Fun-fact: The Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution murdered ten million Christians in 1917.
Every communist that was found guilty of participating in the coup of 1933 was sentenced to serve time in prison, but there were so many communists who participated in the coup attempt that Germany was forced to construct prison camps... which was far kinder than what we'd have done to treasonous communists in the 1930s.
The German Christians were terrified the Jewish communists would pull the same shit again, and they were right to be terrified because part of the Jewish communist's attempted coup involved blocking all food imports into Germany and attempting to recreate the Bolshevik Christian holocaust of 1917 or starve the German Christians into submission.
This is why Hitler banned Jews from owning guns in 1938: because the Jews declared a holy war against German and attempted to enslave the entire nation under communist rule.
Have you ever wondered why the centerpiece of every Holocaust museum and documentary are photos of starved prisoners being buried in mass graves by German prison guards? Why were German prison guards taking enormous efforts to dig huge burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite? That's a story for another day.
History is far more interesting when you know the WHOLE TRUTH.
Fun-fact: The Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution murdered ten million Christians in 1917.
Every communist that was found guilty of participating in the coup of 1933 was sentenced to serve time in prison, but there were so many communists who participated in the coup attempt that Germany was forced to construct prison camps... which was far kinder than what we'd have done to treasonous communists in the 1930s.
The German Christians were terrified the Jewish communists would pull the same shit again, and they were right to be afraid because part of the Jewish communist's attempted coup involved blocking all food imports into Germany and attempting to recreate the Bolshevik Christian holocaust of 1917 or starve the German Christians into submission.
This is why Hitler banned Jews from owning guns in 1938: because the Jews declared a holy war against German and attempted to enslave the entire nation under communist rule.
Have you ever wondered why the centerpiece of every Holocaust museum and documentary are photos of starved prisoners being buried in mass graves by German prison guards. Why were German prison guards digging massive burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite? That's a story for another day.
History is far more interesting when you know the WHOLE TRUTH.
Fun-fact: The Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution murdered ten million Christians in 1917.
Every communist that was found guilty of participating in the coup of 1933 was sentenced to serve time in prison, but there were so many communists who participated in the coup attempt that Germany was forced to construct prison camps... which was far kinder than what we'd have done to treasonous communists in the 1930s.
The German Christians were terrified the Jewish communists would pull the same shit again, and they were right.
This is why Hitler banned Jews from owning guns in 1938: because the Jews declared a holy war against German and attempted to enslave the entire nation under communist rule.
Have you ever wondered why the centerpiece of every Holocaust museum and documentary are photos of starved prisoners being buried in mass graves by German prison guards. Why were German prison guards digging massive burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite? That's a story for another day.
History is far more interesting when you know the WHOLE TRUTH.