I'll tell you how this gets fixed. The normies (no, it's not a bad thing to call them, God gave us free will and logical thinking for a reason) get to drink red pills from a fire house directly after they cuddle in a corner in their snuggies thinking they were going to die from WW3.
THEN they get make a choice of whether or not they apologize to us and tell us we were right (to clarify I don't mean us as people, I mean us as the bearers of truth). They get to have a come to Jesus moment or they lock themselves away from "normal" society because they can't or won't take responsibility for their past behavior.
I'll tell you how this gets fixed. The normies (no, it's not a bad thing to call them, God gave us free will and logical thinking for a reason) get to drink red pills from a fire house directly after they cuddle in a corner in their snuggies thinking they were going to die from WW3.
THEN they get make a choice of whether or not they apologize to us and tell us we were right (to clarify I don't mean us as people, I mean us as the bearers of truth). They get to have a come to Jesus moment or they lock themselves away from "normal" society because they can't or won't take responsibility for their passed behavior.
I'll tell you how this gets fixed. The normies (no, it's not bad thing to call them, God gave us free will and logical thinking for a reason) get to drink red pills from a fire house directly after they cuddle in a corner in their snugglies thinking they were going to die from WW3.
THEN they get make a choice or whether or not they apologize to us and tell us we were right (to clarify I don't mean us as people, I mean us as the bearers of truth). They get to have a come to Jesus moment or they lock themselves away from "normal" society because they can't or won't take responsibility for their passed behavior.