If the JAB that Trump purchased was saline that would explain a LOT of things. Developing an extremely safe vaccine for a virus that has a 99.9+% survival rate. (Saline) Genius!! The vaccine was not for the COVID-19 virus. Trump's vaccine was for the propaganda virus that plagues the world. If this was the plan, it appears to have worked!!
If the JAB that Trump purchased was saline that would explain a LOT of things. Developing an extremely safe vaccine for a virus that has a 99.9+% survival rate. (Saline) Genius!! The vaccine was not for the COVID-19 virus. This vaccine was for the propaganda virus that plagues the world. If this was the plan, it appears to have worked!!
If the JAB that Trump purchased was saline that would explain a LOT of things. Developing an extremely safe vaccine for a virus that has a 99.9+% survival rate. (Saline) Genius!! The vaccine was not for the COVID-19 virus. This vaccine was for the propaganda virus that plagues the world. This plan appears to have worked!!