She has done shows with Charlie back in nov 2020 for a few months appeared to me that she was trying to find a platform , studio etc .she since has pulled away from Charlie and that other squirley dude and has been able to succeed on her own " she worked for DJT at his place in Florida .Mara lago (I always spell Wrong) when she was younger ..she has always spoken about DJT and Melania with respect and admiration , DJT has also spoken highly about her as well. EDIT I just researched I guess she is still doing podcast with Charlie ward ..I didn’t think she was any longer !
She has done shows with Charlie back in nov 2020 for a few months appeared to me that she was trying to find a platform , studio etc .she since has pulled away from Charlie and that other squirley dude and has been able to succeed on her own " she worked for DJT at his place in Florida .Mara lago (I always spell Wrong) when she was younger ..she has always spoken about DJT and Melania with respect and admiration , DJT has also spoken highly about her as well.
She has done shows with Charlie back in nov 2020 for a few months appeared to me that she was trying to find a platform , studio etc .she since has pulled away from the Charlie and that other squirley dude and has been able to succeed on her own " she worked for DJT at his place in Florida .Mara lago (I always spell Wrong) when she was younger ..she has always spoken about DJT and Melania with respect and admiration , DJT has also spoken highly about her as well.