I've been suspicious of McAfee ever since his Instagram page posted the Q image the day after he didn't kill himself. It was such a bold and overt message.
I'd love to believe that McAfee is a freedom fighter who has really been hunted down by the C_A for years like he said he was. The skeptical part of me wonders if he's working for them.
I've been concerned that his dead mans switch could be a honeypot.
One thing to keep in mind: If the "good guys" wanted to expose horrible crimes, they wouldn't release a massive cache of uncensored files which would forever be circulated on the internet, and put the identity of the victims out there for all to see. They'd blur out whatever needed to be censored to protect the victims, and release just enough so that the public could see what's been happening.
If anyone plans to try to crack open the files, please exercise extreme caution.
Remember that you are probably being watched, that your internet connection could be already be tapped, that your VPN may or may not be protecting you like it advertises, and that your computer's processor has backdoor access via IME (Intel) and PSP (AMD) .. which are essentially SoC (System on a chip) embedded inside your processor, complete with its own memory, processor and network access.
Don't do anything on Windows, do your work on something like Alpine Linux, which runs in volatile RAM and can be destroyed by loss of power. Don't use your own home wifi linked to your billing info, and spoof your MAC address. Do your work inside a virtual machine so you can shred the virtual disk file if needed.
I won't be going anywhere near these files, but for those who do.. be crazy careful and go to the furthest possible lengths to protect yourself.
I've been suspicious of McAfee ever since his Instagram page posted the Q image the day after he didn't kill himself. It was such a bold and overt message.
I'd love to believe that McAfee is a freedom fighter who has really been hunted down by the C_A for years like he said he was. The skeptical part of me wonders if he's working for them.
I've been concerned that his dead mans switch could be a honeypot.
One thing to keep in mind: If the "good guys" wanted to expose horrible crimes, they wouldn't release a massive cache of uncensored files which would forever be circulated on the internet, and put the identity of the victims out there for all to see. They'd blur out whatever needed to be censored to protect the victims, and release just enough so that the public could see what's been happening.
If anyone plans to try to crack open the files, please exercise extreme caution.
Remember that you are probably being watched, that your internet connection could be already be tapped, that your VPN may or may not be protecting you like it advertises, and that your computer's processor has backdoor access via IME (Intel) and PSP (AMD) .. which are essentially SoC (System on a chip) embedded inside your processor, complete with its own memory, processor and network access.
Don't do anything on Windows, do your work on something like Alpine Linux, which runs in RAM and can be destroyed by loss of power. Don't use your own home wifi, and change your MAC address. Do your work inside a virtual machine so you can shred the virtual disk file if needed.
I won't be going anywhere near these files, but for those who do.. be crazy careful and go to the furthest possible lengths to protect yourself.