I managed to read your post before it was deleted by moderators. It looks like you hit on the n-word a little hard. So what you're saying is that VOAT was a great place to share profanity and racism in the name of free speech. I'll take a pass on that.
One of the biggest ways our overlords have tricked us was to make some of us believe that free speech is for the purpose of profanity. No -- our forefathers were willing to Die For Your Right to criticize government and not be executed for doing it. Speaking solely for the purpose of being offensive is not worth dying for.
I managed to read your post before it was deleted by moderators. It looks like you hit on the n-word a little hard. So what you're saying is that VOAT was a great place to share profanity and racism in the name of free speech. I'll take a pass on that.
One of the biggest ways our overlords have tricked us was to make some of us believe that free speech is for the purpose of profanity. No, our forefathers were willing to Die For Your Right to criticize government and not be executed for doing it. Speaking solely for the purpose of being offensive is not worth dying for.
I managed to read your post before it was deleted by moderators. It looks like you hit on the n-word a little hard. So what you're saying is that VOAT was a great place to share profanity and racism in the name of free speech. I'll take a pass on that.
One of the biggest ways they've tricked us was to make some of us believe that free speech is for the purpose of profanity. No, our forefathers were willing to Die For Your Right to criticize government and not be executed for doing it. Speaking solely for the purpose of being offensive is not worth dying for.
I managed to read your post before it was deleted by moderators. It looks like you hit on the n-word a little hard. So what you're saying is that VOAT was a great place to share profanity and racism in the name of free speech. I'll take a pass on that.
One of the biggest ways they've tricked us was to make some of us believe that free speech is for the purpose of profanity. No, our forefathers were willing to Die For Your Right to criticize government and not be executed for doing it. Speaking solely for the purpose of being offensive is not worth dying for.
I managed to read your post before it was deleted by moderators. It looks like you hit on the n-word a little hard. So what you're saying is that VOAT was a great place to share profanity and racism in the name of free speech. I'll take a pass on that.
One of the biggest ways they've tricked us was to make some of us believe that free speech is for the purpose of profanity. No, our forefathers were willing to Die For Your Right to criticize government and not be executed. Speaking solely for the purpose of being offensive is not worth dying for.
I managed to read your post before it was deleted by moderators. It looks like you hit on the n-word a little hard. So what you're saying is that VOAT was a great place to share profanity and racism in the name of free speech. I'll take a pass on that.