If your a levayist then you belive in Satan. You have a deity in the core root of your belief system don't buy the modern day bullshit that is all retrospective about mankind -- that horse shit, both lavey and Crowley pulled their shit from lam (grey alien) and the Egyptian deities.
Do what thou wilt is the "law of man", and a flawed philosophy that only leads to self annilhation.
The true nature of evil is self destruction, when a fire has nothing left to burn it extinguishes, I suggest you find another path to spiritual enlightenment.
The golden rule is called that for a reason, service to others as opposed to self promotes unity and cooperation and its what western civilization is founded on (and a large part of eastern civilization).
Everything you have is owed to the golden rule, I suggest you look at yourself perspectively and ask yourself if your being hypocritical.
If your a levayist then you belive in Satan.
Do what thou wilt is the "law of man", and a flawed philosophy that only leads to self annilhation.
The true nature of evil is self destruction, when a fire has nothing left to burn it extinguishes, I suggest you find another path to spiritual enlightenment.
The golden rule is called that for a reason, service to others as opposed to self promotes unity and cooperation and its what western civilization is founded on (and a large part of eastern civilization).
Everything you have is owed to the golden rule, I suggest you look at yourself perspectively and ask yourself if your being hypocritical.