Guys, they turn off lights the night due to eco friendly rules, they turn back them on at 7 am, that's why you saw that, and no, Mattarella has not been arrested, that's a fake news from 2 or 3 days ago, his swampy and creepy ass it's still at his place, don"t worry
EDIT: fresh news on italian newspapers, they say Pence is NOT EXCLUDING calling 25a due to Trump instability, and also they say that Trump WILL BE at biden inauguration, citing CNN
"10 GENNAIO 2021 07:38 Usa, Cnn: Pence non esclude 25/o emendamento se Trump instabile ll vicepresidente americano parteciperà alla cerimonia di insediamento del presidente eletto Joe Biden"
Guys, they turn off lights the night due to eco friendly rules, they turn back them on at 7 am, that's why you saw that, and no, Mattarella has not been arrested, thats a fake news from 2 or 3 days ago, his swampy and creepy ass it's still at his place, don"t worry