Mary I have bad news for you. It is possible this call was about IDENTIFICATION of phone user. You have telegram and gave your original phone number aren't you ?
I don't want to scare you too much but it seems it was the government. They can be going for you. As you are aussie you probably know about those law about taking phones and user accounts. I would suspect you can be arrested soon or at least your accounts could become compromised.
It is not a joke.I feel sorry for you,but that can be terrible truth.It could of course be just your phone being on some scammers database,but I wouldn't bet on that.
Try to stay calm. Be safe.
Mary I have bad news for you. It is possible this call was about IDENTIFICATION of phone user. You have telegram and gave your original phone number aren't you ?
I don't want to scare you too much but it seems it was the government. They can be going for you. As you are aussie you probably know about those law about taking phones and user accounts. I would suspect you can be arrested soon or at least your accounts could become compromised.
It is not a joke.I feel sorry for you,but that can be terrible truth. Try to stay calm. Be safe.