This is a weird one at the moment. It's clear that the top Conservative players are all-in with the globalist agenda, yet after 18 months of subjugation of the entire populace they gain support. It makes sense for that to come at the expense of Labour, who we all know would have made things 100 times worse (think New Zealand), but it's still a bit too Stockholm-Syndrome for me. Still, if it helps swell the party's lower ranks of MPs and local councillors who aren't aligned with the globalist shills, then so be it, it's not as if there was ever any realistic choice of anyone else getting a look-in.
It sounds like my vote-a-donkey-in-if-it's-Labour ward is being announced right now funnily enough, I have the window open and can hear clapping and cheering from the memorial hall (yesterday's polling station) across the way.
This is a weird one at the moment. It's clear that the top Conservative players are all-in with the globalist agenda, yet after 18 months of subjugation of the entire populace they gain support. It makes sense for that to come at the expense of Labour, who we all know would have made things 100 times worse (think New Zealand), but it's still a bit too Stockholm-Syndrome for me. Still, if it helps swell the party's lower ranks of MPs and local councillors who aren't aligned with the globalist shills, then so be it, it's not as if there was ever any realistic choice of anyone else getting a look-in.
It sounds like my vote-a-donkey-in-if-it's-Labour ward is being announced right now funnily enough, I have the window open and can hear clapping and cheering from the memorial hall (yesterday's polling station) across the way.
This is a weird one at the moment. It's clear that the top Conservative players are all-in with the globalist agenda, yet after 18 months of subjugation of the entire populace they gain support. It makes sense for that to come at the expense of Labour, who we all know would have made things 100 times worse (think New Zealand), but it's still a bit too Stockholm-Syndrome for me. Still, if it helps swell the party's lower ranks of MPs and local councillors who aren't aligned with the globalist shills, then so be it, it's not as if there was ever any realistic choice of anyone else getting a look-in.
It sounds like my ward is being announced right now funnily enough, I have the window open and can hear clapping and cheering from the memorial hall (yesterday's polling station) across the way.