I may be misunderstanding... men are 100% mentally & physically different than women, but it is a godly quality for a man to be gentle & tender-hearted. Sometimes I feel the pendulum swings too hard the opposite direction. 'Men only need adrenaline, tits, and raw masculinity while basically ignoring their emotion'. I believe all of this is definitely sinful & myself nor my sons will engage in this ultra-masculine small penis syndrome. However.... Going far left with that pendulum yields a sick result as well (transgender confusion, yuck).
Idk, I am going to use the Bible. Sorry. Not trying to come at your post, just hoping you aren't bashing a man being gentle in nature & in tune with his emotions/thoughts in a healthy way. It's important for us dudes
I may be misunderstanding... men are 100% mentally & physically different than women, but it is a godly quality for a man yo be gentle & tender-hearted. Sometimes I feel the pendulum swings too hard the opposite direction. 'Men only need adrenaline, tits, and raw masculinity while basically ignoring their emotion. I believe all of this is definitely sinful & myself nor my sons will engage in this ultra-masculine small penis syndrome. However.... Going far left with that pendulum yields a sick result as well (transgender confusion, yuck).
Idk, I am going to use the Bible. Sorry. Not trying to come at your post, just hoping you aren't bashing a man being gentle in nature & in tune with his emotions/thoughts in a healthy way. It's important for us dudes