This is actually the same info that came out what, a decade or two ago? Yes it is real.
It is similar to the personal sovereignty concept that was making the rounds. The way it worked for that was they were using maritime law language which still retained the concept of the individual, not the corporate person.
The short of it is, how do you enable people with inalienable right to be beholden to businesses through agreements and contracts? Answer: You must make them the same as each other so contractual agreements stick.
You cannot make a business alive, it isnt a living thing, but a corporation needs to be able to enter into binding agreements. Legal structures needed to be in place to allow people and businesses to enter into contract with eachother.
Corp cant be a person, so make all people like a corporation. This is true and is what has been done to everyone in the US and the world. Essentially you are not an individual, you are a "person" as defind by contract, the same as a business entity is a person, even though it is a business and not an individual (flesh and blood).
By this definition alone, as we are all the same, everyone is dead, as you cannot make a business entity a live, breathing thing.
We went through this in Contract Law in college, although it was not to this great depth, but our proff led us right to the path and we were able to take the last few steps to complete the thought. He did confirm it to us when we finished it
This is actually the same info that came out what, a decade or two ago? Yes it is real.
It is similar to the personal sovereignty concept that was making the rounds. The way it worked for that was they were using maritime law language which still retained the concept of the individual, not the corporate person.
The short of it is, how do you enable people with inalienable right to be beholden to businesses through agreements and contracts? Answer: You must make them the same as each other so contractual agreements stick.
You cannot make a business alive, it isnt a living thing, but a corporation needs to be able to enter into binding agreements. Legal structures needed to be in place to allow people and businesses to enter into contract with eachother.
Corp cant be a person, so make all people like a corporation. This is true and is what has been done to everyone in the US and the world. Essentially you are not an individual, you are a "person" as defind by contract, the same as a business entity is a person, even though it is a business and not an individual person.
By this definition alone, as we are all the same, everyone is dead, as you cannot make a business entity a live, breathing thing.
We went through this in Contract Law in college, although it was not to this great depth, but our proff led us right to the path and we were able to take the last few steps to complete the thought. He did confirm it to us when we finished it