Dig deeper. It goes back further than you think.
In the Matrix, not everything is as it seems. I have no idea if its origins are "evil." A thing being used by evil people doesn't make a thing evil. A tool or an idea is just a tool or idea. Evil people use perfectly good tools and ideas for evil purposes.
I said there is more to it than those who have "done the research" as you say have seen, because well, in the search for the Truth, the research never stops.
Dig deeper. It goes back further than you think.
In the Matrix, not everything is as it seems. I have no idea if its origins are "evil." A thing being used by evil people doesn't make a thing evil. A tool or an idea are just a tool or idea. Evil people use tools and ideas for evil purposes.
I said there is more to it than those who have "done the research" as you say have seen, because well, in the search for the Truth, the research never stops.
Dig deeper. It goes back further than you think.
In the Matrix, not everything is as it seems. I have no idea if its origins are "evil." A thing being used by evil people doesn't make a thing evil.
I said there is more to it than those who have "done the research" as you say have seen, because well, in the search for the Truth, the research never stops.
Dig deeper. It goes back further than you think.
In the Matrix, not everything is as it seems. I don't know if it is evil. I said there is more to it than those who have "done the research" as you say have seen, because well, in the search for the Truth, the research never stops.