rolled out then, too.
I see all the comments in this thread, and I will write up a new post in a new thread about how we KNOW that viruses do NOT exist.
This is not an opinion. This is a FACT, as it has been proven.
But it seems that most people here did not get the memo.
I started writing it up, then hit the wrong button, and deleted it. DAMN!
No time now, but will post it maybe tomorrow, depending on what I have going on.
This is a topic that we ALL need to become educated on.
There are people in the alt community who are pushing the lab-created virus story, and many people here agree with them.
But many of those people pushing that have been challenged to a debate by the "no virus" people, and NONE of them have been willing to debate the topic.
I am all about believing the power of suggestion motivated millions to believe they had "covid". I also know that they have never been able to isolate the covid virus to study it. what my comment is is that the GOVERNMENT (as in the united states government) paid these organizations to study these supposedly dangerous methods of playing with nature, who went and used the chinese, who do you think they might steal the data and use it for themselves against us? the facts are that they paid these people to do unethical research, even if (and I believe covid does not really exist in the real world) covid does not exist. but please, keep on not listening to what is being said, by all means...
God is showing these people who are really servants: Doctors, Teachers, LEO, Pastors, Nurses, and such an important thing. They can repent or be punished.
See they see this and they know what they did. They are the Pharaoh’s of our time. They can harden their hearts or they can repent and ask forgiveness.
If they repent, God will require them to still have a consequence for their actions. If they harden their hearts, God will require them to still have a consequence for their actions.
They cannot change what they did, they did what they did on their free will. How can any of them serve others now? They will not be serving, they will be ruling others and demanding their subjects to kneel and some will still kneel to them, but not enough will any longer.
Anarchy is not what is going to happen. That was what the devil proclaims when you do not kneel to him. What is going to happen is a HUGE revival and the foundation has been set and the framework has been set for this to happen.
Understand a simple Biblical Principle. What did Judas do? Some of these people have been given the keys and talents to serve others and they have sold their talents for a bag of silver.
My outlook is Pastors are the most important because they are supposed to be keen to this stuff the most, but many Churches are not serving their people… they are ruling their people and i don’t think they will survive these four years with the current leadership.
The masses do not need to execute. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. As for the military. That is going to be a different matter and the Military Leaders have to make a Great Decision on how to handle the treason in its ranks and with God they will.
There are numerous claims by scientists that they isolated the virus, and went on to publish various test findings in medical journals. While that may be bunk, it hasn't been debunked either.
There are numerous claims by scientists that they isolated the virus ... it hasn't been debunked either.
Yes, it HAS been debunked.
Those claims are false because they CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF "ISOLATE."
To "isolate" means to separate from all other things.
That is NOT what they do.
If they take the snot from ONE PERSON, and they ASSUME there is a virus in there because the person is "sick," ... THEY CALL THAT ISOLATION.
Becuase it is the bodily fluid from only ONE person, they CALL IT ISOLATED.
This is FRAUD.
I will create a thread on this tomorrow when I have more time.
The entirety of Virology is based on FRAUD.
Some of them know it; some don't even understand that they are not "doing science" at all.
went on to publish various test findings in medical journals
Medial journals are not what they used to be. Two editors of two top medical journals (Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine -- I think) both independently said that AT LEAST 50% of the research published in their own journals is FAKE SCIENCE.
It gets published ONLY upon "peer review." If they agree (muh consensus), then they publish it.
It has become a bogus non-science thing they do in those publications.
Either one follows the Scientific Method to "do science," or one does not.
Today, most of them do not.
And that means, it ain't science, at all.
Ironically, I think this can be traced back to Einstein, of all people, when he made the bold (and false) claim that science should not be limited to the Scientific Method, but should be something agreed to by consensus.
Now, THAT is stupid. And today's "scientific community" seems to be drinking that Kool Aid all the way to the bank (because MONEY is what drives most research today).
Thanks and looking forward to your thread. I did read about a definition change. To debunk all the isolate claims, you'd need to address each case and show they used the revised definition. I certainly haven't dug in that far.
I am curious how you make a definitive assertion that nobody has done it. I would revert back to my statement that you'd need to know every isolate claim made, and personally debunk it. Not sure any of us have the resources to do that. Without such an analysis I would say it's not definitive that a virus hasn't been isolated. I do hear your point about some of the claims but just goimg for accuracy on the hypothesis.
Looks like we were gonna run the same play again, but Trump stopped COVID 2.0 before it started. He put a lid on health agencies, pulled the US out of WHO, yanked their funding, and now the public is on a track to discovery..
Everything for the 30 or so years preceding, and all that followed, was in support of the covid/vax bioweapon op. It was their grand plan to depopulate and enslave us forever. It was the reason for the Patriot Act, the repeal of Smith-Mundt, the FF leading to BLM, the rise of antifa in this country. They planned to rule through fear and censorship and lockdowns and medical tyranny. They would use equity and UBI to level the playing field to the least common denominator. Smart cities and smart devices and fear would be our jailers.
Then they stole an election to hide their insanity.
Crack the covid op and the whole house of cards tumbles.
There is only one big secret? This made me think. If you could only have one of the biggest modern conspiracy theories to be verified as 100% true. What would it be? There are so many. I don't know if I could choose.
Dr. David Martin has shown that the virus originated in NC Chapel Hill with funding in excess of $ 500 million from USAID under Obama. He goes way deeper into every specific detail. The interview I Posted with him goes over it. The origin is called Darwinian Chemical Evolution. The first paper was written in 2014, the precurser to Moderna start. Gene Therapy to evolve humans, separate from God, Cull enough of the population to offset the planned Medicare/Medicaide/ Social Security Planned Collapse. All known in 2007 with the planned trigger collapse under 47. They changed the definition of vaccine in addition.
So watch closely, this is a very orchestrated plan to execute Q's sprung trap. Identify the waste, tack it to the funding sources, including the FED which is being driven by China and T Bonds. Then the names are all attached and neatly tied to the amounts of $Funding/Fraud and the INTENT. So This is going to happen Fast.
Do watch closely as RFK JR will be involved to a great degree here playing his part in the Covid takedown/Fauci. The Fed will be sunk and check mated, this includes China an the T Bonds. Then the severity tanks three presidents, their wives, all heads of Alphabet agencies and the Pentagon.
He is front loading a Clamp down on the southern border including the Cartels, just like Canada/China/Newsome as a Group. Think shipping ports as well.
This clamp down is prior to meetings with Putin/Xi whom are already a BRICS team, where Trump will defend the Dollar.
NOW, back to the $ because we are technically bankrupt. Every takedown will include the $, restitution and asset confiscation. These funds will be directly loaded into the Investiment Fund for the USA that was just set up.
Panama Canal lockdown is first military action and stops China again and raises leverage to negotiate a Global Economic Solution, remember we owe them money they loaned us, HOWEVER they stole from us THROUGH the Carter years Onward with THEIR Deep State sweet deal set up. So Trump will USE that as RESTITUTION,
So two options here, shut down USA INC. , flush the debt and reboot, OR recover enough of the stolen $Trillions from the Black Budget, Fed and Congressional Leaders of the Past. Again Confiscating Assets along the way.
So either way you look at it $ We are Hedging to stop the Deep State from FLUSHING the Global Stock Market, or Letting them do it to have everybody bottom out and then, THEN Trump Re Boots With Trillions of additional assets, properties, Greenland, Canada, etc. along with the assets of Soros, Congress, Past Presidents, entire family lineages etc. Very Radical and wild ride ahead.
Dang man, when does that movie open. I want ticket.
You say the movie has been playing for a while, but the screen is just now coming into focus?
Real wages (adjusted for inflation) has not gone up since the late 1970's.
But everything else has skyrocketed.
Nice writeup!
Wow! I'm breathless after reading that!!! Just Wow!!! And we all have been very PATIENTLY waiting for years!!!! I am ready for all that is predicted.
Thank you. Well done!
You need to start your own thread with these possibilities. Thank you
Brilliant write up! Thank you! 😺 Makes so much sense.
Somebody is going to have to come up with a sample of the "virus" before anyone can make such a claim.
Since over 100 laboratories, universities and governments around the world say that they know of no sample of the "virus" anywhere on the planet, then the lab creation story is just a mass belief with zero evidence.
Official narrative: There is a dangerous virus on the loose that jumped from a bat to a human.
Backup story (in case the first one is not believed by some): There is a dangerous virus, and it was created by an evil government and accidently leaked out into the world.
Backup story to the Backup story: There is a dangerous virus, created by an evil government, and leaked out on purpose to harm everyone.
Backup story to the Backup story Backup story: There is a dangerous, man-made virus, made in a lab by an evil government, and they even inserted HIV in there, too!
NONE of these stories are real, because NOBODY has a sample of the "virus" that anyone could actually study and test. No one has EVER studied this "virus," because it does not exist to study.
ALL information that is claimed to be a study of the virus is NOT of an actual virus. It is ALL computer modelling, with ZERO evidence that it has anything to do with anything that exists in the real world.
The real story: A psyop was unleashed on the world, complete with false propaganda by governments, health care officials, doctors who never researched a damn thing, media who never investigated a damn thing, and Big Pharma who created fake vaccines. These fake vaccine makers did not reveal what the ingredients were or who got what ingredients in their shots, and the result was a lot of harm from the fake vaccines. "Covid" was just the annual cold and flu season with a dressed-up fake name, along with fake propaganda to scare everyone into compliance.
The purpose of this psyop was to test the compliance level of the people, to see how many would accept a completely unknown but fake vaccine with unknown ingredients due to fear, so they could have a baseline to study for the next fake "pandemic," where they planned to use designer vaccines to kill the "undesirables." In addition, a side benefit was stealing the 2020 election.
Now THAT is an evil group of people who pulled this off (sort of), and you can bet they do NOT want the real truth to ever come out. The masses, if they ever figure this out, will be calling for executions.
I had COVID and it was way different than any illness that I've had before or since. And that's all the evidence I need. Case closed on whether it exists or not as far as I'm concerned.
And you are absolutely sure that of all the times you were afflicted with the flu throughout your entire life, it was always 100% different in comparison to this one time?
You know, my mother could have swore on her life that there was nothing strange about the crazy vaccination push, and the campaign to shame anyone refusing to take it
That it has always been the case that unless everyone takes it, no one is safe
No mater how much I tried reminding her of past cases of disease outbreaks, where getting a vaccine meant you were now immune, regardless of what anyone else did.
It's amazing what perceived reality can do to the mind, or rather, what the mind can do based on perceived reality.
I’ve been dubious about it being separate from the flu as well. However, friends that have gotten “it”, as well as the stories I’ve heard from others all talk about losing their sense of smell. I’ve never heard of this condition with the flu before. A few of my friends have never completely gotten their sense of smell back.
Do you recall the video where a Blackhawk helicopter landed in the middle of LA at night and they claimed it was a training mission? It remained about 20 minutes in the middle of the street and at that time several soldiers came out of a building carrying a cooler between them. They loaded it in the helicopter and took off. THIS was supposedly the actual virus they intended to release on the public which was much more deadly. They had to go with a weaker strain because their timeline was up and they were screwed.
If true, I believe the “virus” and vaccine together were meant to kill millions more than we’ve seen die so far. Although the numbers have been censored to a degree and I believe over 40-50 million have die globally so far.
I know for a fact the flu practically disappeared during Covid and most of what people were calling Covid was just the flu. However, I can’t deny there was something very odd with people losing their sense of smell. I myself, never got the flu during this time as I hadn’t been sick for 15 years up to that time. What I did get though was a dry cough for two weeks straight in November of 2019, before the announcements of Covid in the U.S. I had no other symptoms and had never had anything like it before, so I found it very odd at the time.
I agree that no physical sample of a virus has ever been produced because there were rewards of over a million dollars out there for anyone able to produce it. I briefly worked with a woman whose husband was a virologist and she claimed he worked with the virus every day. I called BS and told her to have him collect the reward if that were true. They never did of course.
Chicken soup for a cold/ flu is because of loss of taste or smell. The first thing you can taste is salt, when it returns after being sick. Loss of taste and smell has always been a part of getting sick.
It doesn’t prolong itself after being well
Losing sense of smell and taste has been around for a long time. Check this article from the Los Angeles Times in 1988:
Sense of Smell Can Be Victim of Bout With Flu
I can’t, there’s a paywall
Looks more like a adblocker message. Do you have an adblocker installed in your browser? If so, just disable it for that page.
If that doesn't work, then here's a summary of the article:
Flu didn't go away. The covid tests showed positive for C when the triggers were any flu or cold. ANY.
I mean, according to CDC it basically went away. There was no flu reporting, only covid.
I have heard they have the "recipe" to make Covid 19.
But flu came right back the next year, and in about the same numbers as it always had.
This is not difficult to figure out.
It shouldn’t be but Joe public didn’t see it for the most part.
I myself remember at least a handful of times when I got a bad case of flu and couldn't taste stuff very well, way before cOViD.... I guess in my case is easier since I seldom get sick, so I remember the times I did get REALLY sick better
But didn't they really? like I said, the mind does amazing things on its own, if it's forced to believe some things.. Are they absolutely sure their sense of smell is in fact any different than it was before?
It wasn't long ago, when there were reports of some evil fog going around, and whoever was exposed to it would start getting sick and whatnot... Then someone in here created a thread about it, swearing that they weren't feeling well because of the evil fog
Then I asked them if they started feeling ill before or after reading all of the reports, and their only reply was something on the tune of "But a lot of people are reporting the same thing!! so it has to be true!!"
All I'm saying is that people's perceptions are very fickle, and can be easily shaped, as the last 4 years have shown us clearly.
Chemical warfare has literally been done by the military on US towns before and documented, they were even sued. So don’t discredit those about the fog. It wasn’t normal and it wasn’t wet. Odd dust flakes appeared all over people’s cars and other items. I absolutely believe it was an attack of some sort. I don’t discount those saying they can’t smell anymore either. Absolutely something was different during Covid.
Yes. it was, the propaganda machine was beating the fear drums 24/7, in a way it had never done before
Smell never came back fully here either. It's been 5 years.
It was a parasite. HCQ, Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole are all cures and are all anti-parasitic.
Me, too. I suspect it was a mass chemical poisoning.
I would prefer that no, there really was no "covid". But I sure as hell feel I was poisoned by a bio weapon. No vaxx. Rarely get flu, no flu shots, and yet I did get sick, and I am still "off" years later. I feel like part of a mass attempt to be "taken out".
Ya, I never felt so sick in my life. Never again since that time either.
yes, understood what you are saying in this long read. BUT, you cannot deny money was given to do this research. they left the receipts for us to see...
And that's not suspicious at all to you? It was a psyop, people get sick all the time and they even get sicker when you tell them they have to be sick because there's a harmful virus around them.
People were like "But I had COVID and it was different and I was sick like never before!" No. They weren't. They felt that way. If it was life threatening, they got poisoned, but that's a whole different story.
I'm with u/MAG768720 here.
The power of suggestion and the manifestation of fear.
Never lost taste or smell with another illness. Very different than not being able to taste with an upper respiratory infection.
I never was even sick really, but did lose sense of smell for over 2 yrs, (it's still not normal), had headache and Insomnia for the 2 weeks plus the loss of small zero other symptoms. I'd go a long with the chemical poisoning or radiation or something along those lines causing symptoms for which the global response was getting jabbEd over and over.
Losing sense of smell and taste has been around for a long time. Check this article from the Los Angeles Times in 1988:
Sense of Smell Can Be Victim of Bout With Flu
Nobody is saying you did not experience those things, or that you still suffer from it.
But your experience does NOT PROVE that it was CAUSED by a "virus."
You ASSUME it, due to the propaganda.
Maybe something ELSE caused your sickness.
THAT is the point most people are missing.
I will create a thread, maybe tomorrow, on how we now KNOW that viruses do not exist.
It has been proven that virology itself is fraudulent, but it takes an in-depth explantion to understand it. It's a bit of a complex topic.
The poisoning was real. Plenty of people have direct experience, and objective verification of distinct symptoms. It's insulting to simply label them all as hypochondriacs.
AGAIN, nobody is claiming they were not sick.
THEY are claiming their sickness was CAUSED BY a VIRUS.
WE are saying that it cannot be true IF viruses do not exist.
ERGO, something ELSE created the sickness -- something that nobody wants to figure out, because there is no money in doing so.
How much has 5G been studied?
Answer: Not at all.
It was rolled out at the SAME TIME as Covid hit, with Wuhan, China being the first 5G city in the world.
Northern Italy was the next 5G rollout, AND also the next Covid "breakout."
Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.
The comment I responded to basically said all the covid sickness was psychosomatic. You didn't say that, just the other commenter. That's wrong, even if that was a big contributor to the propaganda.
I'm open to it being 5G. Or possibly 5G in conjunction with environmental spraying. I agree that virology is a fake science, and as a society we have to move past it, and the sooner the better. I'm partial to the weaponized snake (+ other stuff) venom theory over 5G, but it certainly could've been either one or both.
Yes, as long as everyone goes along with a false narrative, and as long as Big Pharma can make a profit, nobody will really do any serious research to find out alternative explanations.
But I think we will get there, at some point.
Also, I spoke to A LOT of people who said they "have Covid."
I would then ask if they FELT sick, or if they showed positive for Covid due to a test.
MOST of them said they had a test that was positive, but they felt fine.
So, that is just the fake test making them THINK they "had Covid."
And if they "caught a cold" the following week, they would assume it was Covid.
That is not to say that some people really WERE feeling sick. They were.
But it COULD have been from a number of things, not necessarily a virus.
Remember, 5G rolled out then, too.
I see all the comments in this thread, and I will write up a new post in a new thread about how we KNOW that viruses do NOT exist.
This is not an opinion. This is a FACT, as it has been proven.
But it seems that most people here did not get the memo.
I started writing it up, then hit the wrong button, and deleted it. DAMN!
No time now, but will post it maybe tomorrow, depending on what I have going on.
This is a topic that we ALL need to become educated on.
There are people in the alt community who are pushing the lab-created virus story, and many people here agree with them.
But many of those people pushing that have been challenged to a debate by the "no virus" people, and NONE of them have been willing to debate the topic.
Something is very wrong here.
Yes, definitely wrong. I got a negative test, but had an O2 saturation of 90.
I am all about believing the power of suggestion motivated millions to believe they had "covid". I also know that they have never been able to isolate the covid virus to study it. what my comment is is that the GOVERNMENT (as in the united states government) paid these organizations to study these supposedly dangerous methods of playing with nature, who went and used the chinese, who do you think they might steal the data and use it for themselves against us? the facts are that they paid these people to do unethical research, even if (and I believe covid does not really exist in the real world) covid does not exist. but please, keep on not listening to what is being said, by all means...
correct i had it felt like flu to me.
Remember, the jab was not created for the virus, rather, the virus was "created" for the jab. Created in our minds by Fauxi and MSM..
God is showing these people who are really servants: Doctors, Teachers, LEO, Pastors, Nurses, and such an important thing. They can repent or be punished.
See they see this and they know what they did. They are the Pharaoh’s of our time. They can harden their hearts or they can repent and ask forgiveness.
If they repent, God will require them to still have a consequence for their actions. If they harden their hearts, God will require them to still have a consequence for their actions.
They cannot change what they did, they did what they did on their free will. How can any of them serve others now? They will not be serving, they will be ruling others and demanding their subjects to kneel and some will still kneel to them, but not enough will any longer.
Anarchy is not what is going to happen. That was what the devil proclaims when you do not kneel to him. What is going to happen is a HUGE revival and the foundation has been set and the framework has been set for this to happen.
Understand a simple Biblical Principle. What did Judas do? Some of these people have been given the keys and talents to serve others and they have sold their talents for a bag of silver.
My outlook is Pastors are the most important because they are supposed to be keen to this stuff the most, but many Churches are not serving their people… they are ruling their people and i don’t think they will survive these four years with the current leadership.
The masses do not need to execute. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. As for the military. That is going to be a different matter and the Military Leaders have to make a Great Decision on how to handle the treason in its ranks and with God they will.
There are numerous claims by scientists that they isolated the virus, and went on to publish various test findings in medical journals. While that may be bunk, it hasn't been debunked either.
Yes. Trust the science.
<Jedi handwave>
Yes, it HAS been debunked.
Those claims are false because they CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF "ISOLATE."
To "isolate" means to separate from all other things.
That is NOT what they do.
If they take the snot from ONE PERSON, and they ASSUME there is a virus in there because the person is "sick," ... THEY CALL THAT ISOLATION.
Becuase it is the bodily fluid from only ONE person, they CALL IT ISOLATED.
This is FRAUD.
I will create a thread on this tomorrow when I have more time.
The entirety of Virology is based on FRAUD.
Some of them know it; some don't even understand that they are not "doing science" at all.
Medial journals are not what they used to be. Two editors of two top medical journals (Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine -- I think) both independently said that AT LEAST 50% of the research published in their own journals is FAKE SCIENCE.
It gets published ONLY upon "peer review." If they agree (muh consensus), then they publish it.
It has become a bogus non-science thing they do in those publications.
Either one follows the Scientific Method to "do science," or one does not.
Today, most of them do not.
And that means, it ain't science, at all.
Ironically, I think this can be traced back to Einstein, of all people, when he made the bold (and false) claim that science should not be limited to the Scientific Method, but should be something agreed to by consensus.
Now, THAT is stupid. And today's "scientific community" seems to be drinking that Kool Aid all the way to the bank (because MONEY is what drives most research today).
Thanks and looking forward to your thread. I did read about a definition change. To debunk all the isolate claims, you'd need to address each case and show they used the revised definition. I certainly haven't dug in that far.
Yeah, many "scientists" and "researchers" have claimed they isolated the virus.
But if you read the details, they are just talking about taking a fluid sample from one person, and they call that "isolation."
But they still did not really remove any "virus" (if it exists) from everything else in that fluid, which would be real isolation.
Nobody has ever done that. Nobody anywhere in the world.
And we are 5 years on now.
They do it with bacteria all the time.
Never with any virus.
I am curious how you make a definitive assertion that nobody has done it. I would revert back to my statement that you'd need to know every isolate claim made, and personally debunk it. Not sure any of us have the resources to do that. Without such an analysis I would say it's not definitive that a virus hasn't been isolated. I do hear your point about some of the claims but just goimg for accuracy on the hypothesis.
If you prefer - https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1886613216102339022.html
Thanks, OP.
Also do not miss:
The deep state is the virus. It's a cancer on humanity that must be removed from the earth.
Remember that joke how we have run out of conspiracies? We're about to get a fresh batch!
Looks like we were gonna run the same play again, but Trump stopped COVID 2.0 before it started. He put a lid on health agencies, pulled the US out of WHO, yanked their funding, and now the public is on a track to discovery..
Everything for the 30 or so years preceding, and all that followed, was in support of the covid/vax bioweapon op. It was their grand plan to depopulate and enslave us forever. It was the reason for the Patriot Act, the repeal of Smith-Mundt, the FF leading to BLM, the rise of antifa in this country. They planned to rule through fear and censorship and lockdowns and medical tyranny. They would use equity and UBI to level the playing field to the least common denominator. Smart cities and smart devices and fear would be our jailers.
Then they stole an election to hide their insanity.
Crack the covid op and the whole house of cards tumbles.
Agenda 21
So many people have committed treason it is hard to keep up with.
Ok, now cut off 100% of funding to israel and Ukraine.
Oh wait, those two are specifically allowed to continue.
There is only one big secret? This made me think. If you could only have one of the biggest modern conspiracy theories to be verified as 100% true. What would it be? There are so many. I don't know if I could choose.