I'm banned shitless from r/FedNews, but I'd go talk a whole load of shit if I weren't.
So Washington Post is interviewing people who claim to be non-political on reddit in a sub that is far left and have even banned the conservative feds among them (few though they were).
Just thought it was funny and perhaps figured some of you might wanna talk some shit and get banned from there 🤣
Right? Reddit banned me yrs ago. Almost at th same time I got banned from Twitter. The timing is actually kind of suspicious to me, like it was the same Mod who happened to work at both places. But the Twitter ban I'm especially proud of because I got banned so hard there that even Musk won't let me back in. I've tried and tried, to no avail. But, my mood is waaaaay better now, since I've been off both those platforms, so I consider it a double dose Super Win for me.
I’m not banned there but I’ve only ever read. My battleground was a 12 year tour on another platform, but these days I’m on supporting role here, and with trying to break through to sympathetic normies. No current adversary engagement, I’m just not effective enough.
I found out some of my posts were shadow banned and then The Donald was closed. I shook the dust off my feet and started looking fir a new home. Blessedly I found Frens as well as:)
I'm sick and tired of the media vaunting themselves as the public conscience. They are the most ignorantly blind in the nation and idiots who follow them rant about the things trump id doing completely ignoring the destructive nature of what they genuflect to protect.
The consequence to the nation is freedom from the dictatorial government of the past 100 years, freedom from their oppressive policies, taxes, traitorous dealings against Americans, calamitous internal policies that destroyed our economy, judiciary, safety amd ripped our domestic tranquility at every level.
They are so embedded at every level that it appears only the most rigorous counter measures will utterly destroy them and their corrupt institutions including the WAPO and their deluded sick minded ilk who protect the status quo of evil.
No more, deconstruct it all and let their voices be damned and drowned out by the voices of we the people who they with thin vail claim to speak for. They've drowned our voices out for long enough. The foreign enemy influenced wapo should be eradicated and utterly forgotten along with the collaborators who lie for it.
Neither ignorant nor blind; they're purely malevolent. These people (FNM) get footage of reality and then slice and dice it, twist words and craftily portray their lying narratives deliberately to deceive the public and lead humanity down a path of destruction. Their public persona of being a good, caring steward of the truth is just pretty wrapping over an evil core. I agree with the rest of what you wrote so eloquently.
I disagree, the rank and file are wholly ignorant and blind. A malevolent man won't put himself in the position of suffering the outcome of his behavior He will position himself to come out on top. These people ignorantly hurt themselves and are blind to it.
The rank and file (assume you mean the general public, the media consumers) may very well be ignorant, but the media folks producing the "news"... No. They're well aware of what they're doing, have no compunction about lying and cheating, no compassion for the multitudes of lives that have been ruined by their lies and omissions. Over the years, good, honest people have been pushed out of these FNM outlets and replaced with people who have no conscience.
Is the guy delivering mail in WaPo a minion? The janitor? Probably not. But anyone involved in, say, covering a Trump rally and then portraying him as a racist most assuredly is knowingly and deliberately malevolent - and they don't care that they are. Those not reporting on government fraud and waste - minions. Those not reporting on the corruption - minions. Where were the stories exposing what the department of education was doing by putting pornographic books into grade school to try to normalize sodomy - to young children? Stories about how shoddily parents were being treated when they tried to speak out against this? How about portraying practically every violent criminal as a victim, brushing their crimes under the rug, and why weren't they highlighting the actual victims with compassion vs telling us they're privileged? Stories of Christians being attacked and murdered? Where did we learn about these things? Alternate media.
While I'm sure there are some who work at WaPo and the other FNM outlets who aren't malevolent and are ignorant I would think that many more are fully aware and chose to embrace evil and deception. They don't think they'll be suffering as a result of their deception. Like true psychopaths and sociopaths, they think they're untouchable. That became clear as day after they stole the 2020 election.
Edit: Take a gander at the marxist manifesto. Lying and cheating, smearing people who are innocent, anything goes with them. No fair play. These people are marxists who are using their little rule book to achieve the ends by any means.
Sorry in this case I was referring to the rank and file as you defined. But as for ignorantly blind, I do believe much of the media fit that category as they promote that which hurts us all including them.
Translation, the commie activists that are teaching the children to hate their country, history, God & themselves will soon be out of a job & I will have nothing to write about except how 47 turned around the USA from a 100 year death grip.
It's government data in a government owned system. Being looked at by people who are authorized to do so. They aren't looking to steal your fucking identity. Just to identify those who are stealing from the United States government.
I find it odd that people who have no problem when ACT Blue steals peoples identities to illegally launder millions of dollars to politicians suddenly care about people's personal data.
The last name Natanson is a Jewish surname of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) origin. The name is derived from the Yiddish personal name Natan or Nata, which is a form of the Hebrew name Nathan, meaning “given” or “gift.”
All these reforms are going to be so great for parents & kids! The government has become this huge out of control harmful behemoth under Democrats and sell out Rinos!
WaPO is not dealing with the DOJ of past years. I think they are headed for trouble. Can't wait for the shark Bondi to get approved.
I'm banned shitless from r/FedNews, but I'd go talk a whole load of shit if I weren't.
So Washington Post is interviewing people who claim to be non-political on reddit in a sub that is far left and have even banned the conservative feds among them (few though they were).
Just thought it was funny and perhaps figured some of you might wanna talk some shit and get banned from there 🤣
If you haven't been banned from reddit yet, what are you even doing? 😂
Pretty sure we are all banned from reddit, fren.
Right? Reddit banned me yrs ago. Almost at th same time I got banned from Twitter. The timing is actually kind of suspicious to me, like it was the same Mod who happened to work at both places. But the Twitter ban I'm especially proud of because I got banned so hard there that even Musk won't let me back in. I've tried and tried, to no avail. But, my mood is waaaaay better now, since I've been off both those platforms, so I consider it a double dose Super Win for me.
The only site I haven’t been banned is Gab! lol!
I’m not banned there but I’ve only ever read. My battleground was a 12 year tour on another platform, but these days I’m on supporting role here, and with trying to break through to sympathetic normies. No current adversary engagement, I’m just not effective enough.
I just got off a 5 day ban on this site for saying something truthful. I'm also banned from most reddit subs too.
I found out some of my posts were shadow banned and then The Donald was closed. I shook the dust off my feet and started looking fir a new home. Blessedly I found Frens as well as:)
I'm sick and tired of the media vaunting themselves as the public conscience. They are the most ignorantly blind in the nation and idiots who follow them rant about the things trump id doing completely ignoring the destructive nature of what they genuflect to protect.
The consequence to the nation is freedom from the dictatorial government of the past 100 years, freedom from their oppressive policies, taxes, traitorous dealings against Americans, calamitous internal policies that destroyed our economy, judiciary, safety amd ripped our domestic tranquility at every level.
They are so embedded at every level that it appears only the most rigorous counter measures will utterly destroy them and their corrupt institutions including the WAPO and their deluded sick minded ilk who protect the status quo of evil.
No more, deconstruct it all and let their voices be damned and drowned out by the voices of we the people who they with thin vail claim to speak for. They've drowned our voices out for long enough. The foreign enemy influenced wapo should be eradicated and utterly forgotten along with the collaborators who lie for it.
Neither ignorant nor blind; they're purely malevolent. These people (FNM) get footage of reality and then slice and dice it, twist words and craftily portray their lying narratives deliberately to deceive the public and lead humanity down a path of destruction. Their public persona of being a good, caring steward of the truth is just pretty wrapping over an evil core. I agree with the rest of what you wrote so eloquently.
I disagree, the rank and file are wholly ignorant and blind. A malevolent man won't put himself in the position of suffering the outcome of his behavior He will position himself to come out on top. These people ignorantly hurt themselves and are blind to it.
The rank and file (assume you mean the general public, the media consumers) may very well be ignorant, but the media folks producing the "news"... No. They're well aware of what they're doing, have no compunction about lying and cheating, no compassion for the multitudes of lives that have been ruined by their lies and omissions. Over the years, good, honest people have been pushed out of these FNM outlets and replaced with people who have no conscience.
Is the guy delivering mail in WaPo a minion? The janitor? Probably not. But anyone involved in, say, covering a Trump rally and then portraying him as a racist most assuredly is knowingly and deliberately malevolent - and they don't care that they are. Those not reporting on government fraud and waste - minions. Those not reporting on the corruption - minions. Where were the stories exposing what the department of education was doing by putting pornographic books into grade school to try to normalize sodomy - to young children? Stories about how shoddily parents were being treated when they tried to speak out against this? How about portraying practically every violent criminal as a victim, brushing their crimes under the rug, and why weren't they highlighting the actual victims with compassion vs telling us they're privileged? Stories of Christians being attacked and murdered? Where did we learn about these things? Alternate media.
While I'm sure there are some who work at WaPo and the other FNM outlets who aren't malevolent and are ignorant I would think that many more are fully aware and chose to embrace evil and deception. They don't think they'll be suffering as a result of their deception. Like true psychopaths and sociopaths, they think they're untouchable. That became clear as day after they stole the 2020 election.
Edit: Take a gander at the marxist manifesto. Lying and cheating, smearing people who are innocent, anything goes with them. No fair play. These people are marxists who are using their little rule book to achieve the ends by any means.
Sorry in this case I was referring to the rank and file as you defined. But as for ignorantly blind, I do believe much of the media fit that category as they promote that which hurts us all including them.
I'm sure her article will be fair and balanced, with no left-wing bias.
Democracy dies in darkness. Unfortunately for Hannah, she should be out of a job soon.
Don't matter who they partner with any more. All the lying media will fall.
Translation, the commie activists that are teaching the children to hate their country, history, God & themselves will soon be out of a job & I will have nothing to write about except how 47 turned around the USA from a 100 year death grip.
It's government data in a government owned system. Being looked at by people who are authorized to do so. They aren't looking to steal your fucking identity. Just to identify those who are stealing from the United States government.
I find it odd that people who have no problem when ACT Blue steals peoples identities to illegally launder millions of dollars to politicians suddenly care about people's personal data.
The last name Natanson is a Jewish surname of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) origin. The name is derived from the Yiddish personal name Natan or Nata, which is a form of the Hebrew name Nathan, meaning “given” or “gift.”
What a surprise
Who cares, let them cry more
Sounds to me like Reddit is a crime scene just waiting to be exposed.
Absolutely! I've been saying Elon should buy Reddit next.
Washington Post is writing articles targeting young people with student loans... who have the attention span of a squirrel.
Yeah... that works.
temp-mail org guerrillamail com emailondeck com
Have fun!!
Oooooo new toys!
Oh, how I wish that surname was meant to be an anagram of "non-Satan."
WaPo reporters will soon be headed to jail.
Imagine the mental gymnastic involved to not just report on the prove fraud and embezzlement and yet focus on maybe records are exposed.
It’s pure comedy.
I really don't care, Hannah!
All these reforms are going to be so great for parents & kids! The government has become this huge out of control harmful behemoth under Democrats and sell out Rinos!
What I find interesting is the seeming lack of USAID employees screaming about losing their jobs.