I will have to admit Im getting a bit worried about to many people over at TD getting into Q. With no real knowledge of what we all learned and read daily over months and months and months they could easily do stupid things since some will be followers and might follow the infiltrators by not knowing what to look out for. I was feeling a bit down this morning when I found this sub is back so I hope this will be a great place to get into the Q full steam again also im glad to have a place again to discuss Q without having to annoy the real Rangers and Strike Groups on the chns.
Lets drive these clowns into the light
I have seen enough of that dude's anus to last a lifetime. Hopefully this place will be a better landing spot for newcomers. Europa film links was about the only good thing you can get on voat you probably won't get here.
As things get closer to their conclusion, we shall see what "saving for last" really means.
I'm sorry to hear that the shills chased you away so easily.
You should also avoid the chans at all costs, if shill mind games are effective on you.
Who said I got chased away? I'm just stoked for what I hope will be a better place coming into existence.
I passed the immunity test with flying colors, don't judge what you don't know.
Mind games don't need to be effective to become tiring. Voat served its purpose, but to me it's usefullness has reached it's conclusion.